Strange Paradise:  Episode 15
Episode 15:  Slideshow
 Vangie's father The Conjure Man holds his hands above candle flames that are sitting on an altar. Then walks across the room waving his arm in some type of ritual. He comes to a cot and tiredly falls upon it. Vangie comes through the doorway.  "Daughter, you're just in time."  Vangie reaches out for his hand, sitting near him."  "No daughter it is to late."  "No!"  "A little water perhaps." he asks her.  Vangie gets up, pour water in a glass and places it in his hand. After he drinks it she tells him he must rest.  "No rest yet. The Great Serpent has sent for me."  "No, please." Vangie is starting to get upset.  "All these years waiting for someone to take my place. There's no one left but you."  "I don't believe." Vangie says.  Vangie's father grabs her by the shoulder. "You of this modern world train for the future, when you'll wake up to the network of your own mysticism. You believe that?"  "I believe in extra sensory perception and telepathy, all extensions of the mind."  "Do you believe in witchcraft?" he asks her.  "It's roots are in the past." Vangie says.  "Where can you find roots but in the past? How can a tree grow without roots? How can you deny your own destiny? Yours is a gift of giving Vangie.  "I don't want it!" Vangie cries.  "You cannot escape it,” he gasps.  "I'll get your pills." Vangie says.  "I'm beyond the wall of mortal men. They can no longer help me. Let me speak these truths before I have to leave. On Maljardin the devil is loose again."  "Yes." Vangie nods her head.  "Your minister will be sent for. The forces of evil have drawn the battle line between God and the devil." 
Back on Maljardin Jean Paul talks to Quito. "Don't forget the dry ice. We must take every precaution."  Quito makes the sign of the cryonics capsule.  "Yes I know we can take no chances. If the capsule should spring a leak or the helium tank, Erica must be protected."  Alison is coming down the staircase; she sees Jean Paul and Quito.  "Now you can turn over the boat engines, I'll be with you in a few minutes." Jean Paul tells Quito.  "Good morning." Alison says with a smile.  "Good morning Alison. Did you sleep well?"  "First restful sleep I've had since I've been here." she says with a nod.  "Likewise." Jean Paul smiles. "The first sound sleep I've had since Erica's death. Dreamless and soundless."  "No dreams for me either. It's a good feeling, if that’s possible in this house." Alison leaves the stairs and walks through the Great Hall.  Jean Paul walks over to Alison. She is pouring a cup of coffee. "I know what's eased my mind. Knowing that for a while you'll be staying here."  "I don't know if my decision has been a sensible one." she tells Jean Paul lifting her coffee cup.  "Alison you have no idea what it means to me."  "Well I'm a doctor, I have a much better idea than you think. If I am to stay you must make me some promises."  "Promises?" Jean Paul asks.  "Quite a few." Alison tells him.  "Don't be a fool Jean Paul." Jacques voice tells him.  Jean Paul glances up. "Leave me alone,” he whispers.  "Oh no, not now." Jacques portrait goes blank.  Jean Paul clutches his temple. " Oh!" he cries out.  "What's wrong, are you ill?" Alison asks.  "No nothing just a twinge." Jacques says smiling. Twisting his ring he asks. "Now what promises?"  "Well first my father must be notified of Erica's death."  "Very well, I'm sure when he learns the circumstances he will agree it is only a technicality. Perhaps we can coax him into helping with her resurrection." Jacques says sitting on the back of the couch. Alison is seated in front of him.  "I think you'll find out my father knows cryonics is a far out dream."  "There's always a beginning." he says kneeling in back of the couch. "Aren't you proud, your sister is one of its pioneers." he smiles at her.  "Don't talk like that!" Alison says angrily.  "Are you afraid of the facts Alison? Or don't you understand them?"  "I don't understand you. I'm a fool to stay here."  "Oh come now Alison, I think the unusual circumstances have us both a little upset,” he says taking her coffee cup from her. Then he reaches out and holds her hand.   "Death is not an unusual circumstance,” she says as she pulls her hand away.  "But if this death should ever leak to the press, the intended publicity would make me a dead duck." Jacques tells her as he walks around the couch to sit next to her. "And my plan is to defeat death."  "Defeat it?"  "Science has already succeeded. Kidney, heart and teeth transplants, why there has even been a brain transplant."  "I know with embryo chicks, but not with people. Not quite a brave new world yet." Alison tells him.  "How can you a doctor deny the hope that one day it soon will be. After all I have all the resources under my control."  "Perhaps you may have charmed me but what about the others? Mrs. Marshal, Tim and Holly, you can't keep them here forever."  "I don't need forever, Alison." Quito walks in. "Yes Quito?" Jacques asks.  Quito hand signs to him.  "Oh yes I'll be right down." Jacques stands.  "Well again I've lost the argument." Alison says.  "Argument? It's only a discussion. When I argue I fight, but never with you." Jacques tells her standing behind the couch; leaning on it he looks down at Alison.  "Prove it." Alison says standing up. "I heard there is a minister on the Mainland. Perhaps he is available, I'd like for you to arrange for some sort of service for Erica."  "What's the point, it's inconsequential."  "Not to me. Why don't you want a service for Erica? Because you think she'll live again?"  "Because I know she can."  "You must be mad." Alison tells him.  "In less than a decade we took man from the earth to the moon. Nothing's impossible, believe me,” he says sitting on the back of the couch with his back turned towards Alison.  "How can I accept your belief? When you deny a force that's stronger than both of us, God."  Jacques glances up. "Well unfortunately he and I aren't on speaking terms." Suddenly Jacques stands up and walks to his portrait starring at it.
