Strange Paradise:  Episode 11
 Episode 11:  Slideshow
Carrying a candle Holly walks down the staircase. She stops and looks at Jacques portrait, then turns and goes down into the crypt. She hears Jean Paul talking.  Jean Paul is telling Erica of his bringing Tim to the Island to paint her portrait. Holly comes up behind him.  "As this cryonics capsule preserves you, so our love sustains me until we are ready to share our life again." Jean Paul says to Erica. Turning he sees Holly.  "What are you doing down here?" He grabs Holly's wrist, the candle goes out.   "I was thirsty."  "And you came all this way for a glass of water?" Jean Paul says as he lets go of Holly's wrist.  "I was trying to find the kitchen and I heard you talking." Holly tells him walking up to Erica's capsule. "What is this place, a morgue? "  Walking behind Holly, Jean Paul tells her. "These are my ancestors."  "And this?" she points to the capsule.  "My wife."  "Your wife! Is she dead?"  Jean Paul nods his head.  "Oh boy you are a kook. I'm going to get out of here." Holly runs past him, Jean Paul tries to grab her, but she gets away to the stairs.  Raxl is walking down the staircase from the bedrooms, when she sees Holly run through the Great Hall. Holly hides in a scrunched position on the couch.   "What happened?" Raxl asks Jean Paul who is behind Holly coming from the crypt.  "She found me in the crypt. She's frightened."  "She's on the verge of hysterics." Raxl says.  "Oh don't over dramatize Raxl. She will be back to herself in a moment." Jean Paul says as he puts his hand on Holly's shoulder.  Holly is still sobbing.  "I doubt any of us will in this cursed house and doomed Island."  "That's enough Raxl. She needs something warm, some chocolate perhaps."  "You too?"  "No I... I remember Erica used to like it on occasions. Yes me to. Miss Marshal? Holly?"   "I'm all right now Mr. Desmond." Holly sits up but is still upset.  Jean Paul sits next to her. "You have had quite a scare. I'm sorry."  "I really flipped out there for a moment."  "It's not really a pleasant scene." Jean Paul tells her.  "Was I really that bad?"  "I was referring to the crypt."  "Oh yea, It is cold and dreary isn't it?"  "Especially for someone your age." Jean Paul tells her.  "I'm not really that young Mr. Desmond and I know about death and how much it can hurt you."  "I'm much older than you are and I can tell you the hurt is very great."  "You're not that old."  "Sometimes I wonder how old I really am,” replies Jean Paul.  "Sometimes I feel older than Methuselah." Holly tells him.  "But much prettier." Jean Paul tells her.  "But much sadder." replies Holly.  "With the whole world before you. Don't be."  Holly looks at Jean Paul. "Oh no Mr. Desmond, I feel sad for you and that poor lady down there. I heard you talking to her, you must have loved her very much."  "She was my life, she is my life." Jean Paul says with a sad smile.  "Now she's dead."  "She will rise again Holly. Does that seem strange to you?"  Holly turns her face away. "I called you a kook before."  "Do you think I still am?"  "Mr. Desmond I don't know. I wish you had been around when my father died. We had this big cushy funeral. My mother all in black and weeping until the will turned up. The money was left to me and she was red with rage. I wish I could have gone to my father's funeral with a belief like you have.  Then maybe someday my father and me could be together again." Holly cries out for her father against Jean Paul's shoulder.  Jean Paul holds her with a sad look upon his face.  I'm sorry." Holly pulls away. I don't know why I broke down like that. It could be because you are so sad and I'm so unhappy."  "Look, if it's because of your father try to think of the happy times. The things you shared together, the good memories. They help Holly." Jean Paul tells her.  "I know, but my mother always manages to louse up my thoughts. Even my life. Please Mr. Desmond, I owe you too much to weigh you down with my woes. I stowed away on your boat, then I intruded on your private sorrow."  With a smile Jean Paul stands, "No harm done. Now you get yourself to bed and get a good rest. Raxl will be up with some chocolate later and tomorrow Quito and I will take you back to the Mainland."  Holly grabs Jean Paul's hand. "Oh no, please let me stay. just till... look it won't be for long. Please, yesterday you said you understood someone who's wanting to escape." Holly pleads with Jean Paul.  "I do but after all you're only a..."  Holly turns away from Jean Paul curling up on the couch facing the back of it. "Don't say that." she cuts off Jean Paul’s words, then pounds her fist against the cushion. "I'm sick of hearing it. I'm not a child."  Jean Paul again sits on the edge of the couch. "Holly, are you in some sort of trouble?"  Holly turns toward him, "No I'm only trying to find a little happiness. Please let me stay. I'll pay you back whatever it costs."  "Money isn't a factor, your peace of mind is." Jean Paul says with a smile.  "Then your answer is yes?"  "I'll think it over." Jean Paul tells her.  "Thank you."  Raxl walks in with the chocolate.  "Raxl, would you leave mine here, and Holly will have hers in the other room." Jean Paul walks away, he stops with his back to them.  "Can't I have mine here with you?"  Jean Paul turns. "This late at night, a man and woman left together alone. Poor Raxl wouldn't approve."  "You're putting me on." Holly says.  With a shake of his head Jean Paul walks back and grabs Holly's hand to help her up. "I'm putting you off, to bed. It's late and I have things to do."  As Holly walks away she tells Jean Paul "At first I thought that was a portrait of you." stopping at Jacques portrait.  "Seriously he's dead three hundred-years. " Jean Paul says with a smile.  "Well, who is he?"  "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes, an ancestor." Jean Paul tells her, the smile is gone.  "Three hundred-years, he still looks pretty groovy. Like he knows what's happening." Holly says with a smile.  Jean Paul glances at the portrait then looks away. "Oh yes, he was a real swinger all right. Goodnight Holly." he says looking at her.  "Goodnight." Holly replies as she heads up the staircase.  Jean Paul watches her go up as he walks toward the staircase. Turning he walks away then looks back.  "Like her. I do. We must keep that nubile little one." Jacques says with a laugh.  "She's leaving tomorrow!"  "Now must you deny us our little pleasures?"  "She will not be touched by you!" Jean Paul tells Jacques.  "I was thinking of you."  "Leave her be, she has enough on her conscience!"  "Whose is the conscience that ways more heavily? And a troubled conscience doth make cowards of us all." Jacques laughs.
