Strange Paradise:  Episode 117
Episode117:  Slideshow
Holly: "An engagement party at Desmond Hall has brought an unexpected guest, the spirit of the vengeful Erica. And while Jean Paul dreams of a new life free from the curses and corruption which has haunted this mansion down through the centuries. His bride to be is faced with a terrible reality. Erica has returned determined to take possession of Helena's soul, determined to turn the love of a man and woman into hatred and tragedy."
Helena sadly sits by herself on the floor next to the fireplace in the Drawing Room. Jean Paul walks in and squats next to her touching her shoulders. "Well they are all gone."  "Mrs. Hatter?"  "Philip and Holly were kind enough to drive her home. It was a lovely party wasn't it?"  "Lovely." Helena says as she leans her head against his hand.  "Are you tired?"   "No. Did you enjoy yourself this evening?"  "Very much."  Helena stands. "Then so did I." She walks around collecting glasses. "Everyone seemed happy enough." Helena says to him.  "Oh overjoyed. Oh don't do the cleaning up. Raxl will do that." Jean Paul says as he stands and walks over to Helena.  Helena looks at him. "Did anyone say anything critical to you? Anything negative?"  "No darling who would?"  "Oh I don't know." She touches his face. "How soon can we be married?"  "Why when ever you want." Jean Paul says as he holds her. "Next week, or the sooner the better."
Helena walks away from him.  Jean Paul frowns at her.  "Yes the sooner the better." Helena says.  Jean Paul walks up behind her. "All right, next week if you like."  "Oh yes." She turns and puts her hands on his shoulders. "And then we can go away for a while. Far away from here."  "I don't know if that would be wise."  "Please darling. I'll take care of you. I'll guard you every moment so nothing can harm you. Please let's go away alone. Just long enough so you can get to know me as I am." She says putting her arms around him.  "I already know you as you are. That's why I love you." Jean Paul says smiling at her.  "Jean Paul, please."  "What ever you say."  "Thank you darling. Thank you." She reaches up as Jean Paul kisses her. Helena moves away from Jean Paul after the kiss and walks from the Drawing Room closing the doors behind her.  Jean Paul turns and puts his hands in his pockets. "A trip away from the safety of Desmond Hall. And what if the Mark of Death appears on this hand again." He pulls his hand from his pocket and looks at it. "And forces me to kill. No, no, no, no! I can't think of that! I mustn't. Love must be strong enough to conquer evil. It must!" Jean Paul turns and walks out of the Drawing Room.  Erica's face appears in the flames of the fireplace. "Time makes no difference Jean Paul. Eternity is on my side. Run as you will, you will not escape my vengeance."
Holly and Philip enter the mansion laughing together. "She didn't." Holly laughs.
"She did and when I took her to the door she asked for my home address and where she can get some information on my family." Philip laughs as he hangs up their coats."  "What did you say?" Holly asks.  "I said good night Mrs. Hatter." Philip says as they walk through the foyer. Philip looks at her. "You did have a good time didn't you?"  Holly stops laughing and looks at Philip, then turns her head away. "Yes it was a very nice ride."  Philip watches her then walks to the Drawing Room doors. Opening them he sees that there is no one inside. He turns back to Holly. "I guess everybody has gone to bed. Holly I did enjoy being with you tonight. It was good to hear you laugh." He walks towards her. "You know when I first came here I couldn't figure you out. Saying I was your long lost love and kissing me."  Holly moves away from Philip.  Philip comes up behind her. "Holly I'm not who you thought I was. But could I kiss you now?"  Holly glances at him and shakes her head. "I'm sorry." She turns and walks towards the Drawing Room.  "Holly." Philip walks after her, grabs her wrist turning her towards him then kisses her.  Holly pulls away and runs up the staircase.
Philip turns when he hears someone enter the foyer.  "Mr. Desmond?" Raxl says.