Back on the Mainland The Conjure Man is calling for help from his God. Vangie is in the room with him.  "Stand back Prince of Darkness, bow to the Ambassador of Light. Conqueror of mist, cooling wind draws heat, bright light dispels the Sirocco, blinding fire should burn away the darkness."
Back at Maljardin Jean Paul covers his face with his hands then lowers them. "You will have your minister. Your minister of God, Alison. If I can find Reverend Mathew Dawson I will bring him here back with me."
At the Mainland The Conjure Man tells Vangie the minister will need help to fight the devil. "Align him with a man who stands close to Jean Paul Desmond. He will fight."  "Who?" Vangie asks.  "I see him as the Knight of Pentacles, the cards have many names."  "Oh yes and they all point in the same direction, Dan Forrest. I sent for him already. He will be here today." Vangie tells her father.  "Good go help him find his way to Maljardin."  Vangie tells him it should be he that should help.  "The Great Spirit is always with me. Death is waiting. There is to much to learn before we can drive the devil back from where he came from."
In the French Leaf Caf้, Quito walks in. He signs to the worker he is picking up any packages foe Maljardin. Jean Paul walks in behind him.  "Oh Quito would you stow that aboard and come back for the rest later."  Jean Paul takes a seat at the bar. As he orders his drink he watches Reverend Dawson walk in. The Reverend comes up to the bar.  Jean Paul stands. "You are Reverend Matt Dawson aren't you?"  "Yes and you're Mr. Desmond?" Jean Paul reaches out to shake the ministers hand. The Reverend says. "I was told you wanted to meet me."  "Could we talk over a drink or...?” asks Jean Paul.  The Reverend smiles. "Tea totaling is from the dark ages. And I am thirsty." he says as he climbs on a barstool.  "For this time of the day I'm a gin and tonic man myself,” says Jean Paul.  "Sounds good to me."  Jean Paul orders the drinks. "I suppose your wondering why I asked for you?"  "Yes and also wondering how Holly Marshal is?"  "She's fine, perhaps a little downcast since she arrived."  "You mean since she was joined by her mother,” says the Reverend.  "I'm afraid that's right."  "Communication with understanding would work magic, wouldn't it?"  "I'll drink to that and the fellowship of man,” says Jean Paul.  "And mankind." adds the Reverend.  "You don't seem curious why I asked you to come here at this particular time." Jean Paul says.  "But I am."  "All right I'll come to the point quickly. Perhaps we could retire to a neutral corner." Jean Paul gets up with his drink and heads towards a table.  The Reverend watches him. "In this day and age?" he also stands and follows Jean Paul.  Quito comes into the room. "I'll need you soon Quito." Jean Paul tells him.  Quito looks at the Reverend and the Reverend watches him as he walks away.  "That's my man for all seasons." Jean Paul tells the Reverend as he sits down. "And all reasons, I couldn't operate without him."  The Reverend is still looking at Quito. "He's mighty impressive and a little forbidding." he says as he takes a seat.  "He's as gentle as a lamb. Reverend Dawson can I... Will you keep a secret?"  "I'm a minister, but in my faith there is no confessional."  "You know who I am, don't you?"  "Yes Mr. Desmond, I am totally aware of your power and position in the temporal world."  Jean Paul nods. "Well ever since the moment I was born, every move I have made has been exploited by the news media. From adolescence to adulthood I have been pressured, hounded and publicized with everything I did. Now for the past six months here, I have finally found the first peace of mind I have known in my life. Until..." Jean Paul looks down at his hands.  "Until what?" the Reverend asks.  "Reverend Dawson I want to ask you to come back with me to my Island."  "Is it because of Holly?"  "No and I’m not inviting you as a guest. I'm asking you professionally."  The Reverend looks down clasping his hands then looks back at Jean Paul. "I'm afraid you'll have to explain."  "There's something I want to know first."  "Yes."  "Will you hold what I'm about to tell you in complete confidence?"  "As a minister I have respect for any confidence within the law. What do you want of me?"  "First I want your solemn promise that you will say nothing of what you discover on that Island.”  "I don't make blind promises." the Reverend stands up.  "I must insist on this one!" Jean Paul also stands.  "And I insist I can not until I know!" the Reverend says. "Now what do you really want of me?"  Jean Paul looks away and says quietly. "The funeral rites for my wife. Conducted by you an ordained Minister of God."  "What?" asks the Reverend looking shocked.  "Until the day she rises again and returns to me, her death must be kept a secret."  The Reverend takes a seat.  Jean Paul tells him about Erica.  "You maneuvered me in a corner Mr. Desmond. I’ve heard of cryonics but I take no stand on it yet." He stands to face Jean Paul. "I only know as a minister your wife should have some burial service. I welcome the chance to give her that last service."  "Then you will pack and be ready to leave immediately."  "I'll meet you on the dock." the Reverend told him leaving the table.  "Good, thank you."  The Reverend turns back. "Give me ten minutes."  Jean Paul nods as he sits down.  "Reverend are you leaving us?" Vangie asks as she walks up to the Reverend.  "My host has invited me to the Island." he tells her walking away.  "I'm glad to here it,” says Vangie. She walks over to Jean Paul's table. "He may be the most important member of your house party."  "Perhaps."  "But not the last."  Jean Paul looks up at her. "Who?"  "He's just arrived, your friend and counselor."  Jean Paul looks up. "Dan! What are you doing here?" he stands up.  "I sent for him." Vangie tells him.  "You, why?"  Dan Forrest walks up to them. "Vangie sensed that something strange was going on down here and thought I might be needed."  "Well you thought wrong! Your place is not here." Jean Paul tells him angrily.  "Let's not pull rank, we have been through to much together for me to take that."  "Well I'm sorry if I offended you Dan, you can always walk away." Jean Paul says as he sits down.  Dan also sits. "What is it? What's got into you?"  Jean Paul will not answer him.  "Jean Paul when you're making business deals, holding companies, juggling empires, I sit back and watch you in admiration. But something is out of whack here. Like that crazy signature, Jacques Eloi Des Mondes that you signed on that last set of documents."  "I, I didn't like the deal. I thought it was just as good to get rid of it."  "But why the trickery? Why not just tell me."  "Look do you have to go on and on?" Jean Paul asks.  "Yes, I'm not only concerned about you but Alison and Vangie's warning."  "Vangie?"  "And my fathers." Vangie tells him.  As Jean Paul reaches for his drink Jacques ring appears on his hand. "You overstepped yourself Dan. Go home, you're not needed here." Jacques takes a sip from his drink.  "You can't shut me out that easily. I want to see Alison. I want to know what is going on here."  "That's none of your business."  "I am your business, I thought you were mine." Dan replies.  "You presumed wrong."  "Then let us end this business relationship. What about Alison?"  "Alison is no longer any of your business either." Jacques says.  "What do you mean?"  "Get out of my life! Jacques says standing up. Dan also comes to his feet. "And hers." Jacques says as he walks away.  "Take your job and I'll take Alison!" Dan tells him angrily.  Jacques stops and turns around. "Don't be a fool Dan, you worn out your welcome on Maljardin."  "You won't get rid of me that easily." Dan comes after Jean Paul. " I'm coming to!"  Quito steps in and stops Dan.  "It could be your last try, Dan. Quito." Quito backs away and follows Jacques.  Dan walks up to Vangie. "You sit there turning up your crazy cards reading death and destruction. Who! How! When?"  "I don't know yet. I don't know."  "Well I'm going to the police. Something has happened to Jean Paul."  "They'll be no help, this is beyond them."  "But it's not beyond me. As long as I've been fired I'm going to take that vacation I've been promising myself. Right here! And I'm going to find out what's rotting in this bright tropical sunlight. Even if I have to blow up that Island!" He turns to Vangie. "What do the cards tell you?"  "What your heart does, that a woman is in danger."  "Alison?" Dan asks.  She shakes her head.  "Then who?"  "The King of coins."  "But who is he?"  "That's the whole point. Who is he?" Vangie replies.
On Maljardin Jacques opens the mail, lies on the couch and throws it into the air. 
"Or which is he?" Vangie asks.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 16