Strange Paradise: Episode 146
 Episode 146:  Slideshow
Raxl: “Night continues at Desmond Hall a night that soon will give way to the pale light of morning. On this night an ancient curse may or may not have been broken for Jean Paul Desmond. The Master of Desmond Hall has undergone a strange ritual. A ritual that may save him. In order to do so he has found new alliances and broken old ones. The consequences of this are not yet known. But others will be driven into the web of terror as a result of a decision he has just made.”
The morning sun shines through Jean Paul’s window. He has fallen asleep across his bed. Philip sleeps across from him in a chair. They both begin to stir. Philip stands and looks out the window, then walks to the bed where he turns off the lamp. “Cousin?” Jean Paul opens his eyes. “Philip is it?”  “It’s morning.”
“Morning?”  “You survived the night.” Philip says to him.  Jean Paul gives a sigh of relief and sits up. He stands then walks to the window, looking out he turns to Philip. “That’s not possible. Am I free?”  “Perhaps.”  Jean Paul steps up to him. “Only perhaps?”  “Well the star may appear again and you may feel the compulsion to kill again. But we know now that Orendo can protect you.”  Jean Paul rubs his face as he stretches. “Then I’m not completely free.”  “Well you may be. We just have to wait until the star appears again.”  “And if I’m not?” Jean Paul asks as he walks away from Philip.  “Then we will perform the ritual again.” Philip says with a smile. “Don’t be discouraged. We made progress, be grateful for that.”  Jean Paul nods and rubs the back of his neck from stiffness. “Forgive me cousin, but what if the curse has left me and passed on to someone else?”
Philip walks up t him. “Yes I’ve been thinking of that.” “Listen Philip we’ve got to find Cort, we’ve got to find out how he spent the night.” Jean Paul says.
In the Drawing Room Cort stands is front of Jacques portrait. Raxl stands behind him. “Master?”  Cort turns and stands next to her. “Why did you call me that?”  “You are the next Master of Desmond Hall. I am your servant.” She says with a bow.  “What do you want?” “I looked in your room, you were not there. I was worried about you.”  “I haven’t slept all night. Something happened, something that I don’t understand.” Cort says to her.  “What?”  “Well last night during the storm I was in this room alone and I heard a sound. A sound that came from that portrait.” Cort says as he points at the portrait. “And it sounded like a heart beating.”  “No!”  “I didn’t imagine it, I heard it.” Cort says as he looks at Raxl.
“Yes I know you did.”  “You know? How?”  “It is a Desmond legend.” Raxl says to him. “What legend? What are you talking about?”  Raxl turns away. “Do not ask me to explain.”  “I don’t understand.”  Raxl shakes her head. “No I beg you.”  “I command you to tell me what the heartbeat meant!”  “It means death.”  “What?” Cort asks.  ”Not for you but death for another.”  Cort steps up to her. “Who?”  “Jean Paul.” Raxl says to him.  “I don’t understand.”  Raxl turns towards him. “According to the legend the heartbeat is heard by the new Master of Desmond Hall.” Raxl turns and walks away. “When the old one is going to die.”  “Jean Paul isn’t old. Why would he die?” Cort asks as he steps closer to her.  “I do not know. I only know what the legend says.” Raxl tells him as she walks over to the fireplace.  Cort turns and looks at her. “I don’t believe in your legends.”  Raxl turns towards him. “Jean Paul does. Please do not tell him. Spare him the knowledge that he is going to die.” Raxl says to Cort as she walks towards him.
Cort turns away. “I told you before I do not take orders from servants.”  “It is not an order, please keep silent. Jean Paul knows the legend, he knows what it means.”  Cort turns and looks at her. “Where did you hear about this legend?”
Raxl steps away. “All who serve the Desmonds know about it. It has been passed on from generation to generation.”  Philip walks into the Drawing Room. “Cort?”  “What is it?”  “Jean Paul would like to see you for a moment.”  “Why?” Cort asks.  “I’d rather not say, but it is important.”  Cort nods and walks out of the room.  Raxl looks at Philip. “Is he all right?”  “Yes.”  “I must go to him.”  “No later, he would like to see Cort first.” Philip says then turns and walks out of the Drawing Room.  Raxl glances at Jacques portrait and nods.
