Strange Paradise:  Episode 4
Episode 4:  Slideshow
The cryonics capsule is brought down to the crypt but the men from the Cryonics Society with help from Quito.  Jean Paul questions Dr. Patton. Is everything ready with the cryonics? The doctor tells him more equipment has to be installed after they bring it up from the boat.  While alone in the Great Hall Jacques talks to Jean Paul "Losing faith? Don't."  "No! Not today, no please." Jean Paul gets upset and turns away from the portrait.  "But I owe you a favor for freeing me." Jacques laughs. "I do believe you need me to jack you up by the boot straps."  Jean Paul turns back facing Jacques. While looking at it, the canvas turns blank. Jean Paul has a smile on his face.  Raxl comes in. "You haven't had any breakfast Msieu. You really should have something."  "Of course Raxl, lunch for everybody and wine. This is an occasion to celebrate." Jacque in Jean Paul's body pats Raxl's cheeks and smiles. He walks to the dining room. Raxl looks at him shocked.  The men from the Cryonics Society are finishing lunch when Jacque tries to pour wine for everyone. They all decline.  Raxl comes up to the table holding a tray. She stands next to Jean Paul. "Come Raxl." He slaps her on her bottom.  "This isn't a wake, it's a start of a reincarnation. Bring some coffee. You will join me in that gentlemen."  Dr. Patton agrees.  Jacques snaps his fingers at Raxl. "Quickly, quickly."  Raxl stars at Jean Paul then turns and leaves.  Dr. Patton asks Jean Paul if he had any questions.  "Oh yes about my dear wife Erica."  Dr; Patton wants Jean Paul to understand without getting too technical. "The purpose of cryonics is to preserve the body until a cure from what caused the death becomes a medical breakthrough."  "Assume the breakthrough never occurs." Jacque asks him.  "I believe that in the future with what is being learned from cell reproduction and genetics, the body will be able to regenerate itself."  "So one day one could create a whole body of ones own." Jacque says.  "With enough donors it can happen. Dr. Patten declines the coffee telling Jean Paul he must get to work in the crypt.  Jacques is still talking; Dr. Patton reminds him they must go downstairs to tend to his wife.  "My wife?"  Raxl walks in with the tray of coffee. She and Dr. Patton stop to look at Jean Paul.  "Oh, of course my... Erica." Jean Paul says with a smile.  Dr Patton and his men head down to the crypt. Jacques follows Raxl. "Fascinating isn't it, what science cam do Raxl. Absolutely fascinating.  Raxl turns and looks at Jean Paul.  Jacques walks back to his seat at the table with a grin on his face. He holds his wine glass above his head and drips the wine into his open mouth. Then looking at Raxl smiling he asks for coffee.  While Raxl is serving Jean Paul she asks him about Dan Forrest, Jean Paul's lawyer and friend. Also about Erica's sister who is on the Mainland.  "Yes." Jacques answers her.  "Doctor Carr must be heartbroken." Raxl says.  "About what?"   "The Mistress's death."  "Oh she doesn't know about it, " he says as he stands and carries his coffee out of the room. "I'm not sure I'm going to tell her."  Raxl looks at him with a shocked _expression on her face. 
Dr. Alison Carr is sitting at a table in the cafe when Dan walks up to her. Dan tells her that they can't get a ride to Maljardin until later.  "What's causing the delay?"  "They are hoisting all kinds of things on the boat. It looks like plumbing or heating equipment."  "Did you see Jean Paul?" Alison asks.  "Yes"  "Does he know I am here?"  "I told him."  "He knows I'm here and he doesn't have the courtesy to say hello?"  "It doesn't seem for a day for social amenities. All I need is his signature on some papers. And I got the royal brush-off too. But he did say he would be back later to pick us up." He then tells Alison she should relax.  "How can I relax? I traveled a couple of thousand miles to see my sister and Jean Paul keeps me away. Why?"  "On that Island that guy is law. No one dares question him."  "Well I am going to question him, I refuse to be ignored. Erica is my sister and it's her first child. When Jean Paul gets back with the boat I'm taking Erica back to civilization. Where she will get proper medical care." Alison says angrily. 