"Yes."  "Did you lock the door when you came in?"  "No."  "We always lock the door at Desmond Hall." Raxl walks over to the door and locks it. She walks back to Philip. "Against intruders. Strangers are not welcome here."  "I see. So the man could have the name Desmond and still be a stranger here."  Raxl glances away.  "Goodnight Raxl." Philip says then turns and walks up the staircase.
Holly runs into her bedroom. She walks to her dressing table and sits down; she touches her lips with her fingers. "Oh Philip." She puts her hand over her face.
Raxl straightens up the Drawing Room, turning off the lights and walks out of the Drawing Room. Entering the foyer she hears someone at the door. She rushes over to it and puts her hands against it. "Who's there?"  "It's Mrs. Thaxton.
Raxl unlocks the door and opens it. "Good evening."  "Raxl you frightened me calling out like that." Ada says as she steps inside.  "I am wary of intruders Madame."  "Intruders don't usually have a key."  "A lock and key can not always protect us."  "Raxl I don't want anymore of that. Going around like a ghost, warning me all the time. Warning me of what?"  "Madame is upset. I'm sorry if I distressed her. Will Mr. Thaxton be returning later this evening?" Raxl asks as she hangs up Ada's coat and scarf.  "Mr. Thaxton dropped me off because he's going over the accounts at the mill first thing in the morning. He's staying in town tonight."  "And that distresses you very much."  "Why do you say that?"  "I'm not without a heart no matter what you may think Mrs. Thaxton. If at any time I may seem cruel it's only because I must be strong to protect my Master. But I understand many things." Raxl says as she walks back to Ada.  "Well Mrs. Desmond Jean Paul's mother would never discuss things like this with the servants."  "I'm sorry Madame." Raxl says and quickly turns away.  "Raxl?"
Raxl looks back at her. "Yes Mrs. Thaxton?"  "I didn't mean to offend you." Ada says as she walks through the foyer. Raxl stands behind her. "There aren't many people I can talk to. I've been a very remote woman." She looks at Raxl. "When all I really want is to be part of a family and take care of people I love."  "Madame has been very kind to us since we arrived at Desmond hall."  "Thank you Raxl." Ada says as she turns and walks towards the staircase. She glances back at Raxl. "Oh Raxl!" Ada starts to cry as she sits on the stairs. "I'm so miserable. I don't want jean Paul to know. I don't want to ask anyone for pity. But what's happened to us all? This house is hateful."  Walking over to her Raxl hushes her. "Someone may here you. Come with me." She helps Ada to stand and leads her into the Drawing Room. "There is a fire in the Drawing Room." Entering Raxl helps her to sit on the couch then walks behind the couch to fix Ada a drink. She carries it to her. "Drink."  Ada takes a sip. "Raxl this house has an aura of death. It seems no matter what I do we're being dragged down by something evil, all of us. I just, I can't fight against it anymore because I don't know what it is or where it is."  "The good people of this world can conquer evil Madame."  "How can it be conquered? It's all around me. I can't drive it out of my house Raxl. My husband is not as he was when we were married.' Ada says looking away. "He was kind to Cort and me. He was responsible and strong."  Raxl walks around the couch to stand next to Ada. "Mr. Thaxton is a complicated man."  "Oh it's more than that. He's involved with something but I don't know what." Ada says as Raxl sits next to her. "But it's mysterious and cruel. And at night when he's asleep he repeats one word. Death. And my son seems to be possessed by a hatred that grows every day. Cort is a good boy but this house has touched his soul and poisoned it.'  Raxl places her arm around Ada's shoulder. "You are talking about things you know nothing about. The walls of Desmond Hall do not bring it. Evil springs from the human heart. You have a kind heart Mrs. Thaxton, perhaps together we can make yours beat the strongest."  Ada stands. "Raxl can I trust you?"  Raxl also stands and touches Ada's hand. "Oh yes Mrs. Thaxton. If my ways seem strange and foreboding I, I am a woman."  Ada touches Raxl's shoulder. "Yes and we'll work together you and I. We'll bring light into the shadows of this house somehow." Ada says as she smiles at Raxl.  They walk out of the Drawing Room together and walk into the foyer. Ada stops and looks at Raxl. "I'm glad you've talked to me Raxl. And first, first we get you some new things. No more forbidding black dresses. You'll wear bright colors." Ada says as she hands Raxl the wine glass. "Raxl thank you, thank you." Ada says as she touches Raxl’s shoulder then turns and walks up the staircase.  Turning Raxl walks back into the Drawing Room. Erica starts to laugh. Raxl glances around the Drawing Room. "Oh you'll wear bright colors Raxl. Until you wear the black cloths of one who mourns the dead. Soon, very soon."
