Episode 130
Episode 130a:  Slide show
Episode 130b:  Slide show
Raxl: "Late afternoon at Desmond Hall and as lengthening shadows of afternoon heralds the night the Great House is shrouded in mystery. For an Egyptian relic has been found. It has moved mysteriously person to person as if guided by an invisible hand. On this day a frightened girl will come to possess it. And because of it she will be propelled on a dangerous journey into the unknown."
Holly carries the key to her bedroom and holds it up. "This will take me to you. But you must show me where to find you." Holly walks through her room. "Philip?" There is a knock at her door. Holly hides the key in a drawer. "Come in."  Raxl enters carrying a tray. "I thought you were sleeping."  "No."  Carrying the tray to the dressing table she sets it down. "I brought you a tray."  "Why?"  "Well you didn't eat with the others. You haven't eaten all day." She says as she uncovers dishes.  "I haven't been hungry." Holly says as she walks away from Raxl.  "Jean Paul is worried about you."  "He doesn't have to be worried about me I'm all right." Holly says as she turns and looks at Raxl.  "You should eat your meals with the others."  "I will from now on. Thank you for bringing me up the tray."
"Miss Holly I have something I must tell you." Raxl walks towards Holly. "You won't want to hear it but I must tell you."  "What is it?" Holly asks as she turns away from Raxl.  "The Philip Desmond you believe you see, the man who was Jean Paul's brother is dead."  Holly turns back and looks at Raxl. "I don't believe it."  "Oh you must believe it. You must accept it for your own sake."  "How do you know he's dead?"   "I have seen the thing he has been searching for all his life. I have seen the Egyptian Key."  Holly walks away from Raxl. "Where did you see it?"  "That does not matter. I have seen it. I know that it exists."  Holly turns towards Raxl. "How does this prove that Philip is dead?"  "The key would not be in this house if Philip had not brought it here, He tried to use it. He passes through the Door of Promise. The door closed behind him and he could not return."  Holly turns away from Raxl. "He isn't dead! I don't believe that!" Holly says as she stands next to the bed.  "Only the pure in heart can pass through the door and return again."  Holly glances at Raxl. "And Philip Desmond isn't pure in heart?"  "He's not an evil man but he was ambitious, ambitious for wealth and power. He used the key for the wrong reasons.  Holly sits on her bed as Raxl walks up to her. "He passed into another world and he's never going to return. No one can free him. It's not possible."  Holly sits on the bed staring straight ahead. Raxl puts her arm around Holly's shoulders. "You must listen to me."
Holly stands and covers her ears with he hands. "I have listened to you! Leave me alone please!"  "Yes Miss Holly." Raxl says as she turns and walks to the door. She glances back at Holly and then leaves the room.  Holly walks to the dressing table and takes out the key. "Philip you must take me to you. You must show me where to go."
Jean Paul passes a glass of wine to Cort. "There Cort this will help to calm your nerves."  Cort slaps the glass from Jean Paul's hand. "The key! Where is it?" Cort shouts angrily.  "I have no idea!" Jean Paul shouts back at him.  Cort walks across the Drawing Room. "Laslo had it and passed it on to me. Now it's been passed on to someone else. Who has it?" He asks holding the fireplace mantel with his hand.  Jean Paul walks towards Cort angrily.  "Master!" Raxl calls out.
Jean Paul stops and turns towards her. "Have you taken the tray up to Holly?"
"Yes."  "How is she?"  Raxl shakes her head. "I'm very worried about her. She thinks only of your brother. She refuses to believe that he will not return. She seems to be terribly obsessed by him."  "Perhaps I should send her away."
Cort turns and walks towards Jean Paul. "Send her away?"  "Yes, she's terribly unhappy and she's been depressed for a long time and it's getting worse and worse." Jean Paul says as he walks towards Cort. "I don't want to do it but it will only get worse unless I do something."  "Maybe she doesn't want to go."  "Well I'm responsible for her and I can order her but that would be a last resort."  "Oh speak to her Master. Perhaps she will listen to you."  Jean Paul nods. "Yes you're right I will. I haven't talked to Holly in a long time." Jean Paul says then walks out of the Drawing Room.  Cort tries rushing after him but Raxl blocks his path.
