Strange Paradise: Episode 144
Episode 144a:  Slideshow
Episode 144b:  Slideshow
Laslo: “Night at Desmond Hall the storm clouds gather in the sky, lightening flashes and thunder rolls. Within the ancient house the threads of Desmond destiny draws tighter. Tonight the dreaded star appears that leads Jean Paul Desmond to kill but he and his devoted cousin Philip are preparing to combat it with new methods against the implacable fate inherited by generations of Desmonds. The wisdom of primitive people and the knowledge of modern science are being called upon. Others in the household shift their roles to align themselves against the fates that follow Jean Paul from Maljardin.”
Cort is sitting in the Drawing Room. He stands and walks across the room, spinning around he looks at the portrait of Jacques and walks toward it. “If you could speak what would you say? Can you foretell who the Master of Desmond Hall is going to be? Can you tell me the mysteries of the past and the fortunes of the future?”  Raxl enters. “Master Cort? The portrait can not answer your questions.” She walks through the room. “It would be better you ask me the questions rather than direct them to oil and canvas.”  Cort turns and looks at her. “I’m not used to asking servants questions.”  Raxl walks up to him. “I serve the Desmond family.”  “Then go serve your Master. He needs you not I.”  “The Master has found another to serve him.” Raxl says as she looks away.  “Cousin Philip?”  “He has turned to a stranger.”  “Well that’s his privilege. He is head of the family.” Cort says to her.  “The destiny of the Desmonds is not trivial matters to be entrusted to casual acquaintances.”  “Jean Paul is used to managing himself as did his brother before him.” Cort tells her as he walks away from her.  “And where is his brother now?”  Cort turns and looks at Raxl. “Are you suggesting that Jean Paul is in danger?”  “He has chosen his own path.”  “We all choose our own paths.” Cort says to her.  “I trust Master Cort that you would take your position in the family more seriously.”  “My position?” Cort laughs. “I’m an unwanted hanger-on who has a mother who is married to a philanderer and a cousin who locks himself in a room for days on end. I have no position!”  “You will have someday.”  “I live today.” Cort says as he points down with his hand.  “The future will be yours before you know it. You must be prepared for it.”  “I’ll worry about that when I come to it.”  Raxl smiles. “The time is almost here. Within this night the future of the Desmonds will change. Change as they have before.” Cort glances at her. “You talk in riddles.”  “Everything is a riddle until it is revealed.”
“And how is it revealed? On a star or the history of our ancestor?” Cort asks.
“It will be revealed.”  “Or the paintings on the wall that watch without comment as we make fools of ourselves.” Cort says as he walks away from Raxl and faces Jacques’ portrait.  “That may be so.”  “What do you know about that man?”  “He was Jacques Eloi Des Mondes.”  “Where does Jacques Eloi Des Mondes come from?”  “He came from France three hundred years ago and he founded Maljardin.”  He looks at Raxl. “So then you brought his picture with you when you came here.”  “No your mother found it in the attic.”  “She did? I used to play in the attic days on end when I was a boy and I never saw it.” He says as he turns towards Raxl.  “You weren’t meant to see it then.”  “Why not?”  “Oh do not question so much Master Cort, accept its presence now.”  “I will not accept it without questioning before.”  “You must learn to. The destiny that awaits you must be accepted.” Raxl walks to the window. “Because when your time comes you must be ready to fulfill your destiny as Master of Desmond Hall.” Raxl looks into the sky, the star has appeared. She turns and quickly walks across the room.
“What is it Raxl?”  “Nothing.” she tells him as she leaves the room.  Cort walks to the window and looks out.
Jean Paul paces back and forth in his room as Philip holds the mask. Philip sets the mask down on the dresser and backs away.  “Cousin why don’t we start.” Jean Paul says to Philip.  “Have patience cousin, we will start at the proper time.” He adjusts the position of the mask then picks it up. “And we will do what we must do.”  Raxl knocks at the bedroom door. “Master I must see you.”  Philip glances at Jean Paul and hides the mask in the dresser drawer. He nods and Jean Paul opens the door.  “Come in Raxl. Well what is it?” he asks her after she enters the room. He walks across the room and faces Raxl. Philip stands at the end of the bed also facing Raxl.  “I must speak to you alone.”  “I have no secrets from Philip.”  Raxl walks up to Jean Paul. “The star is out.”  Jean Paul looks at Philip in fear.  “We’re ready for that cousin.” Philip says to him.  “What do you mean?” Raxl asks.  Jean Paul turns and looks out the window, he glances up at the sky. He sees the pulsating star, then turns towards Philip. “The star is there. She is right.”  “We can deal with the star cousin.” Philip tells Jean Paul as he grips him by the arm.  “No one must come between him and his star. It will not respond to mere...”  “Mere what Raxl? What were you going to say?” Philip asks.