The next morning Alison comes down the staircase.  "Good morning Doctor." Raxl greets her.  "Good morning Raxl." Alison says with a smile as she walks into the Great Hall.  "Feeling better?" Raxl asks.  "I wasn't feeling ill, I just wanted to be in my room alone. I had a lot of thinking to do." Walking to Raxl she puts her hand on Raxl's shoulder. "Raxl, would you do me a favor?"  "If I can."  "I'm really concerned about Mr. Desmond. I know that he still loves Erica very much and he is desperately unhappy. I suffer for him, but what he is doing is wrong."
Jean Paul is in his secret room watching and listening to the conversation between Alison and Raxl.  "I agree, but how can we stop Msieu Desmond?" Raxl asks.  "I wish we could get a hold of Dan Forrest. Maybe he can make sense out of this because I can not."  "He's not here."  "I know but we have to get word to him, because we are virtually prisoners here. Can you get Quito to mail this letter?"  "No, Quito he only does as the Master tells him." Raxl tells Alison.  "But I thought he obeyed you."  "Not on matters that Msieu Desmond decreed."  "Will you mail it?" Alison tries giving the letter to Raxl.  "I am as loyal to the Master as Quito. I will do what I can to convince him but I will not betray him."
Jean Paul turns off the monitor angrily.  "Raxl you have to help or we'll all go mad!" Alison cries out as she turns away.  "In an honorable way, I will do what I can." Raxl turns away then turns back to Alison. "A friend of yours came over last night from the Mainland. Perhaps he can help you."  "Who?" Alison asks as she turns toward Raxl.  "Mr. Stanton."  "Stanton?"  "He seemed to know you. He asked about you at dinner and I told him you were ill."  "Tim Stanton, the artist?"  "Yes, he said he wanted to thank you for something."  "Is he still here?"  "Yes."  "He can repay me. He can mail this letter." Alison says happily.   Tim is coming down the staircase, he hears Alison request. "For you Doctor Carr I will ride pony express," he says smiling. "We missed you last night."  "We?"  "Yea, Holly Marshal and me."  "Who's Holly?"  "Oh just a crazy kid who stowed away in Mr. Desmond's boat."  "To come here?"  "She did it for kicks. I can't say I blame her though. This place is A-okay."  Alison shakes her head no.  "You don't think so?" Tim asks.  "I might have thought that once."  Raxl enters and tells them she is going to prepare breakfast.  "Raxl, just juice and some coffee for me please." Alison tells her.  "Very well Doctor."  "I don't know how to thank you for getting me this commission. You know you saved my life." Tim tells Alison.  "You mean the portrait of Erica? Your still not going to do it, are you?"   Tim turns toward Alison. "Well I'm here to do what you arranged with Mr. Desmond to have me to do. You act surprised. Does your sister usually come down for breakfast? I would like to meet her and get started."  Alison sits down and looks up at Tim. "Erica will not be down for breakfast."  "Oh, the afternoon light is just as good."  "She won't be down for lunch either or dinner." Alison tells him getting sad and upset.  "If I'm out of line Doctor Carr stop me. What are you trying to say?"  "Didn't they tell you?"  "I don't know what you are talking about."  "Well, my sister is...dead." Alison glances down.  Tim walks to the back of Alison's chair. "Forgive me. I am sorry. Did it happen during the night?"  "No it happened before you came here."  "It's strange that Mr. Desmond didn't tell me about it." Tim walks to the fireplace leaning his arm against it. He shakes his head.  Alison stands and walks over to Tim. "There are many strange things about this Island. Tim will you mail this letter for me when you get back to the Mainland."  "I can't walk out now. I mean I have already taken the money for the portrait and paid off that lug who was on my back."  "You can't paint a portrait of a dead woman!"  "Well I'll just have to try, won't I? From a picture or my sketch. If Mr. Desmond really wants that picture I'm going to try. Only I can't figure out why he didn't tell me about it!" Tim says sitting down.  "There's a lot of things on this Island I hope you never have to figure Tim. Now I'm begging you for your own sake leave here and mail this letter for me!" Alison raises her voice while trying to hand him the letter.  "You can't mail it yourself?"  "No, Mr. Desmond doesn't want me to leave."  "Why?"  "There is something about my sisters death he doesn't want anyone to know."  Jean Paul is again listening to Alison and Tim's conversation from the doorway.  Alison still holding the letter turns and walks toward the fireplace. "What a fool I am. He won't let you leave either."  "Let him try to stop me." Tim tells her. "I'll get that letter mailed. You remember that stow away on the boat last night when I got here? Her name is Holly Marshal. Mr. Desmond is going to get rid of her. I'll get her to mail your letter."  "If only you could, if only she would." Alison starts getting excited.  "Come on." Tim tells her and they rush up the staircase.  Jean Paul comes through the doorway; he has an angry look on his face as he looks at the empty staircase.  "Eavesdropping." Jacques asks.  Jean Paul spins around.  "If you are ever to raise Erica from the dead quietly, as if she had never died. No one that comes to Maljardin can ever leave again. Alive that is." Jean Paul walks toward the portrait of Jacques. He then turns away with a fearful expression on his face.  Tim is talking to Holly. "What are you so uptight about?"  Holly walks away then turns around with one hand on her hip. "You just chose the wrong girl to play messenger that's all."  "You're being shipped out anyway so what's the sweat?"  "I'm not being shipped out." Holly says angrily.  "Are you kidding, you stow away on his boat, you plunk yourself down as an unwanted guest and expect Mr. Desmond to sit still for that?"  "Yes, maybe he will." Holly walks away.  "Your nuts if you stay because it's not helping. Anyway Holly," he takes her arm and turns her towards him. "You can't run away from everything all your life. I just got you a job from Vangie at the French Leaf Cafe."  "I can't work there now that he has showed up."  "The Reverend?"  "Matt Dawson."  "He seems like a pretty straight guy to me. Maybe you should go back there and find out for yourself."  "He's the last person in the world I want to find out about." Holly walks away from Tim and sits on the cushions of the couch.  "Okay, it's your life. But I want to return a favor and the only way I can do it is through you. Could you tell Mr. Desmond you forgot something at the hotel or make some excuse to go there to mail this letter?" Tim is sitting on the arm of the chair as he shows Holly the letter.  "Back to that again. Why doesn't Doctor Carr mail it herself?"  "She can't leave here for a while. " Tim stands and walks around the chair.  "Are you too lazy or afraid of getting sea sick?"  " Tim leans on the chair and looks at Holly. "I don't think I can leave either." Tim turns and looks at Jacques portrait.  "Hmm, the plot thickens or is this another of your many mysteries?" Holly asks.  "Believe me Holly it's no joke."  Jacques portrait goes blank.  "Doctor Carr and I know something that Mr. Desmond doesn't want anyone to know. He wants it kept secret."
Jean Paul comes down the staircase with a smile. "But Holly knows about it also."  Holly and Tim stand together facing Jean Paul. In his hand Tim still holds the letter.  "Mr. Desmond, where did you come from?" Holly asks.  "From up there." Jean Paul points upward. On his hand is Jacques ring. "No excuse me from down there." Now he points downward. "Then I went up there,” he says with a laugh as he walks down the rest of the stairs.  Walking up to Tim he grabs the letter from him. "What's this?" He opens and reads it. "Tsk, tsk Alison really shouldn't do this to me. Despite her good intentions."  He slides the letter back to its envelope then inside his jacket. "And I'll tell you why." He signals Tim and Holly to have a seat.  After they are seated Jacques stands in front of the fireplace with his arms crossed. "For the first time in my life when my wife Erica died something happened beyond my control. Now I'm not accustomed to defeat, so I intend to reverse it." Jacques tells them.  "Reverse someone dying?" Tim asks.  "Quite a challenge, wouldn't you say? It's rather like transporting a devil from Hades into the Artic. Instead of hell freezing over the ice melts down. Which you might call transference of power. Oh under ordinary conditions my Erica could be in a deep freeze and that would be my business. But if the truth would be known then the press, the television crew and the news media would exploit and speculate and make this Island a Mecca of curiosity seekers. Now we can't have that can we? That's why this letter of Alison’s with all its good intentions can never be mailed until the dead are raised. Or what ever our destiny may be."  Tim and Holly look at each other.  While Jacques is speaking Raxl comes down the stairs listening. She shakes her head and with an upset look she quickly goes to the crypt. Walking to Erica's capsule she speaks. "Who is he little Mistress? Your husband or Jacques Eloi Des Mondes, a Satan out of the past three hundred-years. Battle lines must be drawn in the mystic world to protect the dead and those destined to die."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 12