Jean Paul picks up the mask and carries across the room. He holds his hand over it as Cort walks into the room. Philip follows him. Jean Paul sets the mask on the dresser and turns towards Cort.  “Why did you want to see me?” Cort asks.  “Ah Cort did anything happen last night?” Jean Paul asks.  Cort glances at him. “Happen?”  “Yes after you saw the star did anything else happen? Anything out of the ordinary?” Jean Paul asks as he walks towards Cort.  “What do you mean? What could have happened?”  “Well did you feel odd in any way?” Philip asks.  “Odd?”  “I mean did you spend an ordinary normal night?”  “Well if you could call the nights around here normal. People talking about stars and warnings of nonexistent dangers. What are you talking about?”  “Well the night is over, that’s all that matters.” Jean Paul says as he walks away from Cort.  “I don’t understand, what was so special about last night?”  “Cort perhaps it’s best that you don’t understand.” Philip says to him.  “Everyone is treating me like a child. Even the servants and I am not!” Cort tells them.  “Oh Cort nobody is treating you like a child. We were just concerned about you.” Jean Paul says as he touches Cort’s arm then walks away from him. “But we aren’t anymore.”  Cort walks up to Jean Paul. “Why were you concerned?”  Jean Paul turns and looks at him. “You seemed frightened after you saw the star.”  “Well because Raxl said...”  “What did Raxl say?” Philip asks.  “Well she was frightened by it and I don’t know why.”
“She didn’t explain?” Jean Paul asks.  “No.” Cort says as he looks at Jean Paul.
“Well what were you and Raxl talking about downstairs just now?” Philip asks as he steps closer to Jean Paul.  Cort looks away. “We were just talking about family legends.”  Jean Paul walks up to Cort. “What are they?”  “They’re just legends. I didn’t pay much attention.” He turns and looks at Jean Paul. “I don’t believe in superstitions of servants.”  “Cort if I were you I’d stay away from Raxl.” Philip says to him.  Jean Paul turns and looks at Philip.  “Why did you say that?” Cort asks.  Jean Paul glances at Cort. “Oh she means well but she’s rather superstitious.” He turns and walks away from Cort. “I wouldn’t let her alarm you with her superstitions.” Jean Paul says as he stands next to Philip.  Cort walks up to Jean Paul. “You were alarming as she was last night.”  Jean Paul smiles. “Well that was last night, today is a new day.”  “So in other words you are not going to tell me what’s going on.”  “No there is nothing to tell. I suggest you take a nice walk in the morning air. We all plan to do the same.” Jean Paul says as he touches Cort’s shoulder.  “Yes I will, excuse me.” he says as he stares at them then walks from the room.  “So the curse didn’t pass on to him.” Jean Paul says to Philip.  “No, if he’s telling the truth.” Philip says as he steps closer to Jean Paul.  “Why would he lie?”  “I don’t know, but he was concealing something.”
Jean Paul looks at him.  “Now don’t ask me what because I don’t know. The other thing I don’t understand is why Susan knows so much about you. No cousin we are a long way from finding the truth.”
Raxl stands at the window in the Drawing Room as Cort enters. “Did you tell him?” Raxl asks. “About the heartbeat? No.”  “You are very wise and very kind.” Raxl tells him as she walks up to him. “He must not know.”  “Jean Paul told me not to talk to you again.” Cort says as he walks away.  “Jean Paul said that? Why?” She asks as she walks up behind him.  “He told me not to listen to your superstitions.” he says as he looks at her.  “They are not superstitions. You will know soon, very soon.”
Susan sits at her dressing table; there is a knock at her door. “Come in.” She calls out as she works on her hair.  Philip enters. “I see you are up.”  “I’m always up early.”  “Can I speak to you for a while?” Philip asks.  “Of course.”