“Send him away.” Raxl says to Jean Paul.  “I can’t do that.”  “Then are you prepared to suffer the consequences?”  “Philip will stay with me.”  “Then recall the other occasions when you defied your fate.”  “Raxl I have no choice but defiance!” he says stepping closer to her.  “The Desmond who defies their star die a terrifying death!” Raxl cries out gripping the front of his jacket.  “That’s enough Raxl! Now go outside, we will call you if we need you.” Philip says to her.  She grips Jean Paul’s arm. “Master do not forsake me now. When you need me more than ever before.”  Jean Paul grips her by the elbows. “Now listen to me Raxl, listen to me.” He backs her across the room. “We have fought the curse together. You want this curse defeated. We have worked for this all our lives. You want me to be free of this curse right.”  “It is my duty.”  “Then leave us as Philip asks.” Jean Paul tells her as he turns away from her. Raxl turns towards the door, walking out she closes the door behind her.
Cort is standing staring at Jacques’ portrait when Laslo walks into the Drawing Room. “Well still up at this late hour. Where’s your mother?”  Cort turns and looks at him. “She found a brandy bottle is better company than her husband.”  “Don’t speak that way about her.”  Cort steps towards Laslo. “What am I supposed to do model myself after you dear stepfather? Do what I please, speak with hypocritical affection!”  “Goodnight.” Laslo says as he turns away.  “Just a minute.” Cort says to him.  “I’m not interested in listening to childish insults.”  Cort walks up to him. “Well then let’s have a man to man talk as they say. Let’s talk about matters that do interest you. Or are you afraid to be open about things?”  Laslo walks across the room and throws his coat on the couch. He walks over to the wine decanters and pours himself a drink. “I’m waiting.” he tells Cort as he glances up at him.
Cort walks across the room. “Shall we begin with the Desmond business affairs? Such as the account books at the mill.” Cort says as he stands next to Laslo. “Why there are double entries, one for us and one for you.”  Laslo walks away from him. “My books can be inspected at any time by anyone.” He carries his drink as he sits on the couch.  “Yes I see. You’re too smart to embezzle. There are easier ways to make a fortune.”  “Go on.” Laslo says to him.  “Like marrying a lonely woman, a marriage that gives you access to an enormous fortune.”  “Your accusations are simple minded.” Laslo tells him.  “Do you know what I told my mother the day she told me she was going to marry you?” Cort says as he walks across the room.  “I have no idea.”  “I said Laslo Thaxton who is he? Where does he come from? Who is his family? She didn’t answer me. She said she didn’t care.”  “Your mother is a very sensible woman.”  “She trusts people, she always has. But I don’t and I know there are records on Laslo Thaxton!”  Laslo stands. “Stay out of my business.”  “I’m going to find those records rely on that.” Cort says as he walks past Laslo and leaves the Drawing Room. In the foyer he sees Raxl walking down the staircase. He stands at the bottom of the staircase and waits for her. “Raxl.” He whispers. Raxl walks towards him.  “You told me you’d befriend me if I needed help.”  “Yes Master Cort what is it?”  “I want you to find out who Laslo Thaxton really is.”  Raxl looks at him questioningly.  “I want to get some weapon to save my mother from the sorrow that’s driving her to brandy and tears. Will you help me Raxl?” Cort asks as he touches her hand.  “I’ll do what I can.”  “Thank you, I’ll be eternally grateful to you.” He walks away climbing the staircase.  Raxl enters the Drawing Room. “Mr. Thaxton if you have a minute I'd like to speak to you.”  Laslo stands next to the wine decanter holding a drink. “Yes?”  Raxl walks over to him. “It’s about Master Cort.”  “Why are you concerning yourself about Cort?”  “He will be the head of the Desmond family one-day.”  Laslo looks away. “God help them all.”  Raxl smiles. “He is young and headstrong. He only needs guidance.”  Laslo walks across the room. “He needs it but he won’t accept it.”  “He will accept it from me.” Raxl says to him.  Laslo turns and looks at her. “Why do you wish to take on this task Raxl?” He walks to the couch and sits down.  “I have always guided the Desmonds.”  “Always? That’s a very long time isn’t it?”  “My family has always served them. From France to Maljardin to Desmond Hall.” Raxl says as she walks around the couch. “Our lives are their lives.”  “And you are willing to take on that spoiled unreliable upstart?”  “He is young Mr. Thaxton.”  “Don’t delude yourself about Cort. He’s not young; he was a little old man when he was a boy his mother told me. And now that he is a man he is still a child.”  “The Desmonds are not like other men, sometimes they behave childishly but they can always be guided on the path they must take.”  Laslo stands. “I’ve made some bargains in my time Raxl. I smell a bargain in this.” He tells her as he walks closer to her. “What is it you want?”