Holly hears someone at the door and hides the key.  Jean Paul knocks then walks in. "Holly." He says greets her with a smile as he closes the door behind him.  "Hello Jean Paul."  "Well we missed you at lunch." He says as he walks towards her.  Holly turns and sits down at the dressing table. "I wasn't very hungry."  Jean Paul sits next to her. "I see that Raxl sent you a tray but you haven't touched it."  Holly looks up at him with a smile. "I will."  "How are you feeling?"  "I'm fine." Holly says as she touches the covers on the tray.  "Are you? I must confess I'm worried about you Holly."  Holly stands and walks across the room. "You don't have to worry about me Jean Paul. I'm fine, really I am."  Jean Paul stands and looks at her. "Holly I've decided to do something and you may not like it."  Holly looks at him. "What have you decided to do?"  "I've decided to send you away for a while."  "Away?"  "Yes to Europe, for a long vacation. Now I haven't spoken to Irene Hatter yet but I'm sure she would be delighted to go along with you."  "Jean Paul why do you want me to go away?"  "Well it's just that I feel you should be away from Desmond Hall. I think you need a change of scene. Holly this house has not been good for you."  "And when do I go?"  "Well in a few days. I can make the arrangements."  Holly walks foreword. "All right Jean Paul.  Jean Paul walks up behind her. "Then you agree to go?"  "Of course why not?"  "I must confess that I'm surprised. I was expecting you to be unhappy or upset." He says looking at her.  "How could I be upset with you?" She says looking up at her with a smile. "You're only doing what's best for me. I know that."
Jean Paul touches her arm. "Yes I am."  "Besides I've never been to Europe. I would kind of like to go."  "Well let's make our plans right now." he says with a smile.  Holly walks to the dressing table. "Could we make them a little bit later? I'm kind of tired now; I'd like to lie down for a while."  "Oh all right. I'll see you later then." He says as he backs away towards the door looking at Holly.  Holly turns and looks at him. "Fine."  Jean Paul turns and walks out of the room. He stands outside the door; he glances back at it then walks off. Holly takes out the key. "Philip you must take me to you. You must lead me to you please. We don't have much time." The music from the carousel leads Holly from her room. She stands in the hallway. "The music, he wants me to follow the music." Holly walks through the hallway then down the staircase into the foyer and stops to listen.
Cort walks into the foyer and looks at Holly. "What are you doing?" Holly turns around. "Cort?"  "Why are you just standing there?" "I'm thinking."  "Did Jean Paul talk to you?"  "Yes just now."  Cort walks closer to her. "Is he sending you away?" Holly looks away. "He's sending me to Europe."  "When are you going?"
"In a few days."  Cort stands next to her. "Do you want to go?" Holly shrugs. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it that much."  "Well you better start thinking about it if you are going in a few days." "Maybe I won't have to go."  "What do you mean?" Cort asks.  "Things could change." Holly tells him.  "Change? How? What are you talking about?"  Holly looks at Cort with a smile. "Never mind. Excuse me. I think I'd like to go read for a while." Holly says as she walks to the Drawing Room.
Philip walks to his dresser as Jean Paul rushes into his room. "Philip?"  "Jean Paul what is it?"  "Raxl told me that you had found the object I was looking for. The ancient Egyptian relic."  "As a matter of fact I did. I found it here in this room." Philip says as he turns away from Jean Paul. "I must say I'm very curious about it. You're going to have to tell me."  "Well some other time. Could you please give it to me?"  "I can't. I don't have it now."  "Where is it?"  "I gave it to Holly.  "To Holly?"  "Well yes she came in a few moments ago and I gave it to her." Philip says as he walks away from Jean Paul.  "Why did you give it to Holly?"  "I don't understand that myself. She didn't even ask me for it. I just looked at her and I knew that she should have it. I know that doesn't make any sense but..." He turns around and faces Jean Paul.  Jean Paul turns and starts to rush from the room.  "Where are you going?"  Jean Paul stops and glances back at Philip. "To find Holly!" He rushes from the room.  "What's wrong?" Philip says as he walks towards the doorway. He turns and looks at the carousel.
Jean Paul rushes into Holly's room. He looks around and then rushes out.
Holly leans on the mantel of the fireplace. "Oh Cort please leave me alone."
"What's wrong with you?"  Holly looks at him. "I just don't feel like talking. I have a headache."  Cort walks up to her. "Do you want me to get you something?"