Philip sits on the edge of her bed. “What do you know about Jean Paul?” he asks as he leans forward so she can see his reflection in the mirror.  “Know about him?”  “Like why did you go to his room last night?”  Susan turns towards him. “I did go there didn’t I?”  Philip nods. “Yes, you spoke about a star.”  “I did but I don’t know why. That’s the truth.” Susan says as she stands and walks away from Philip. “I can’t explain it. I woke up this morning and I felt really different.” She glances back at Philip.  “Different in what way?”  “My voices are gone.”  “Your voices?”  “You see I used to hear voices, voices that told me things but I don’t hear them anymore.”  “Do you remember the mark you saw on Cort’s face? Do you remember the drawing you made of it?” Philip asks as he takes the drawing from his pocket.  Susan gasps when she looks at it.  “Why does it frighten you?”  “I, I don’t know why but it does.” She says as she walks away from Philip.  “Think.”  “After I saw it on Cort’s face I dreamed about it.”  Philip walks up to her. “Tell me about your dream.”  “No I don’t like to talk about it.” She says as she looks away from Philip.  “Well why not?”  “Well people will think I’m mad. You see I’ve dreamed that I’ve lived another life. In another century, the 17th century.”  “How often do you have this dream?”  “Often, they happen in my mind. Sometimes when I’m awake.”  “And you saw this mark when you were awake?”  “Yes.” Susan says as she walks across the room. “Please don’t ask me anymore questions. I am really confused.”
Jean Paul faces Emily. “Well I survived that night but there will be others.”  “And you’ll survive them to.” Emily says to him.  Jean Paul touches her arm and walks across the room.  “You will Jean Paul. I know that now.  The door opens and Philip enters. Jean Paul turns towards him. “Did you speak to Susan?”  “Yes, something odd has happened. She’s changed.”  “Changed how?” Jean Paul asks.  “She doesn’t remember some of the things she said and she doesn’t remember why she said others.” Philip says as he walks across the room.  “Do you think she’s telling the truth?” Emily asks.  “I didn’t at first but I do now.”
“What would make her change?” Jean Paul asks.  “Well perhaps the power that touched you last night touched her also.” Philip says to Jean Paul.  “How can that be?” Emily asks as she steps closer to Philip.  Philip shakes his head. “I don’t know.”  Jean Paul steps closer to Philip. “Listen she knew all about the Mark of Death or seemed to.”  Philip nods. “Yes I showed her the drawing she made and she seemed frightened of it.” Philip says as he opens the paper with the drawing. “She said it appeared in several of the dreams she had.” Philip shows the drawing to Emily.”  “Dreams?” Jean Paul asks.  “Yes she dreams quite often that she has lived before, in the 17th century.”  “The 17th century?” Emily says.  “How could she dream like that?” Jean Paul asks.  Philip shakes his head.  “Let me see that.” Emily says as she takes the drawing from Philip. “Yes, I’ve seen this mark somewhere before.” Emily says as she walks across the room.  “Of course Benjamin Desmond’s grave.” Jean Paul says to her.  “No I’ve seen it or something very much like it long before I ever came to Desmondton. I saw it in a book I was reading for research.” Emily says as she turns towards them.  “What kind of book?” Jean Paul asks.  “A book on 17th century witchcraft.”  “Witchcraft?” asks Jean Paul.  “Yes it had this and other illustrations of marks like this. They are seals, pacts made with the Powers of Darkness. And each mark has a history.” “Do you know the history of this one?” Philip asks.  “No I would have to go through my notes to find out. It meant nothing to me at the time.”  Jean Paul walks across the room looking at the palm of his hand then he grips his hands together.  “Well it could help us.” Philip says as he stands next to Emily.  “Why I’d have to go to Boston to the library at the University.”  “Then go.” Philip tells her.  Jean Paul turns around and faces them.  “We must find out about this mark.” Philip says to her.  “I’d be gone for several days. What if something should happen while I was away?”  “It’s all right Emily. I think you better go. I don’t think you can be anymore help here.”  “All right.” She turns and places the drawing on the dresser. “I’ll go pack.” She turns and walks out of the room.