“I want only to serve.”  “Serve whom?”  “The Master of Desmond Hall who ever he is.”
Philip sets the mask on the dresser. “Gagosso, hear us face of our Guardian Spirit. Orendo send your shield to encircle our kinsman Jean Paul.” Philip calls out with his head bowed. Jean Paul stands behind him with his eyes closed. “Send your Spirit to ward off the evil Uthco.”  The room darkens with a bluish light reflecting through the room. “Send your invisible warriors to defend him. Send the Spirits of our fathers to embrace him.”  Jean Paul’s eyes open as he hears the heartbeat. “Philip, Philip the heart beat.”  “Quiet cousin.” Philip whispers.  “No it’s come again, it isn’t working. It can’t work.” Jean Paul says in fear.  “Then trust it close your eyes again.” Philip says as he grabs Jean Paul’s shoulder.  As Jean Paul closes his eyes Philip turns and bows his head. “Send your life beat to him. Send your drumbeat to my tortured kinsman.” Philip bends and touches the mask as a drum beat starts. “Send him faith in our Spirits. Send him strength from Orendo. Preserve him from Uthco, preserve him from his star. Drown the beat of the heart with the beat of your drums Orendo. Hear us save him.” Philip stands straight and backs away.  Jean Paul opens his eyes. “Philip the heartbeat is gone cousin.”  Philip smiles and turns and touches his face to the mask in thanks. He straightens and looks at Jean Paul. “Orendo has spoken.”  Jean Paul glances up in relief.
Cort is lying on the couch as Laslo walks through the foyer and enters the Drawing Room. He walks up to Cort. “I came to apologize to you Cort. I lost my temper with you and I shouldn’t have. If there is anything you want to ask me about my past please go ahead. I have nothing to hide.”  “I don’t trust you.”  “No I don’t think I would if I were in your shoes.”  “You want something from me.” Cort says as he looks at Laslo.  “I want your friendship.”  “Oh no!” Cort says sitting up.
“No listen Cort...” Laslo walks to the couch and sits next to Cort. “Now I know how hard it is for a son to accept his mother’s marriage. I also know I have been selfish and obtuse, for that I am sorry. But we are both men and surely we can work out our differences so we don’t cause pain to your mother. You do care for her don’t you?”  “I love her. She’s trusting and kind and innocent.”  “You love her for the same qualities that I love her for.”  “Yes but why do you make her unhappy?”  “I have promised her I would not cause her any more pain. She believes me why can’t you?”  “You betrayed her once you’ll do it again.”  “All I ask is a second chance as she has given me. Will you do that?” Laslo asks him.
“I’ll try.”  Laslo stands. “All we can do is try. Thank you Cort goodnight.” He walks to the doorway as Raxl enters. He stops and looks at Raxl then walks away.  Raxl walks to the table and starts to straighten up.  “He’s trying to make friends now.” Cort says to Raxl.  “It’s not unnatural for him to try to make friends with the new Master of Desmond Hall.”  “He wants it for himself.” Cort says to her.  “You have nothing to fear from him.”  Angrily Cort comes to his feet. “Well how can I be sure?”  “Trust me. Laslo Thaxton will never be Master of Desmond Hall.”
Jean Paul stands in front of the bedroom door facing Philip.  “Place him within your circle Orendo. Hide his heart within your own. Speak to him through me.” Philip turns and walks towards Jean Paul. “Jean Paul do you hear me?”  “I hear you Orendo.”  “Do as I instruct you.”  Jean Paul nods.  “Walk to the bed. Walk kinsman to the bed.”  Jean Paul walks across the room.  “On the bed lies a maiden. Do you see the maiden kinsman?” Jean Paul glances down. A pillow lays long ways on the bed. “I see her Orendo.”  “She is to be your sacrifice to the Gods kinsman.”  “No Orendo I must not kill.”  “Place her head within your hands.”
