Front-end for D.B. Schmidt's SBS program
version 3.0.0
Build Date: 04/24/2005

Quick Links
Run SBS Schedule Editor Stat Conversion Team Editor Auto Schedule SBS Name Utility Runbar SBS Playoff Mode SBS Player Editor

SBS Encyclopedia Download Old Team Library New Team Library
What's New:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SBS Encyclopedia 0.1.0 released! This is a new utility that will allow users to import SBS replay statistic files into an Access (.mdb) database and generate new .dat files as well as websites.
This utility has it's own page, which is here.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

SBS Playoff Mode 1.8.5 released! This new version fixes the home/away bracket logic errors. The new update can be downloaded here.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Auto Schedule 2.2.0 released! This new version fixes the Schedule data import option based on a newer file format. The new update can be downloaded here.

Monday, May 16, 2005

SBS Playoff Mode v1.8.0 released! This new version adds custom SBS version support. The new update can be downloaded here.

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Run SBS v 3.0.0 released! This version is an upgrade to v2.2.2 that has support for SBS 4.5 and above only. See the included readme.txt for details.
* Updated 5/01/2005
The new version can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Run SBS v2.2.2 released! This new version fixes the handling of the command line files. They will now load correctly. The new update can be downloaded here.

Monday, March 3, 2003

Run SBS v2.2.1 released! This version fixes a couple of bugs in the options wizard. The new update can be downloaded here.

Saturday, March 1, 2003

Run SBS v2.2.0 released! This version adds support for SBS v4.6 as well as fixes a couple of bugs.

SBS Playoff Mode v1.6.0 released! This new version also adds support for SBS v4.6. The new versions can be downloaded here.

News Archive

Program Section


Version History


If you can run Windows 95 or higher things should work right. You will most likely need some version of IE5 as well. As for Windows NT/2000, I'm not sure. It has not been tested on those configurations. If any problems come up, e-mail me. Also, you'll need to have D.B. Schmidt's Strategic Baseball Simulator Version 3.6 or higher.

The .ini file for this program will be created on first run.


To install Run SBS, unzip the file to your SBS directory. runsbs.exe MUST be in this directory for the program to work correctly. Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove runsbs.exe, runsbs.hlp, runsbs.cnt, runsbs.gid, and runsbs.ini from your sbs folder as well as any .sbsb files and any .ssn files. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).

Using Run SBS:

The main description is in the help file, but what you can do with Run SBS is set any option that can be run on the command line in SBS. Also, you can view, edit, create, and modify teams, convert stat files from the .PRN file to a classic or formatted HTML report, and create, edit, view, and modify scedule and series files. Along with all that, you may also load a saved command line file and modify the baseball.cfg file.

Schedule Editor

Version History

Version 1.1.1
Build Date: 01/23/2001


To run this file, you will need to have SBS v3.5 or higher, as well as the runtime package. All operating system requirements are the same as that for Run SBS.

The sbsEditor.ini file for this program will be created on first run.


To install the schedule editor, unzip the file to your SBS directory. You may put this file anywhere, but it is recommended that you place it in your SBS directory. Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove schEdit.exe and sbsEditor.ini from your sbs folder. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).


This is one of the side programs of Run SBS. It is available through Run SBS and through this stand alone exe.

Please note that there is no readme for this file. The information provided on this page stands as the readme. The link to the policies for this software's use and distribution is in the download section.
As always, make backups!

Creating/Editing Schedule and Series Files:

This program is loadable two ways. Either on the Run SBS options form or you may launch the stand-alone exe. From the options form, the buttons next to the Schedule/Series combo boxes labeled .SCH or .SER Editor will send you to the forms to create and edit the files. Please note that the main exe is launched, so that small control window will be there. The directory for the .DAT files is selected on the schEdit main form. To reach it from the Run SBS call, exit out of the schedule or series editor dialog and the Editor's main form will show the schEdit .DAT directory and allow you to choose which editor to go to. Running the exe file brings you to the schEdit main form and from there you may select what type of file you would like to work with.