Jean Paul is asleep on the couch in the Great Hall. Jacque had left his body. Raxl comes in and takes the glass of wine from his hand awakening him.  "What time is it?" he asks while stretching.  "It's after three."  Jumping up he asks Raxl. "The people from the Cryonics Society?"  "They have been here for hours. They are downstairs." Raxl tells him.  "Hours!" Jean Paul rushes to the crypt calling Erica's name.  The cryonics capsule is being closed and sealed before Jean Paul gets down the stair.  Jean Paul rushes to the capsule calling Erica's name. "I must see my darling before..."  Dr. Patton grabs Jean Paul. "Mr. Desmond your wife is already sealed in cryonics suspension. If you open the capsule it will undue all we have done."  "No you are right I will wait until the day she rises again." Jean Paul lays a hand on Erica's capsule.  As Doctor Patton and his men get ready to leave the Island he tells Jean Paul to keep watch on the gauges until he comes back next month. "Please accept my sympathy. At lunch I wasn't sure it was in order. Death is such a stunning experience. Who can judge how a man will react."  Jean Paul stares at him with a shocked _expression on his face. Raxl is on the stairs listening. Dr. Patton leaves with Quito.  Jean Paul sits down. 'Oh Erica, will I ever have you back without sacrificing my soul to that devil.'  Raxl comes down the stairs and calls to Jean Paul. "Msieu Desmond, I beg you to take our little Mistress out of here before it is to late."  "Leave here, from my home! My Island!" Jean Paul shouts.  "It is no longer yours alone. You, all of us and anyone that comes here will be overpowered by evil spirits!" Raxl raises her voice to Jean Paul.  "If I ever leave this place, I walk out of here with Erica by my side. If it takes an eternity!"  "The devil is eternal!"  "Why won't any of you leave me alone!”? Jean Paul yells while storming away from Raxl.  Raxl quickly leaves the room after glancing back at Jean Paul.  Jean Paul closes his eyes and shakes his head.  "Temper, temper." Jacques tells Jean Paul.  Jean Paul turns towards Jacques portrait.  "I fear if I leave you to your own devices you will never have your Erica again."  "No, no!" Jean Paul says.  "Then go face your dear wife's sister. Since you won't I will." Jacque says as Jean Paul sits down and covers his face with his hands. As he lowers them he is wearing Jacques ring, there is a smile upon his face. He looks at the blank portrait and with a wink turns to Quito who has just come into the room.  "Let's go." he tells Quito.  Raxl calls to Jean Paul and asks if he is bringing Erica's sister back with him.  "That's a very fascinating idea. But why don't we leave that to me," he tells her with a smile.  Raxl turns to Jacques portrait. "More and more you are possessing him but you have not won yet." Raxl walks up the staircase to her room. 
Jean Paul meets Alison and Dan in the cafe bar. Dan hands a set of papers to Jean Paul for him to sign. Jacques in Jean Paul's body stare at the documents one by one. Dan picks up his briefcase, he is heading to his room to pack. He has a plane to catch.  Jean Paul is still staring at the papers when Alison tries to get his attention. "Jean Paul how much money must you make before you are content."  "All I’m trying to do dear sister in-law is stay alive."  "At the rate you are going you will end up in an early grave."  Picking up his drink he looks at her. "Bite your tongue."  Alison complains to Jean Paul for leaving her at the Mainland instead of taking her to her sister, sticking her sister at the end of the world.  "Not the end but a new one."   "I want the truth. How is Erica feeling?"  "You have my word she couldn't be more content." Jacque tells her.  "Why isn't she here to meet me?" Alison asks.  "She was sleeping and I couldn't awaken her." Jacques says with a smile.  "Yes she must get her rest." Alison tells him.  Dan comes to their table He reminds Jean Paul to sign the papers. After the papers are signed Dan tells them his plane is delayed so he can join them for a drink.  Jean Paul tells him they have to leave for Maljardin. "Alison is worried about Erica. Also Quito needs daylight to navigate the channel." Jean Paul hands Dan the papers and ushers Alison out the door.  Dan glances at the signature, Jean Paul had signed it Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. "What is going on?"   Alison sees the mansion for the first time telling Jean Paul it is very impressive. She smiles at Jean Paul telling him it's exactly as Erica described it. She shows Jean Paul the sketch Tim had done of Erica. She asks him if he could hire Tim to do a portrait of Erica to hang in the family gallery.  Dan calls his office to tell them he has to stay longer on the Island to get the right signature from Jean Paul. He asks them to find out who Jacques Eloi Des Mondes was or is.  Alison comes downstairs after seeing her bedroom. Jacques tells her the room was once used by a princess. Madame Jacques Eloi Des Mondes.  Jacques offers to show Alison the gardens but she wants to see her sister first.  "I'm sorry, I don't think we should disturb her yet. She's resting peacefully." Jacques leads Alison outside to the gardens.  Raxl walks up to the portrait of Jacques. "Your luck was not only legendary but bad and is anyone's who come under your devilish design.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 05