Strange Paradise:  Episode 6
 Episode 6:  Slideshow
Jean Paul stands and speaks to Jacques. "Why must I suffer your torment from hell? Can't I buy my Erica life in the future without restoring your evil from the past? Am I cursed with you?" Jean Paul turns and walks quickly to the crypt.  Raxl comes down the staircase from the bedrooms carrying a candle. She walks up to Jacques portrait. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes let my master free. Do not bring death to this house that you have poisoned with your unseen presence."  Thunder and lightning crash outside. Jean Paul enters the Great Hall. "Raxl, what's wrong? You seem so distraught."  "Don't you know? After what has happened."  "It's just a power failure with the generator. Everything should be back in order now." Jean Paul tells her.  "Is it? When a man has died." Raxl replies.  "What? Who?"  "Come." Raxl tells him as she leads him to the crypt.  "Wait! To Erica?" Jean Paul asks.  "To the man who treated her."  "Dr. Menkin?" Jean Paul then follows Raxl down to the crypt. On entering Jean Paul lays his hand on Erica's capsule. Raxl walks to Erica's old coffin.  "Msieu Desmond." Raxl calls to him. Jean Paul walks over to Raxl. Raxl lifts the lid on the coffin.  "Oh my God. It is the doctor." Jean Paul says.  "Did you doubt me?"  "Look, those bruises. He has had an accident,” says Jean Paul.  "Perhaps." Raxl tells him.  "Wait. Wait I remember now. We were talking. He wanted to leave the Island."  "I told you that." Raxl tells him.  "Yes, yes we were on the dock."   "And he was drunk." Raxl replies.  : Dr. Menkin never drank."   "Yes I know. But you told me yourself that he had been drunk." Raxl tells Jean Paul. Walking towards Jacques tomb Raxl says. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. We buried him here, for all eternity. Until you opened his casket and set him free. Why?"  "All I found was a conjure doll and a silver pin through it's head." replies Jean Paul.  "Which you withdrew and released all the horror of the past on us."   "This is legendary talk Raxl."  "Three hundred years ago Jacques Eloi Des Mondes ceased to care for his wife and she was dead. After that her younger sister, then she was dead. There is a sister of your wife under this roof. Is she younger than my Mistress?"  "Yes." Jean Paul replies.  "Then get her out of here before she is dead. Please Msieu, it is all we can do. We must fight." Raxl tells him.  "Against whom? A man of three hundred years ago."  "The devil is eternal! We must destroy him. The doll and silver pin, where are they?"  Jean Paul puts his hand to his head and walks around. "I don't know!" Jacques portrait goes blank. Jean Paul lowers his hand, he is wearing Jacques ring.  "Please Msieu, where is the conjure doll?"  "Oh Raxl, you are to old to play with dolls. Now be quiet and mind your place." Jacques (in Jean Paul’s body) tells her.  Raxl quickly leaves the room.  Jacques goes over to Erica's capsule; he reaches out and touches it with both hands. "Erica, beloved wife of Jean Paul Desmond. You are cold comfort to him while you lie here. But while you stay here you are welcome warmth to me. Sleep well and long, so I may roam free,” he says with a smile. Walking to the plaque with his name on it he dusts it with Jean Paul's handkerchief.  Back in the Great Hall Jacques leaves Jean Paul's body and returns to the portrait. Jean Paul turns away and shakes his head. Walking to the couch he lies down and closes his eyes.  Alison walks down the stairs to the Great Hall. She stands across from Jacques portrait staring at it.  Jean Paul stirs and as he stands he notices Alison. "Alison, I didn't know you were here. Is there anything wrong?"  "I couldn't sleep, that's all."  "Could I get you something? A sleeping pill perhaps." Jean Paul asks.  "No thank you."  "A drink? A brandy will help you rest."  "I'll have a little brandy."  "For medicinal purposes. Jean Paul replies.  Alison lays her head against Jean Paul's chest. "I can't believe it. She is dead Jean Paul."  "Yes, she is dead. But not forever."  Alison pulls away from him getting angry. "I can't bear to think of her in that artificial long life. She should be allowed to die with dignity" As she steps away from him she turns her back to him. "Properly interred and her soul sent to God."  As Jean Paul turns away from Alison he lifts his brandy glass and smiles. On his hand is Jacques ring. After finishing his brandy he turns back to Alison. "Let's forget about Erica for the moment and our private little quarrel about the manner of her burial. More brandy?" he asks with a smile.  "That portrait." Alison says.  Jean Paul turns toward the portrait. "Oh, Jacques Eloi Des Mondes."  "If he were alive today he could be your twin." Alison says.  "If he were alive he could even be me."  "No, not after what Raxl told me." Alison tells him.  "The family gossip." Jacques says with a laugh. "Now what did she tell you about Jacques?" he says with a smile.  "She told me he is the devil, the embodiment of evil. He wants this whole house and the Island. And even worse than that..."  "Even worse than that? How bad could it be?" Jacques asks.  "She told me you freed him from a centuries old curse. And he possesses your soul." Alison tells him.  