Strange Paradise:  Episode 19
Episode 19:  Slideshow
 Back on Maljardin Raxl lays flowers on Erica's capsule. "Little bird, I hope the flowers are the last thing you look upon before your soul departs to the Great Serpent."  Quito comes in carrying a flower also. "I remember that flower. I watched it grow. You cut it for her?" Raxl asks.  Quito nods.  "Let's hope the little bird sees it, if her soul is to be freed this morning."  "You don't seem to have faith in the last rites of Christianity, Raxl." Jean Paul says from the steps. Alison is with him. They are both carrying flowers.  "Good morning Msieu, Doctor. Since the little Mistress believed in the new religion, let their language be used." Raxl says.  "New religion?" Alison asks Jean Paul.  "The worship of the Serpent goes back to before the recorded history of the bible. To Raxl and Quito ours is the new religion."  "Ours? Didn't you deny God?"  Jean Paul lays the flowers over the capsule. "I'm not denying Erica a Christian service, which you wanted!" Jean Paul says angrily.  Alison also lays her flowers on the capsule. "I would prefer a complete service and burial. I'm sure Erica would be more at peace, beneath the ground."  Jean Paul turns to Alison. "She will be beneath the ground. This crypt is. But as long as I draw breath she will never be put in the ground. She will be brought back to life. To me!" Jean Paul walks to Raxl. "Raxl, Quito the service will begin. Alison, may I have a few moments alone with Erica?"  "Of course." Alison says then walks away.  Raxl walk up to Jean Paul. "We will be at your service if we are needed." Raxl and Quito also leave.  Jean Paul stands next to Erica's capsule.
Alison walks into the Great Hall. "Reverend Dawson, I think everything is in order."  "We will begin when ever Mr. Desmond likes."  "Mr. Desmond would like a few moments alone. He seems so close to breaking. She tells the Reverend sitting against the back of the couch.  "He'll pick himself up, in all the time I have worked for him I never saw a problem that was to tough for him." Dan says walking over to Alison.  "A loss of a loved one is harder to bear than a loss of a corporation Dan." Alison tells him.  "I didn't mean it the way it sounded Alison. You know that."  "Of course, it's going to be a very difficult day for all of us."  "Especially you." Dan tells her.  Alison stands. "Reverend Dawson, answer a question will you."  "If I can."  "It's about the religion practiced by Quito and Raxl."  "It's quite not in my books so to speak." Matt tells her.  "Well perhaps I can shed some light on it. I've been told by Vangie that the worshipers of the Great Serpent regard Christians as heretics. Harsh words but maybe they consider our beliefs as an infringement on theirs. Quito and Raxl loved Erica, I know that. But if we are heretics they can't and won't take part in the service for her." Dan says.  "But they will be there?" Alison asks.  "Out of respect I guess,” says Dan.  "In silence of course. Raxl too, she'll be there with her jaws clamped all through the service." Alison says with a smile.  "It will be a very short service Doctor Carr." Matt says then walks away.  "The length isn't important Reverend. It's the fact that matters I can't say how grateful I am." Alison says walking up to Matt.  "No please don't...”, the Reverend says.  "Please let me say it. There's not many men in your church who would do what your doing this morning."  "I'm simply following the dictates of my conscience, although I do admit I did consider exactly what I should do." Matt says.  "If I followed the dictate of my conscience I'd have prevented this madness of Jean Paul’s in the first place." says Dan.  Jean Paul comes up from the crypt. He sees Holly walking down the staircase from her room. She passes Tim and her mother.  "Morning dear, did you sleep well?" Elizabeth asks.  "Mother could you please try to be yourself today of all days." Holly looks at Tim. " How are you feeling today?"  "Like an uninvited guests."  "At least you knew Mrs. Desmond." Holly says.  "Just long enough to do one sketch. She was a beautiful woman."  "She probably still is. How comforting it must be to know your body will never change. Even after death." Elizabeth says.  "You would like that, wouldn't you? Good for your complexion." Holly says then walks over to the Reverend.  "Got a minute Matt?"  "If it's Matt again, certainly. What is it?"  "Look just because I need some advice doesn't mean I believe why you followed me down here."  "All right, what can I do for you?" Matt asks.  "What do you think Mr. Desmond would do if I didn't go to the service?"  "I think he would be hurt."  "I didn't even know his wife." Holly says.  "Come on Holly what's the real reason?"  "After the horror of my father's funeral I told myself the next one I go to would be my own."  "You're not to be frightened of the Lords will Holly."  "Look Reverend, you are going to think this is way off but last night I had a very strange nightmare."  "What about?" Matt asks.  "About me. Like some kind of warning." they sit down on the couch. 