Bending down Jean Paul puts his hands around the top of the pillow.  “Place your hands around her throat.”  Jean Paul tightens his hands around the pillow.  “That’s right lift her to you quickly follow your star.”  Jean Paul lifts the pillow with his hands wrapped around it.  “Orendo commands you to kill, kill!”  Jean Paul strangles the pillow with a smile upon his face.  Raxl stands outside the door and pounds upon it. “Master, Master what are you doing?”  “Go away!” Philip calls out.  “Let me in!”  Jean Paul lowers the pillow and glances up as the heartbeat starts again. “No, no!”  Raxl knocks again. “Let me in.”  Jean Paul looks at the pillow in his hands. “What am I doing? Why have I got this?”  “It’s all right Jean Paul.” Philip says to him as he touches Jean Paul’s arm.  “No answer me! What are we doing?”  “It’s all right Jean Paul...”  “Master are you all right?” Raxl calls from the other side of the door.  “Philip I don’t understand.” Jean Paul says as he gets more and more upset.  “You stay right here. Don’t move.” Philip tells him as he walks to the door and goes into the hallway closing the door behind him.  “What are you doing here?” he asks Raxl.  “What are you doing to my Master in there?”  “Now leave us alone!” Philip says to her.  “You will destroy him.”  “No I can protect him.”  “I don’t believe you!”  “Leave us alone I said!”  “I refuse!” Raxl says to him.  “If you don’t leave I will lock you in your room so you can’t interfere.” Philip says as he grabs Raxl’s arm pulling her down the hallway.  “If you harm him I cannot live if you destroy him.”  “It is his life I’m thinking of not yours.” Philip says as he releases her.  “His life is my life.”  “No more it isn’t. That part of his life is over.”  “You will pay for this Philip Desmond. You will pay forever.” She turns and rushes away.  Philip walks back into the Jean Paul’s bedroom. He walks to the bed and moves the pillow back into position. “We will start all over cousin.” He pulls Jean Paul to his feet and has him stand in the center of the room.  Jean Paul closes his eyes.  “Gagosso hear me once more. Place him in your circle of protection. Place your heart within him.”
Raxl walks into the Drawing Room and looks out the window. The star is in the sky.  Cort walks up to her. “What is it?  “There is evil in this house tonight.” Raxl turns and looks at him.  “What do you mean, tell me?”  “Upstairs in my Masters room your cousin Philip practices the rituals of his savage ancestors.”  “What rituals?”  “Your cousin is a witch.”  “No, he’s a Desmond.”  “Desmonds have also been burned at the stake as witches. They have been tortured by the Spanish and stretched on the rack.”  “Philip is Jean Paul’s cousin.”  “Brother has turned against brother, cousin against cousin. Witchcraft knows no family loyalties.” Raxl says as she walks across the room.  “Raxl?”  “What is it?”  “That sign on Benjamin Desmond’s tombstone.”  “What about it?”  “Is it a sign of witchcraft?”
“It is the emblem of the Desmond curse.”  “Desmond curse?”  “The curse that destroyed Benjamin Desmond because he did not listen to those who could save him.”  “Sign of death. The Mark of Death.”  “No only to those that defy the spirits of their ancestors. Only those who cast aside their protector.”
Jean Paul again has his hands clamped around the pillow. “I have killed her. She is dead.” Jean Paul releases the pillow and it falls to the floor. “I have killed her.”
“Cousin Jean Paul?”  Jean Paul comes out of the influence of the star. “What is it?”  “Come with me.” He takes Jean Paul’s arm and leads him to the window.
Jean Paul looks at the sky, the star is gone. He turns away. “It’s gone.”  Philip smiles. “You are under the shield of Orendo now. You won’t kill again. I promise you that.” He says as he looks at the mask.
Cort stands looking at Jacques portrait. “His face almost seems alive.”  Raxl stands behind him. “He was once. Jacques Eloi Des Mondes was very much alive. Very much like you, young and full of promise.”  “I sometimes feel his eyes following me.” Cort says.  “They are warning you of the pitfalls that lie in wait for you.”  “I can hear his heartbeat.”  “The heartbeat you hear is not his but your own.” Raxl says as she walks across the room stopping in front of the window. “Come here Master Cort.”  Cort walks across the room and stands next to Raxl.
“Look.”  Cort glances at the sky. “What is it? What does it mean?” He asks as he sees the star.  “It is your star Master.” She says as she looks at Cort. “It is your destiny.”
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 145