Holly looks at him and shakes her head. "No thank you. I just want to be alone." she says as she walks away from Cort.  "Okay! Okay!" Cort says angrily and rushes from the room.  Holly walks into the foyer with the key in her hand. "Philip, Philip tell me what to do now. Show me where to go from here." The music from the carousel sounds in the room and leads Holly to the secret panel under the staircase. The panel swings open. Holly looks at the key then enters the passageway. The panel closes behind her.
Jean Paul walks down the staircase. "Holly! Holly?" He rushes into the Drawing Room and again calls her name. Cort walks in. "What's all the shouting about?"
"I must find Holly. Have you seen her?"  "Just a moment ago." Cort says to him.
"Where was she?"  "In here. I just left her." Cort walks from the Drawing Room.
"Where could she have gone?" Jean Paul asks.  "I don't know and I don't care. She was in a rotten mood. She told me to leave her alone." Cort says as he steps closer to Jean Paul. "Why are you so anxious to see her?"  "She had the key."
"Holly?" Cort asks.  "Yes and I'm afraid she may learn how to use it."  "But she doesn't know how does she?"  "The spirit of Philip may guide her. He's done it before." Jean Paul says as he steps away from Cort. "I've got to find Holly and get the key from her or she's in great danger." He turns and rushes from the room. "Wait a minute Jean Paul. I just remembered something." Cort walks up to Jean Paul who has stopped in the doorway. "A little while ago when I was coming out of the Drawing Room she was standing in the foyer. Just standing there with this odd expression on her face. She was standing near the secret panel."  Jean Paul turns and looks at the staircase.
In his room Philip picks up his totem. "Orendo. Orendo guardian spirit advise me. I have given the key to Holly Marshal. Philip lifts the totem to his forehead and closes his eyes. "Was this an act of evil or an act of good? Answer me. Answer me."  "It was an act of good." Philip says as he appears across the room.
Lowering the totem Philip turns. "Philip?"  "Soon we will meet. I always wanted to meet my namesake."  "How will we meet?" Philip asks as he walks towards Jean Paul’s brother.  "I'll return as I was before I went into the land of the unknown."
"You will return?"  "Because of you. You gave Holly the key. She will set me free."  "When will you return?"  "Soon. Soon, soon, soon." Philip voice echoes as he fades away.  Philip steps foreword to where Jean Paul's brother had been standing. He looks back across the room.
Holly follows the passage to a door. The music still plays. "This must be what Philip wanted me to find. The end of my journey." She looks down at the key and puts it into the lock. Turning it the door swings open. Holly steps back from it.
Philip stands in the room beyond the door.  "Philip."  "I knew you would come." Philip says to her. "I knew I'd find you."  Philip walks to the open door. "I love you Holly."  "And I love you. More than anything else in the world." Holly steps foreword. "No don't cross the threshold. Let me come to you."  "Well come then, quickly." Holly says smiling at him.  Philip steps forward but is blocked by an invisible wall. "Holly?" He reaches out and touches the wall.  "What is it?" Holly asks.  "A wall. A wall separates us."  "But Philip there is no wall." "It exists. I can never return to your world now. I thought I could but I can't."  "But you must return. I can't live without you."  "Our love was strong enough to bring you here but there is no way I can pass from this world into yours. I believed it could happen. But I was wrong."  "Philip we couldn't have come this far for nothing. It isn't possible."  "Holly you helped me. You set me free."  "But you are not free."
"No not free to cross into your world but there is another door behind me. Another way to another world. I can leave this plain now because of you. Holly you must go now."  "No."  "You must."  "Please Philip I can't lose you." Holly says with tears running down her face.  "We can't be together now. I must continue my journey. But I can find peace now because of you. Because of your love."  "I want to come with you."  "No you mustn't pass through that door! If you do you can never return to your world."  "I don't want to return to my world. I want to be with you."  "Holly you are young. You've got your whole life ahead of you. You must go back."  "Philip you are my life. Without you there is no life."  "Could you remain with me throughout eternity?"  "Throughout eternity." Holly says to him.  "Last time Holly go back."  "No. Now that I have found you I will never lose you again." Holly steps across the threshold and walks into Philip's arms. They kiss and hold each other as the door closes.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 131