The next morning Jean Paul reads the paper in the Drawing Room as Helena stands next to him drinking a cup of coffee. "Just what I've always wanted a dull average marriage. Do you think we can have that Jean Paul?"  "Oh never." Jean Paul says as he still reads the paper.  "Oh don't say that."  Jean Paul laughs and sets the paper down. "Darling you are the least average person I've ever known." Jean Paul stands and takes her into his arms. "And never dull." He kisses her.
Raxl walks into the room. "Excuse me."  Jean Paul and Helena pull away from the embrace. "Oh that's quite all right Raxl." Jean Paul tells her.  "A package for Miss Raleigh. I found it on the doorstep." She hands it to Jean Paul.  "Oh for you darling. Thank you Raxl." Jean Paul says as he gives the package to Helena. "Well open it." Jean Paul says as Helena stares at it.  "It's wrapped like a wedding present." says Helena.  "Well that's appropriate."  "But I don't know who it's from."  "Well why don't you open it and find out."  Helena looks at him with a smile. Setting the gift on the table she opens it. Jean Paul stands behind her and puts his hands on her waist as he looks over her shoulder. "Helena you're shaking." Jean Paul laughs.  "I'm not used to wedding presents." She says looking up at him then opens the box. Inside are two silver goblets. "Jean Paul look." She hands them to him.  "Silver goblets?" He says looking at them
.Helena finds a card. Walking away she looks at it.  "Well who is it from?"
"No one. I mean the card is unsigned."  Jean Paul looks at the goblets. There is a knock at the front door. "Oh maybe that's Ada." Jean Paul says as he walks through the Drawing Room. He walks back to Helena. "Oh darling should I tell her the news or should I wait until we can tell her together?"  "What ever you say darling." Helena says to him.  "Together of course." He kisses her then sets the goblets down and walks from the Drawing Room.  Helena walks across the room looking at the card. "Erica." She sets the card into the fireplace. The card has one word written on it. Erica.
Jean Paul opens the front door.  "Thank you Jean Paul." Ada says smiling at him. "I've been shopping." She sits her purse on a side table next to the door.  "I see." Jean Paul says with a smile.  Raxl enters the foyer.  "Raxl this is for you." Ada tells her as she hands Raxl a box.  "Thank you Madame. Raxl says then walks away carrying the box.  "Ada. Helena and I would like to see you. Come this way." He takes her arm and leads her to the drawing Room. "Helena?" Jean Paul calls to her.  Helena turns away from the fireplace. "Ada." Helena says with a smile as she greets her.  "Now since you're feeling so sprightly this morning we're outlined a huge job for you." Jean Paul says walking over to Ada with his arms crossed and smiling. "There is going to be a wedding at Desmond hall."
"A wedding?" Ada asks.  Jean Paul walks across the room and puts his arm around Helena's waist. Helena also puts her arm around Jean Paul.  "Jean Paul and Helena, oh I'm so happy. When?"  "Next week." Jean Paul says. "No tomorrow." Helena says as she looks up at Jean Paul.  "Oh tomorrow." Ada says.