With a shake of his head Jacques collects the brandy glasses. "A man three hundred years dead. Slightly ridiculous, don't you think? A woman like you, a doctor. Oh come now. Surely you don't believe in that kind of nonsense." Jacques refills their brandy glasses. "I will tell you, Jacques was a very active man, he was renown of Royalty, and he was a scholar, an engineer, an explorer and a free looter. He was the beginning of the family's true wealth. Legend has it that in the caves beneath the Island of Maljardin, he buried a king’s ransom. And it still lies hidden. To tell you the truth, I am a secret admirer of his." Jacques says as he drinks his drink.  Alison turns away from him. "You admire a man who killed his wife? And threatens death to all of us here?"  Jacques smiles at Alison as he swirls his brandy. He then reaches for Alison's glass. "Come and sit. You have had a most difficult day." They sit on the couch. "Now let me tell you something. If this Jacques were alive today, this very moment. He would behave in much the same way as I am."  "You do identify with him. He frightens me." Alison tells him.  "Look at our history. He had a wife who he adored that died as I did. He brought her to this Chateau as I brought Erica. He lost a princess, a woman he loved."  "As you lost Erica."  "Well you could say the connection has a ring of witchcraft about it. But only in theory of course." Jacques tells her.  "That's a comfort," Alison tells him.  "But I will add one more thing. Jacques ' wife had a sister. Jacques (in Jean Paul's body) stands up. "And her name was Raua."  ""That's a pretty name." Alison tells him.  "A name of a Goddess and her hair was like ripened wheat. Her skin was as white as goat's milk. And soft to the touch as water on the morning lake." Jacques walks behind the couch and kneels behind Alison.  "Sounds lovely." Alison says in a hypnotic daze. "So real. You describe her as if you knew her."  "History to me is real, and so romantic in spite of the tragedy,” says Jacques.  "How did his wife die?" Alison asks, her voice is growing faint like she is very tired.  'Huaco was her name. They climbed to the headlands alone to watch the sunset. They didn't realize the force of the trade winds were a danger to them. When they reached the cliff edge Jacques cry of warning were drowned out by the wind that plucked her from the edge and threw her to the sea like a rag doll."  "How dreadful. He must have loved her very much. Just as you loved Erica."   "Yes." Jacques stands and walks around to the front of the couch. "He chose to join his wife in death. But I choose to wait, until my Erica joins me in life." Jacques sits next to Alison with his arm resting near her shoulder.  "Let's not continue that argument this evening." Alison tells him.  "You are right, what ever I think of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. I think of him as living. Not as a man who has died before."  Alison is coming more and more under Jacques control. She can hardly keep her eyes open.  Jacques looks up at his blank portrait. Suddenly he is back in his own time. Raxl is serving wine. Jacques gives a toast to his guests. "To the intrigue of the future." Jacques turns and talks to his sister-in-law. (Who looks like Dr. Alison Carr) One of the guests gives a toast to Jacques wife. Jacques toasts his wife's sister. The discussion moves on to Huaco and Jacques new baby son. Jacques asks his wife if she must leave the table to tend to their son. When she tells him yes, one of Jacques friends a crewmate from the ship sees his wife off to her room.   Raxl is left with Jacques and his sister in-law. Jacques sends her from the room. After checking if Raxl has left, he takes Raua in his arms where they kiss. They confess their love for each other. Raua tells Jacques it's wrong, he is her sister's husband. Jacques tells her finding love cannot be wrong. Take happiness where you find it. 
Alison is sleeping on the couch. She starts tossing and getting restless. "No, no." she cries out.  Jacques goes to her. "Alison, Alison." he calls her name.  She jumps when she sees him.  "It's alright, you were asleep. Unpleasant dream?"  "A rather disturbing one. I had a dream about your ancestor."  "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes? Was he as gallant as I described him to you?" he says with a smile.  "In a very strange way."  Raxl comes quietly into the room. "Yes Raxl?" Jacques says his smile disappearing.  "Is there anything else tonight Msieu? If not I will retire."  "I think I will also." Alison says.  Jacques takes her hand and helps her up. "Be so good as to show Dr. Carr to her room Raxl." Looking at Alison he tells her. "I wish you continued pleasant dreams Alison. And remember, take happiness where you find it."  "With the death of Erica so fresh in my mind and in your mind to, happiness seems so far away for both of us." Alison replies. "Goodnight." Alison follows Raxl up the stairs.  Jacques grins and claps his hands before he lies on the couch. "In her dreams and in her reality it appears that the lovely Alison is falling in the clutches of the devil. That's little old me,” he says with a smile as he reaches for his wine glass. "How could I be expected to resist such a lovely woman? She's so delectable, so desirable. After all her brother in-law and I are closer. We are brothers in the same skin."  "Msieu! " Raxl is standing on the landing of the staircase.  Jacques stands and takes a few steps toward her. "Eavesdropping Raxl. I don't like that."  "I only heard your muttering, but I beg of you. Don't let it be three hundred years ago all over again." Raxl tells him.  "I haven't the powers of God."  Raxl is upset and walks away.  "Only those of the devil. " he says with a grin. He walks out of the room with his brandy.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 07