Strange Paradise:  Episode 106
Episode 106:  Slideshow
Helena: Though darkness envelops Desmond Hall a star shines in the sky pulsating like a human heart. Bringing evil to Jean Paul Desmond and through the curtains of night envelop the ancient mansion neither secrecy or night can conceal the torments within Desmond Hall. For Jean Paul has turned on the young woman he has sworn to protect and he's powerless to disobey the evil signals that tell him to kill. Kill!"
Jean Paul stands in front of Holly. "It's time you and I were alone Holly. Just you and I."  "What is it Jean Paul? You look so..." Holly takes a step towards him.
"No stay. Stay where you are."  "But I wanted to go downstairs. I couldn't sleep."
"Holly I will help you to sleep." He takes her hand. "Come. Come along to your room. Sleep." Jean Paul leads Holly up the staircase and to her room. After entering he releases her hand.  Holly walks to the dressing table and sits down with her back towards Jean Paul. "So tired Jean Paul. So tired. And everywhere I look there seems to be confusion. Things that disturb me."  Jean Paul smiles as he walks towards her.  "Remember you said when we came to Desmond Hall there would be peace. There has been nothing but agony for me."  Jean Paul stands over her. "I know. I know Holly dear but you must rest. Rest now and I promise you I will do my best to see that you get your peace." Jean Paul raises his hands.  Holly sits with her eyes closed. "You're so nice to me. But then you always are."  Jean Paul lowers his hands towards Holly's neck.  Helena walks in and stares at Jean Paul and Holly. "Holly?"  Jean Paul lowers his hands and turns.  Helena walks to Holly’s side. "Holly I had to talk to you before you went to sleep."  "Yes Erica." "Helena. Jean Paul you must teach this young girl to remember who I am." Helena says then kneels next to Holly. "Although I know you were fond of Erica." She looks at Jean Paul. Standing she grasps his arm. "You don't want to hear this girl to girl talk. I know how boring it can be for a man." She leads him to the door.  Jean Paul stops and looks at Helena. "No."
"Leave us alone Jean Paul. We will see you in the morning."  "No!" He raises his hand. The Mark of Death is on it.  Helena looks at it then grasps his hand. "I am asking you to leave us alone." She closes his hand.  Jean Paul turns away. "Goodnight." He starts to leave the room.  "Jean Paul?" Holly calls.  Jean Paul turns and looks at Holly.  "Goodnight Jean Paul." Helena tells him standing in front of Holly.  Jean Paul turns and slowly leaves the room.   Helena closes the door behind him. "Poor man. So kind so sweet. I worry about him. I really do." Helena says as she walks across the room.  "Helena what was it you wanted to talk about?"  "Nothing really. Now everything’s is all right, quite all right. Holly we'll talk in the morning." Helena takes Holly's hand as Holly stands. "You're tired, now sleep." She walks Holly to her bed. "Good night." Helena walks to the door. "And if you want anything you will call me won't you."  "Yes I will. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Holly." Helena smiles at Holly then leaves the room.  "He's so kind and sweet. You see Philip there are other men as attractive as you are. Only they have the advantage of being real flesh and blood men. Jean Paul does find me attractive. He does like me. He really does." Holly says as she gets into bed and lies down. "You know he really does." Holly says as her eyes close.
