Strange Paradise:  Episode 26
 Episode 26:  Slideshow
Jean Paul is in the crypt talking to Erica. "Fresh flowers my darling, I brought them from the Main Island just for you because I remember how much you loved them. Their sweet smell reminds me of you my sweet. There will even be more sweet things to remember when we are back together again. As sure as I stand here talking to you it will happen."  Dan walks down the stairs into the crypt. He stands listening to Jean Paul He shakes his head. "Jean Paul!" he says walking up to him.  "Dan are you spying on me again?"  "No, just observing a man with an obsession that's going to kill."  "Your powers of perception are your weak points Dan. I am not going to die, Erica is going to live." Jean Paul says then turns away to check the gauges for the cryonic chamber. "You may not have any faith on the future of cryonics. I do."  "Someday perhaps. Freezing a body and eventually returning it from the dead may work, but I'm an attorney and not a scientist. I can't say and since you're not either, surely you can't predict it."  "I can predict that Erica will have every chance that science and money can offer."   "I know your great devotion to your wife. But she was equally devoted to you and the last thing she would want is to have you drive yourself to death trying to prolong a life God has already claimed." Dan tells Jean Paul.  Jean Paul walks back to where Dan is standing. "On this Island I am God."  "You're a fool." Dan says looking away.  "Dan, any husband would be an imperfection of a man if he did not lay his life on the line to save that of the woman he married." Jean Paul walks back to the gauges. "Boil it down, if your right and I'm not admitting you are, all I'm saying is I am fighting for the woman that I love. Now I'd like to continue this conversation elsewhere so Erica will remain undisturbed." Jean Paul walks to Erica's capsule. "I love you my sweet." Then he leads Dan to the staircase.  "Jean Paul? You've always had a knack for rationalizing but bending facts and fantasy won't work." Dan tells Jean Paul.  Jean Paul stops on the stairs turns and looks at Dan. Angrily he turns around and walks out of the crypt.  Raxl is carrying the coffee tray when Jean Paul walks into the room. "Your coffee Msieu, the breakfast buffet is all set. If I'm no longer needed may be excused?"  "Naturally Raxl." Jean Paul tells her.  Dan follows Jean Paul into the room. "And I too Jean Paul. There are some papers I must look to."  "Look to, or look for?" says Jean Paul.  With a smile Dan says. "And you say I'm building intrigues. See you later." Dan walks away.  Jean Paul pours himself a cup of coffee, then walks around the Great Hall.  "With friends like Dan Forrest, I hesitate to face the enemy." Jacques says.  "You serve very well in that capacity." Jean Paul says looking at Jacques portrait.  "Except you are your own worst enemy, which makes you mine. Because you and I are like one."  "Oh no, you are the demon that spreads evil before you!"  "And after. You never know who may be sneaking up with a doll and pin to curse me."  Jean Paul turns around.  "Not now. It was purely an _expression, voodoo got you to. But your optimism about it concerns me. Lightening never strikes twice in the same place." Thunder and lightening crash outside. "I hope." says Jacques.  "Why don't you leave me alone? Why must you continuously harass me? Why must I be harassed by one who doesn't even seem to be there?"  "Say, are you only talking to yourself? Careful, they put people away for things like that."  "You're enough to drive any man out of his senses!" Jean Paul tells Jacques.  "Msieu Desmond?" Raxl walks in with flowers for the table.  "What is it Raxl." Jean Paul asks looking at the portrait then at Raxl.  "To whom were you talking?"  "See now she thinks the bats are flapping in your noggin." says Jacques.  "Shut up."  "Msieu all I said was..."Raxl says to Jean Paul.  "I wasn't talking to you Raxl."  "Now you did it." Jacques says.  Jean Paul glances nervously over at Jacques’ portrait.  "Not to me?" Raxl looks around then back at Jean Paul.  "See the little man who isn't there, is." Jacques tells Jean Paul.  Raxl is staring at Jean Paul.  "Hold still, I'll get us out of this." Jacques portrait goes blank.  Jean Paul is now grinning. Jacques has taken over Jean Paul.  "Perhaps I should call Doctor Carr for something to ease your nerves." Raxl says to Jacques.  "Perhaps you should call Doctor Carr down to breakfast Raxl. She must be famished." He says then turns toward Raxl. "As I am, are things set?"  "But Msieu, not half an hour ago I told you about the buffet."  "Of course, oh yes kippers and porridge and bacon." says Jacques.  "Kippers? You haven't touched them in years."  "It's about time that I did. Go fetch them, fix them up. I'll force them down."  "Yes Master." Raxl bows then leaves the room as Dan walks down the staircase.  "Well Dan, are you going to join me in some kippers this morning or haven't you finished fishing for the day?" Jacques asks crossing his arms and looking up at Dan.  "Just lowering the line and I'm afraid you're going to get hooked."  Jacques laughs, then turns and picks up his coffee cup. "Never. It would be a nasty experience being hooked."  Dan walks up to him. "So is compounding a felony."  "Did you break the law Dan? Or am I on the hot seat?" Jacques turns and looks at Dan.  "It's beyond me how you can change like day and night and disregard the welfare of others." Dan says.  Raxl walks in.  "Let's keep it to ourselves shall we." Jacques lightly punches Dan in the shoulder. "Doctor Carr asked to be excused, she's busy but she said your tranquilizers are..." Raxl says.  "Busy? Doing what? Jacques asks.  "I don't know Msieu. She's in the laboratory if that will help."  "Ah, maybe she's concocting some witches brew. Perhaps we should look in on her Dan."  "Interrupt Alison and her work and there will be the devil to pay." Dan says.  "He'll get his due either way." Jacques says smiling.  "You'll get yours."  "Same thing. Oh I mean, well what did you mean?"  "Detaining people on this Island against their will. The penalty will be the same. But that's not all I want to talk to you about." Dan says.  Jacques looks at him and nods his head, then walks to the table to pick up his coffee cup. "There's more? Oh come, come Raxl the kippers." Jacques looks at Raxl.  Raxl leaves the room.  "Sorry go on." he says before drinking his coffee.  "Your wife has been dead approximately ten days now. Who signed the death certificate?"  "Oh my dear Dan, here we go again on the merry-go-round. Doctor Menkin did."   "You say. But now I'm reaching for the brass ring. It's time for everybody to get off." Dan tells him.  "The Island? Asks Jacques.  "Exactly."  "I just can't let them do it." Jacques walks by the staircase and turns facing Dan who was following him. Jacques leans against a table. "Now the whole situation completely explained to me by you and Alison that if word of Erica's death became public knowledge. Which has yet has not; there would undoubtedly be an autopsy. And you know I can't have that because then it would lead to Erica being taken from cryonic suspension. And that would be tantamount to murder. Now that would really be compounding a felony."  Dan shakes his head. "I can't figure you out, not when you're like this. You make me want to..." Dan paces in front of Jacques. Stopping he folds his arms and shakes his head. "Most of the time I can't read you or believe a word you're saying, but it's so frustrating I could..."  "Murder me?" asks Jacques.  Dan turns, "Yes, I do have murder on my mind but not yours."  "Oh whose?"  "Apart from your professed love, did you have any other reason for freezing Erica?" Dan asks.  "How can you dare to imply that of me!"  "Because most of the time you don't act like a man who has just suffered an agonizing loss", Jacques strolls away from Dan. "Not everyone should wear his heart on his sleeve. Dan, if the death certificate should have gone astray couldn’t we simply ask Alison to sign another one." He says turning to Dan. "She's a doctor."  "Msieu, be careful the dish is very hot" Raxl says as she carries in a plate.  "Hopefully so are the kippers. We will discuss this after breakfast." Jacques says lifting the lid with his bare hand. "Mmm they smell vile, like all good kippers should." He puts the lid back on then walks to the dining room.  Looking at the dish. "My poor Master." Raxl says.  "I can't waste any sympathy on him today." Dan says.  "I'm waiting to be served Raxl." Jacques calls her from the dining room.  "I too am confused with his changes of late." Raxl tells Dan.  Dan stands with his arms crossed. He then walks into the dining room.  "Mmm these are good, they are devilishly delicious Dan." Jacques says.  "You get marks for these Jean Paul, they are good." Dan tells him after trying the kippers.  "Mmm, I haven't tasted anything so enjoyable for ages. But for my taste things around here should be much hotter." Jacques says taking a bite.
Alison is working in the lab when Jacques playfully sneaks in and scares her. "So this is where you're hiding. You missed breakfast,” says Jacques.  "I've been so engrossed with Doctor Menkin’s medical library that I don't think I have any room, but food for thought." Alison smiles at him.  "It seems Dan has been doing a lot of thinking to. At least he manages to eat."  "Well perhaps I'll have something later. I'm so fascinated with this." Alison tells him.  "And you're fascinating yourself." Jacques tells her. Alison looks away from him. "And all this. Let's see, the affects of hypothermia of cerebral damage resulting from cardiac arrest." Jacques reads the title from a book.  "Yes." Alison smiles and shows him another book. Coming to her feet she walks to the filing cabinet. "What does all of this suggest to you?" Alison asks.  "That you're even more attractive when you're flushed with excitement." Jacques says walking over to her with his arms crossed.  "Jean Paul stop it."