Raxl is standing in the crypt with her arms folded, she nods at Quito.  He draws a pattern in a small sand box.  "It appears she is one of us Quito. Poor child."  After Quito draws, Raxl smoothes it with her hand. Quito hands her a match. Raxl set a dish of powder on fire, it smokes. In the small box of sand a picture forms.  "I will tell the Master that all is ready for the ceremony."
Holly is telling the Reverend about her dream. "Suddenly there was this woman like a Priestess. She seemed to be in a temple, she was standing over me with a strange kind of headdress and she looked like my mother."  "Your dreams are beginning to sound like a B movie. Go on."  "Then she said 'Those who are part of this evil must pay the price'. What do you think it means?"  "I interpret the bible, not dreams Holly. I don't know, but you're a little over emotional. We are all under a great strain. Dreams can have many meanings. What may seem valuable to a psychiatrist may seem useless to us and visa versa."  "What you're saying is I should go isn't it?"  "Out of respect to Mrs. Desmond, yes, and with regard to yourself, you cannot continue to run from things Holly."  "Why is it every time I talk to you I end up doing something I don't want to do?" Holly says as she stands and walks away.  Jean Paul is standing next to the staircase when Raxl walks up to him.  "If you're ready Reverend." Jean Paul says.  The Reverend walks over to Jean Paul. Jean Paul leads the way. The Reverend, Elizabeth, Tim then Holly follow. Dan and Alison stop.  "Strange procession." Alison says.  "Strange proceedings. The reformer and the reformed. The temptress and the tempter, the mysterious and the mute, the artist and death, and you and I. Are you ready?" Dan asks.  "As ready as I'll ever be for my sister's service."  Dan takes Alison's arm and they follow the others in. They form a half circle around the capsule. Raxl and Quito stand in the background."
The Reverend begins the funeral service. After the service Jean Paul leads the group away. Reverend Dawson is the last to leave except Raxl and Quito. Quito starts to move away, but Raxl stops him.   "It's not over. Not by just saying a few words. It's just the beginning."
Coming up from the crypt Jean Paul leads Alison out first, the others follow.  "Thank you, Jean Paul, at least now Erica has had a Christian service." Alison says.  "I prefer to remember the marriage ceremony and the vows we took."  "Of course, but you can't deprive her of a decent finality. So again thank you." Alison says.  Reverend Dawson comes up from the crypt.   "And thank you Reverend." Alison tells him.  "For answering my calling? In my point of view the soul is far more important than the body. If it isn't I'm in the wrong business."  "If yours is the right business, I wonder if I'm in the wrong business? I try to save lives not souls." Alison says with a smile.  "I don't think were in enemy camps. In fact I think we're aligned in the same defense. Care to toast that with a cup of coffee?" Matt asks then walks away.  Elizabeth and Tim are standing together. Holly is sitting by herself on the couch. Quito passes out coffee.  "Poor Holly there, she looks like she needs some bolstering up." Alison says aloud."  "I'll see what I can do." the Reverend tells Alison and Jean Paul.  The Reverend sits next to Holly. "Was it that bad?"  "No, not really but that's because I believe the worst is yet to come."  "You're a free agent, why don't you leave here?" Matt asks her.  "Sure with my mother hot on my trail. No, I'll stay here as long as Mr. Desmond wants me to model for the portrait. Even longer than that if he will let me. But he probably won't."  "Why do you say that?"   Holly looks back at her mother and Jean Paul. Jean Paul is sitting at the table.  "Look how she is cozying up to him. Whose future do you think they are discussing? Not mine, that's for sure."  Matt glances at Elizabeth and Jean Paul.  Elizabeth is standing next to Jean Paul's chair. "I was very moved by the service Jean Paul. I almost felt like I knew your wife."  "Only I knew her." Jean Paul replies.  Raxl is standing behind Jean Paul with the coffee tray.  "I just meant that Reverend Dawson drew such a vivid picture of her."  "Reverend Dawson has never met her. He merely went ahead with the information I supplied for him. Something Tim Stanton cannot do. Paint a picture from words."  "I'm sure the boy is trying."  "Ah yes, as we all seem to be trying." Jean Paul says as he stands. "Mrs. Marshal, excuse me please." He walks over to Raxl.  "Thank you Raxl. Why no cream or sugar?"  "Sweets on this day?" Raxl says.  "Perhaps you're right, only for me today was bitter sweet." Jean Paul walks away.  Dan walks up to him. "It was a nice service Jean Paul. And now that it is over I was wondering."  "Wondering what Dan?"  "Now that Erica has been laid to the only kind of rest you will permit her. What happens to the living?" Dan gestures with his arm.  "And what about the dead trying to control the living?" Raxl asks Quito.  "Well the living go on living of course." Jean Paul says.  "What I mean is where?" Dan asks.  "Why where they choose I suppose." Jean Paul says walking away from Dan.  "In that case if you don't mind I will take the evening flight back to New York. I'm job hunting remember."  Jean Paul turns and stares at Jacques portrait. It goes blank.  "Did you hear me Jean Paul and I'm taking Alison with me."  "Raxl." Jacques calls. She walks up and takes his coffee cup.  "Tell Quito to open the bar. Now that the service is out of the way I feel like a new man. Let my guests have anything they please." Jacques says happily.  "Does that apply to me to?" Dan asks.  "Of course. After the Borgias, name your poison."  "Don't evade the question. Are we all free to leave?"  Jacques laughs. "I can't understand why you would want to go." He walks toward Elizabeth. "Mrs. Marshal."  "Have you forgotten my name already?" she says.  "Of course Elizabeth, how stupid of me. Mr. Forrest and I were just discussing my guests. I trust your room is adequate?"  "Oh far more than that. It's quite comfortable." Elizabeth says.  "I hope you wont consider leaving so soon?"  "Not at all. I wouldn't dream of going back to New York without Holly."  "She seems happy here." Jacques says.  "With your permission sir, I would like to propose a toast. To the departed. To Mrs. Desmond." Tim says.  "Cheers, I mean thank you. Enjoy your stay as long as I like." Jacques says.  "You mean as long as I like." Tim says.  "Isn't that what I said?" Jacques looks at Dan. "Well so far the consensus seems to be that Maljardin seems to be the vacation spot of them Caribbean. I’ll see what my sister in-law has to say about her plans."  Alison is sitting in a chair. Jacques sits on the arm of it. "I trust the sherry is satisfactory, Alison?"  "Soothing anyway." she tells him.  "I hate to broach the subject at this particular time but I was wondering about your plans."  "Well, I haven't made any." Alison says.  "On the contrary I think you have."  "Oh." She looks up at him.  "Well didn't you give me your word that you would stay on if I arranged a Christian service for Erica? Now I kept my part of the bargain."   "I can't stay here forever." Alison says.  "Well I think your exact words were I believe 'for a time'." Jacques says.  "Well let's let it go at that." Alison says. Jacques stares at her. "Why do I feel the need to stay here?"  "Thank you Alison, if you need anything for your work you will get it. The laboratory I equipped for Doctor Menkin is at your disposal. If you suddenly have an irresistible urge for research."  "Well I have a surprising coincidence to report Dan. Not one of my guests have the slightest desire to leave." Jacques tells him.  "Well this one has." Dan says.  "Would you have Quito run that dangerous passage to the Mainland and back just for you and without the proper light?"  "Yes I would."  "We shall see." Jacques says.  "I want to know now, I don't like the feeling of being trapped. Look Jean Paul, are we free to leave or not?"  "I already told you no one wants to leave." Jacques tells him grinning.  "That's not an answer."  "I'm sorry, that's all the answer you'll get."  Raxl walks up as Dan says. "Then we are prisoners."  "Well not exactly, you can always try to get out on your own. But it's a tough swim. Now if you don't mind I'll look in on Erica." He turns and heads for the crypt. Everyone in the Great Hall look at each other.
Jacques reaches Erica's capsule. "You know I sensed your husband was about to make a grave mistake, now no pun intended. I think Dan Forrest’s speculation is correct don't you? Every person on this Island is a prisoner,” he says with a smile. "As are you Erica and your beloved Jean Paul. Why is it he always brings out the devil in me?"
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 20