Jean Paul walks down the staircase. Raxl walks up to him. "Master, where have you been?"  Jean Paul lifts his head. "Nowhere, nowhere."  "I was detained talking to Mrs. Hatter. Master I warned you of the danger."  "Yes. But the danger is almost ended. Soon everyone will know my secret. Everyone will know the curse and then there will be a punishment that is meant for a murderer." Jean Paul says as he walks across the foyer.  Raxl rushes over to the Drawing Room doors and closes them. "No, no you mustn't let that happen." Raxl says rushing to Jean Paul. "They will not touch you. I will give my life before..."  "Raxl you are a good and faithful servant." He puts his hand on her shoulder. "But a servant needs somebody to devote her life to." Jean Paul turns away from her. "I am not worthy."  Raxl walks up behind Jean Paul "You are a Desmond. And I have always served the Desmonds."  "I am a powerless murderer."  "You are a good man consumed by forces over which you have no control."  Jean Paul walks away from her. "Raxl. Just now I stood behind Holly. My hands reaching for her throat. I could have killed, I could have choked her! And then Helena Raleigh came into the room."  "She saw you?"  "Yes and she made me see myself. Attacking a girl I promised to protect. She saved Holly's life." Jean Paul says looking at Raxl.  "She witnessed your secret?"  Helena stands at the top of the staircase. "Jean Paul?"  Raxl and Jean Paul look up at Helena. "My Master is very weary Miss Raleigh. What is it you want?" Raxl asks her.  Helena walks down the staircase. "To talk to him. She steps close to Jean Paul. "To assure him I am his friend. You know that don't you Jean Paul. I'm devoted to you. And to your secrets."  Jean Paul turns away. "Raxl is right. I am very tired. I think..."
Irene steps out of the Drawing Room. "Well Jean Paul awake at this hour? Raxl I thought you had gone to pack Miss Blair's things." Irene looks at Helena. "And who is this charming young lady?"  "I am Helena Raleigh. How do you do." Helena holds out her hand.  "Irene Hatter." Irene says as she shakes Helena's hand and looks at Jean Paul. "Since Jean Paul is to weak to perform the introductions."  Jean Paul walks over to Raxl. "Raxl would you go and pack Miss Blair's things."  "Master?" Raxl says looking at him.  "I'll be all tight. I tell you I'm all right." he whispers to her.  Raxl walks away and climbs the staircase.  Irene looks at Jean Paul. "Such devotion. I find it very touching."  "Master the sky is empty." Raxl tells him from the top of the staircase.  "Thank you Raxl." Jean Paul says closing his eyes in relief.  "Provides weather reports to." Helena says looking at Irene.  "I'll say goodnight to Miss Emily." Jean Paul says as he turns towards the Drawing Room. After entering he closes the doors.  Irene looks at Helena. "Well Miss Raleigh I've seen your posters in Desmondton but never been fortunate enough to see you on stage."  "I've retired from the theater Mrs. Hatter."  "Oh how unfortunate for me." Irene says.  "But fortunate for me. After all the applause of an audience can't equal the charms and comforts of Desmond Hall."  "Oh you're staying here then?"  "Indefinitely."  "I see." Irene says.  "I don't think you do." Helena says to Irene.  "You're retired and you're staying as a guest of Jean Paul. And a very charming quest I might add. You light up the old house."
"I thank you."  "One thing I don't understand plans. What are your plans Miss Raleigh?"  "My plans." Helena walks to the staircase. "My plans my dear Mrs. Hatter, to become Mistress of Desmond Hall." Helena turns and walks up the staircase. As Irene watches her leave.
Jean Paul glances out the window of the Drawing Room. "The star has fades Master." Raxl says.  Jean Paul nods. "Thank God for that."  Raxl walks up to him. "The Raleigh woman I do not trust her. Even though she may say she will keep your secret."  "I told you Raxl it doesn't matter to me anymore. I am tired of living a secret life. I am tired of hiding. And I am tired of dreading that wretched star. Oh Raxl I don't want anymore secrets!" Jean Paul shouts.  Raxl grabs Jean Paul's arm. "Master?"  Helena stands in the doorway. "More secrets. Oh I can hardly keep up with them. I was in a play once that so many corpses littered the stage I hardly knew where to move. Whether to open a closet or a window seat."