Raxl enters Jean Paul’s room while he is out. She stands holding the drawing of the mark. Hearing the door open she sets it down.  Jean Paul closes the door. “What are you doing here?”  “I must speak to you.”  “Didn’t you say all you had to say last night?” Jean Paul says as he walks across the room.  “I was frightened last night. I do not understand Mr. Philip’s rites. The rites he uses to protect you.”
Jean Paul steps closer to her. “What do you need to understand?”  “I was afraid he would call on the powers of evil, that they might consume you.”  “As you can see nothing happened.” Jean Paul says as he holds his arms out from his sides. “Don’t question what Philip is trying to do.” he says as he walks away from her.
“No and I will not accuse him of coming between us. I want only to serve you.”
Jean Paul turns towards her. “You said you would never serve me again.”  Raxl bows her head. “I was angry last night. I will leave Desmond Hall; I will do anything you want me to do.” She says as she glances up at him. “But there must be no bitterness between us. Can you forgive me?”  “It’s not a question of forgiveness. You are apposed to what Philip is doing.” Jean Paul tells her as he turns away.  “I no longer appose it.” Raxl walks up to him. “I want only to serve you as I have served other Desmonds in the past.” she says with her head bowed.  “Very well then there is no quarrel between us.”  “Those words make me very happy” Raxl says to him.  There is a knock at the door. It opens and Emily looks into the room. “Jean Paul I came to say goodbye.”  “You’re leaving?” Raxl asks.  “Yes.”  “You may go now Raxl.” Jean Paul says to her.  “As you wish. Raxl turns to leave then glances back at Jean Paul “And Master thank you.” She turns and walks from the room.  “Why did she thank you?”  “Oh she apologized for last night.” he says as he turns away from Emily.  “Why did she do it?” Emily asks as she walks up to him.  “She was frightened, frightened that Philip would fail.” Jean Paul says as he walks away from her.  “Do you believe her?”  Jean Paul turns and looks at Emily. “Yes why shouldn’t I?” He walks back towards her. “Well when does your train leave?”  “In an hour.”  “You don’t know how much I appreciate what you and Philip have done.”  “I know.”  He touches her face. “There is so much more I would like to say Emily.”  “Well then say it.”  “I can’t not now.”  “Yes now.”  Jean Paul lowers his hand and turns away. “No matter what happens I won’t forget you.”  Emily walks closer to him. “And I won’t forget you.”
Philip is in the Drawing Room holding a cup of coffee.  “Mr. Philip?” Raxl calls to him.  “Yes what is it?” he asks not looking at her.  “I must tell you what I have just told my Master. I regret last night. I should not have interfered.”  Philip looks at her. “Then why did you?”  “I was afraid. Not for myself but for my Master.”  “You didn’t seem frightened, you seemed angry.”  “I’m not angry now. Do what you must to help my Master. I want only to serve him.”  Cort walks down the staircase and hearing voices coming from the Drawing Room he stops and listens.  “You told Jean Paul last night you served other Desmonds now.”  “I serve only Jean Paul. He is the Master of this house.”  Cort opens the doors and walks into the Drawing Room. “Raxl? May I speak to Raxl please.” he says to Philip.  “Yes of course. It’s your house as you’ve told me so very often.” Philip says then walks from the room.  Cort approaches Raxl. “What did you just say?”  “Master Cort?”
“I heard you say that Jean Paul was your Master. I thought I was.”  “I serve all Desmonds.”  “You told me I was going to be the Master of Desmond Hall.”  Raxl turns away. “You will be in time.”  “You pretended to be loyal and yet you’re not.”
“That is not true.”   “Well who do you serve, Jean Paul or me?”  “I serve you both.”  Cort grabs her arm and turns her towards him. “I don’t believe you and I don’t trust you.”  “You must trust me. You will need me, you will need my help.”
Cort releases her. “I don’t want your help. He says angrily then turns and walks from the room.  “I must find a way to win him back.” Raxl says as she turns towards Jacques portrait. “I must.”
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 147