"Tomorrow, so be it." Jean Paul says.  "No fuss Ada. Just a few friends and no decorations." Helena says to her.  "Oh I wouldn't hear of it. A wedding at Desmond Hall. Well let me see, we've so little time. Ada says walking up to them. "But I'll manage trust me. I'll make a list up right away. Oh Jean Paul, Helena I'm so happy for you both." Ada says as she kisses Jean Paul on the cheek. then she kisses Helena on the cheek''   "Oh I knew you would be Ada." Jean Paul tells her.  "Helena my dear welcome to the family. Oh a wedding." Ada says smiling as she turns and quickly walks out of the room.  Jean Paul laughs. "You see that's just what Ada needs."  Jean Paul please no fuss. I just want to marry you as quietly and quickly as I can." She turns away from him. "Perhaps we can find a judge in time."  "Darling what is it? You're as nervous as a..." Jean Paul starts to say as he walks up behind her.  "As a bride?" Helena tells him as she looks up at him. "You know how brides are always crying at a drop of a hat." She kisses him and walks from the room.  Jean Paul watches her shaking his head. Turning he walks to the table and looks through the wrappings of the wedding gift. He steps around the table and picks up one of the goblets.  Raxl walks in. "Master Mrs. Thaxton was just telling me about your plans for tomorrow." She sees the goblet on the table. She walks to the table and picks it up. "Where did these come from?" Raxl asks.  "Well they were a wedding present without a card."  "The last time I saw these silver goblets was at Maljardin." Raxl looks up at him. "They are from Maljardin Master. I'm certain of it."   "That's not possible. They could have been found anywhere." Jean Paul tells her taking the goblet from her.  "They were handcrafted brought over by your ancestor from France. They were never duplicated."  "Well how did they reach us?" Jean Paul asks as he sets them on the mantel. "They would have been destroyed by fire."  "Master last night when I was closing up the house I heard a voice in this very room. It was the voice of Erica."  Jean Paul glances away.
Holly knocks on Philip's bedroom door. "Philip?" She opens the door and glances inside. "Philip?" Holly steps inside. The carousel begins to turn and play music. "You're here." Holly says as she walks over to it. "Oh my darling you mustn't worry. I only came to tell him I never want to see him alone again. Never. You see last night he kissed me." The carousel stops moving. "Oh it doesn't matter. It only made me love you and miss you more," She kneels next to the carousel. "Philip speak to me. Play for me please. Are you angry with me?"
Raxl holds both goblets and walks towards Jean Paul. So Master you see, you can not go through the wedding tomorrow.  Jean Paul turns towards her. "I am and I will."  "But she is here. Her spirit has returned."  "I don't believe that Raxl. Two silver goblets? A voice in the night is not enough. Not enough to frighten me and keep me from having Helena."  "Perhaps you will never have her. Perhaps when the spirit spoke of death she meant Miss Raleigh's death."  Jean Paul turns away. "I don't want t hear it."  "You would deny what is before your very eyes."
Jean Paul turns towards her. "Erica was destroyed! Destroyed on Maljardin!" Jean Paul shouts at her.  "Spirits from hell can not easily be destroyed."  "She has not returned. No now. Not when I was just beginning to live life again!" Jean Paul says as he walks around the room. "For the first time since the fire on Maljardin I was beginning to see some hope! Raxl, Helena must not be harmed."
Raxl turns away from him. "I can not promise Master."  Ada rushes in. 'Raxl we have so many things to do. We can't waste a second. Now I thought on the balustrade in the foyer garlands of ivy so that Helena descends the stairs." She notices the goblets in Raxl's hands. "Oh the drinking cups. Why how nice to have them back. They haven't been in the house for years." She looks at Jean Paul. "Did you bring them Jean Paul?"  "No I did not bring them." Jean Paul says as he steps closer to them.  "But aren't they beautiful despite their history."  "What was their history Ada?" Jean Paul asks.  "Oh we better not go into that one." She says as she sets the list in her hand down on the table.  "No, no I'd like to know."  Ada looks at the goblets. "Well they were brought from France for the wedding of your great aunt Melissa." She glances at Jean Paul. "The bride and groom were to make a toast from them."  "And?"  "They toasted, lifting the silver goblets, drank." She says as she holds a goblet. "And according to the story."  "Yes?"
"They died, Jean Paul."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 118