Raxl and Jean Paul stare at Helena.  "It is a bit of a muchness isn’t it?" Helena says.  "You may go Raxl." Jean Paul tells her. Raxl gives a small bow and leaves the room.  "Goodnight Raxl." Helena calls out.  "Goodnight." Raxl says closing the doors behind her. "A jolly servant that one. If I were you I'd let her go. Who can stand so much gloom?" Helena says as she walks across the room. "I couldn't do that." Jean Paul tells Helena.  "I see a tried and true retainer. You're a very loyal man." Helen says as she walks to the table with the wine decanters.
"I try."  "Have they left yet? Emily and Mrs. Hatter?"  "Yes Laslo drove them."
"Do you think that wise? Emily's a very disturbed girl."  "That's why I think it is wise. I think she should be away from Desmond Hall for a time." Jean Paul says as he walks to the couch and sits down.  "With Mrs. Hatter?"  "We've known Irene for a long time."  Walking to the couch and standing behind it Helena carries a glass of bandy. "As of the many people you have known for a long time I find her strange."  "You seem very in-depth in making judgments Miss Raleigh."  "I'm sorry. I apologize. I'm so used to studying characters it's a difficult habit to break. I'm wondering for instance why a man with a fine background, a spacious mansion, protective servants and a tradition of honor. Why should such a man stand behind a young girl and prepare to choke her?" Helena asks as she hands the brandy to Jean Paul.  Jean Paul looks at her as he accepts the glass.
Holly lays in bed with her eyes open. There is a knock on her door. "Yes." Holly calls out.  Raxl walks into Holly's room. "Are you all right Miss Holly?"  Holly sits up in the bed. "I'm fine thank you Raxl."  "The house is very disturbed tonight."
"Is it?"  "But you seem serene." Raxl says to her.  Holly looks away smiling. "I've been thinking Raxl. I've decided that I have to change my life. I have to make my own decisions and not be afraid anymore."  Raxl sits on the edge of Holly's bed. "There's nothing to be afraid of Miss Holly. I'm leaving Quito outside your door till morning."  "Why?"  Quito steps into the room. "To guard you." Raxl tells Holly.
Holly looks at Quito. "Quito that's very kind of you but really it isn't necessary."
Quito looks at Raxl. "Quito will do as I say." Quito nods as Raxl stands and turns back to Holly. "Goodnight Miss Holly. Sleep." She touches Holly's shoulder. Raxl leaves the room and Quito turns to follow her.  "Quito." Holly calls to him. Quito turns towards Holly. "Just a minute. I'd like to talk to you." Holly says as she reaches out her hand. Taking it in his Quito kneels next to the bed. "Quito you've seen Philip Desmond. I know that. You mustn't be frightened by him. Ghost or spirit, dead or alive he has no power over me or over you either. Quito if you ever see him again I don't care what you do to him. Do you understand me?" Quito nods. "He's a cruel person Quito, he's wicked." Quito looks away from Holly.
Raxl quietly walks down the staircase and to the Drawing Room doors. As she reaches for the doorknob she hears Helena's voice.  "But I sympathize with you Jean Paul. I really do. But I can't ignore a mystery now can I? If we are to be friends and we are friends then I must be honest with you and you with me. Jean Paul why did you want to kill Holly tonight?" Helena asks as she leans on the arm of the couch.  Jean Paul stands and walks away from her. "I don't know. I didn't know that I was." he says nervously.  Helena stands behind him. "You're lying to me."  "I am not lying. It is just simply that I can not explain and you cannot possibly understand."  "I'm trying to. I want to."  "What ever you think I know I could not possibly kill Holly." Jean Paul says as he walks away from Helena.
"But you were fortunate that I came in when I did weren't you?"  "I was." He sets the glass on a table.  "Aren't you grateful to me?"  Jean Paul walks to the fireplace. "Very grateful. For many things."  "Such as?" Helena asks as she walks up to Jean Paul.  Turning he says. "Your honesty, your beauty."  "And. Be honest, my resemblance to..."  "Yes, yes your resemblance to Erica." Jean Paul walks away from her.  Helena comes up behind him. "Jean Paul I am Erica."