Jacques walks back to the center counter and leans on it. "Go ahead, tell me what do you find fascinating."  "Well, all of these books belong to you." she says walking over to him.  "My literary taste usually runs to something hotter, not necessarily heavier. No the money that I provide bought the books, but the books are not mine. Why do you ask?"  "Well anyone interested in cryonics would be interested in these. Or was it Doctor Menkin’s idea to put Erica in a cryonics capsule?" Alison asks.  "Well it certainly wasn't mine. I'm glad someone thought of it."  "Did it come out of something that happened with her condition? Alison asks.  Jacques shrugs. "I haven't the faintest idea. I'm not a doctor, just a man in love."  "And about what you told me about he death being so sudden and unexpected."  "To me it was." says Jacques.  "If Erica’s death was brought on by ecliptic convulsions, why Doctor Menkin’s sudden preoccupation with all this?" Alison asks touching Doctor Menkin’s notes "Genetics, cellular reconstitution and geriatrics." Alison asks.  "Well if he were here we could ask him." Jacques says with a smile.  "You shouldn't make a joke about a man who's dead."  "Sorry." Jacques says.  "I even found some notes he made in my field on organ culture and regeneration."  "You mean the replacement of the human body?" Jacques asks.  "In a very general sense. Doctor Menkin?"   "Yes." Jacques asks.  "Well I've searched this entire place. I found a lot of projections of experiments but no details about them. Lots of notes on failures though, but where are the experiments and the results? I've looked everywhere but what's more important where's the file on Erica? I know there must be one."   "Why?" Jacques asks.  "Because I'm not sure Erica’s death was sudden. Think back."  Jacques walks around the counter.  "Are you sure there was no forewarning?" Alison asks.  "Not to me. Would I lie to you?"  "Well you have in the past, when you concealed my sisters death."  "Some days I'm just not myself,” says Jacques.  "Will you answer one thing truthfully?"  "If I can be truthful, of course." Jacques says.  "You took a bottle of cyanide from this lab."  "I did?"  "There is a bottle missing." Alison tells him.  "Well if you saw me take it then there must be a double of me roaming around here."  "I didn't say I saw you, I just said there was a bottle missing. Just that it would put my mind at ease. I was afraid."  "Afraid? Of what?" Jacques leans forward on the counter. "That I'd take my own life? No Alison, don't be afraid. That's one thing that didn't come that easily."   "Well I'm relived. Erica’s death is more than I can bear."  "It hasn't been that easy for either of us I may say that..." Jacques says.  Dan walks into the lab.  "I have nothing to say at the moment." Jacques stands and walks towards the door.  "Well, have you managed to talk her into that idea of signing the death certificate?" Dan asks.  He says with a smile. "I haven't managed to talk her into anything. Although an idea did pass my mind." Jacques says then leaves the room.  "How do you figure him?" Dan asks.  "I think he is either a very good actor or he's another man." says Alison.  Dan crosses his arms. "Well they say each of us has a double. Jean Paul’s goes back three hundred years. According to the legend, voodoo jinxed him."  "Legends are not facts, Dan."  "Neither are ghosts that are three hundred years old."  Says Dan. 
Jacques smiles and walks into the Great Hall. He stops at a table and picks up a piece of fruit. "Well Dan is not one of the believers. Alison is a charmer, the plot thickens. Keep the home fires burning, I'll be there later." Jacques says.  "You know you're the best wheeler and dealer this side of the Great Channel." Dan smiles.  "Ordinarily I'd chuckle over that Dan, but right now I'm to shook. Oh well, when you think of it, it's the only answer. The only way out." Alison says.  "For Jean Paul?"  "Yes, and for the rest of us. And for Erica." Alison tells Dan.  "Erica?"  "Well any other way she would need a postmortem. And that would ruin all her chances."  "Oh come on now, don't tell me you're falling for that cryonic fable? Or is it Jean Paul who has you under his spell?" he touches her shoulder.  "Oh Dan please. That's enough of that."   Dan drops his hand. "All right. When it comes to that death certificate I..." Dan says as he crosses his arms.  "Doctor Menkin did sign the death certificate, Jean Paul told me. He only asked me to sign it to alleviate your concern about it." Alison says.  "All right then, as a lawyer I am going to call for an adjournment." Dan says smiling.  "Ask for the same privilege." Alison says to him as she walks to the center counter.  "And still the mystery prevails."  "I can't deny that. Even in this simple lab there is more than one mystery and I intend to find out about them." Alison says.  "In this lab?" Dan asks.  "In this lab, in this house and on Maljardin."  "Well if you stay, I stay." says Dan.  "You know suddenly I feel hungry, come on." Alison tells Dan.  "For another breakfast? No thank you, one's my capacity. I think if you don't mind I'll stay here and poke around a bit."  "There's nothing around here that will interest you,” says Alison.  "There's a lot that interests me. Some may confuse me but what's one more confusion?"  Jacques is sitting on the top of the back of a chair with his feet resting on the arms of the chair. "To many cultured toils." He jumps off the chair and walks to the table to pour a cup of coffee. "To many questions." Walking up the staircase carrying his cup of coffee he stops and turns. "The time has come to make a definite move." Turning he continues to Jean Paul's bedroom.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 27