Jean Paul turns and looks at her then takes her in his arms and kisses her.  Raxl opens the door.  "Enter the family retainer." Helena says as she pulls back from Jean Paul.  "What is it Raxl?" Jean Paul asks.  Raxl walks into the room. "I was just checking the house for the night. And make sure all the lights were out."
"Raxl you seem to be having trouble distinguishing between reality and play acting. I'm not Erica, am I Jean Paul?"  Jean Paul smiles at her.  "But then I wasn't Lady Macbeth or Lady Windermere. I suggest Raxl that when you enter a room you choose a better line than seeing that the lights were out."  "What do you mean by that Miss Raleigh?" Raxl asks.  "You may go along Raxl." Jean Paul tells her.  Raxl turns to leave.  "No wait. Raxl you're so severe. I mean that life is a play, a game. Only those that make their roles believable survive."  Jean Paul laughs. "I think you've confused her."  Raxl looks at Jean Paul. "No one confuses me Master. Least of all this one. Goodnight Miss Raleigh."  "Goodnight Raxl and well spoken that last line."  Raxl closes the door as she leaves the Drawing Room.  Helena looks at Jean Paul. "When you kissed me just now I wasn't acting. And I suspect that you weren't either. And you know that I'm not Erica."  Jean Paul nods as Helena moves closer to him and kisses him, then lays her head on his chest. "Poor Holly." She says.
"Philip, Philip did you call me?" Holly says as she sleeps. "Philip!" She cries out as she wakes up and looks around the room. "No, he's not here. I'm glad he's not here." She says as she lies back against her pillows.  Quito opens the door and looks around the room after hearing Holly cry out. Holly sits up. "Quito it's all right. I was just having a dream. I don't believe in dreams. Come on in. Sit on the bed."  Quito enters, looks around then sits on the edge of the bed. "Quito you're always risking your life for me. You're always guarding me. Quito hold my hand." She reaches out to Quito and he takes her hand. "There's some people who think you’re strange. People are afraid of you but sometimes the people who seem strange are the ones you can depend on the most. Sometimes the only ones." Holly throws herself back on her pillows. "Oh Quito I'm so miserable. If you know a way to end this for you and me would you do it?" Holly sits up. "Quito would you take me away from here?"  Quito nods his head.  "You see I tried to pretend that I don't love him but I do. Oh Quito take me to Philip. Take me to Philip, I don't care where."
Helena stands next to the wall with Jean Paul standing next to her. "Jean Paul it was a wonderful night. And there will be others. Tell me there will be others."
"I don't know. I don't feel that I have the right to ask anyone to love me." Jean Paul says turning away from Helena.  Helena comes up behind him. "We all have the right to love."  "But not to endanger someone." Jean Paul says as he glances at her. "No ones is in danger. Look at me. Do I look terribly afraid or happy?"  Jean Paul smiles. "Happy."  "As a child. If it's a dream then we must follow it Jean Paul. And disregard all caution as lovers have always done. Oh did I call us lovers?" Helena turns away from him. "Forgive me." She starts up the staircase. "Thou noticed the mark of night on my face else would a maiden’s blush be paint upon my cheeks." Helena stops at the top of the staircase. As he watches her Jean Paul smiles.  "That which thou has heard me speak tonight." Jean Paul walks across the foyer looking up at Helena. "Oh Juliet."  "And he's Romeo. Now she was a child and she dared ask. ' Does thou love me? I know thou wilt say aye and I will take thy word and in truth I am to find therefore thou must think my behavior light." Helena sits on the stairs looking through the railings at Jean Paul. "But trust me gentleman, I'll prove more true than those more cunning to be strange."  "By yonder blessed moon I view the tips of silver all through tree tops." Jean Paul says.  Helena stands. Yes those are the words and you said them so beautifully. Goodnight, goodnight. But no more Romeo and Juliet. Though I do like it but as you recall Jean Paul they loved each other then they died together."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 107