Schedule Files:

To create a new schedule file, first enter a file name into the box at the top. Do not use an extension, this will be done for you. To create the games schedule, enter the date for the game in the date box. Next, select the teams and if you want to manage a team, click the check box next to the combo box that contains that team. Once you are done with the date, click Add. This adds the game record to the list view. If you do not want the game record at the end, you may also Insert it. The record will appear above the selected record in the view, so make sure a record is selected, or nothing will happen. Now, to modify a record, either double click any game in the list view, or select a record and click on Modify. The entire game record for that date will be reloaded in the combo boxes for modification. When you complete the modification, select Modify again to finish the update. If you would like to remove an entire game date record, select any game on that day and click Remove Date. All games for that date will be removed. By clicking on Remove Game, only the selected game will be deleted. To clear a game in the combo boxes, click on the label next to the left of the combo box. There are also two clear options. Current involves clearing just the current game data, the teams, their checks, and the date. All clears out the entire form. When all the desired games have been added, click the Write to File button. The save progress is indicated in the form's caption bar. A couple of things to remember, one day can have 15 games max. You can add more, but the file may become corrupted. Nothing is sorted on write, inserting is as close as it gets right now.
If you are editing a schedule file and have a .dat name in the .sch that is not compatible with your .dat name for that team, select Rename Team. This will bring up a dialog in which you select the .dat name in error and either select a new name from the drop down list or type in a new one. By selecting OK on this form, the program will scan all the games in the .sch file and replace the error name with the new one every time it finds it. Then just Write to File to set the data to a file.

Series Files:

Series file creating/editing works nearly identical to Schedule files. The buttons work in the same way. The only difference is the options you can set. If you select DH options, when you use the series file, on the options form-schedule side, select DH->Never. That will clear the DH option from the command line and the series file has full control. Again, be careful when writing to file, when in doubt backup the original.

.SCH->.SER Conversion:

Converting schedule files to series files is done in 3 steps. First, load a schdule file by clicking on Load .SCH. Second, after the loading process ends, click on Convert. This will take the .sch file through 3 sorting passes and output in the view on the right series file compatible data. Last, click on Write to File. That's it, you do not even need to enter a filename unless it needs to be different from the .sch name. The .ser file ext is added for you.

***********Loading .SCH/.SER Files:  PLEASE READ!!**********************
Click on the open folder to bring up the load dialog. From here you may load any .sch file that is in the current .dat file directory. It will load everything in the List View for editing. Be careful when writing to file. Run SBS completely over writes the old file. Make backups of all .sch files before editing unless you're sure things are coming out the way you want them to. This is because right now only limited schedule/series file options are supported and being that the files are created new every write, things may dissapear.

Statistic Conversion Program

Version History

Version 1.2.0
Build Date: 03/25/2001


To run this file, you will need to have SBS v3.6, as well as the runtime package. All operating system requirements are the same as for Run SBS.

The sbsStats.ini file for this program will be created on first run.


To install the stats conversion module, unzip the file to your SBS directory. You may put this file anywhere, but it is recommended that you place it in your SBS directory. Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove stats.exe and sbsStats.ini from your sbs folder. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).


This program is also loadable through Run SBS as well as a stand alone. It allows converison of .PRN files to HTML files.

Statistic Files

This area allows you to view and convert the .PRN statistic files from your simulations. Although the classic formatting option will work for any .PRN, this form is designed for the Statistics File. You can load a .PRN into the program and then print the file or convert the file to an html file. You may edit the .PRN file any way you like and save it as well.
The html conversion has two parts. The classic option makes it look like the original, while the formatted option uses tables to organize the data. These can be printed either by right clicking in the html form and selecting print, or by using any web browser.
If you want a larger view of the .PRN or HTML views, check/uncheck the unwanted box on the toolbar. If you would like to create custom color configurations for the stat reports, click on the color button on the toolbar and the color viewer/editor form will appear. The boxes on the right side of the form enable you to configure the colors of the formatted html option. To do this, simply click on a colored box and select the desired color. To enable the color in the html option, click the save colors button.

The color descriptions on the form are as follows: (Top/Bottom - Left/Right)

Background - The background color of the HTML file (BGCOLOR)
Table 1 - The background/border alternating table color. This color is seen in the W/L tables and as an alt color in the stat tables.
Table 2 - The background/border alternating table color 2. This color is seen in the stat tables as an alt color.
Headers - The background/border color of the W/L/Stat tables header line.
Text - The main HTML files text color (TEXT)
League Text - The text color of the league name in the W/L tables.
Table Text - The text color of the stat tables.
Header Text - The text color of the stat table headers.
League Back - The background/border color of the league display in the W/L tables.

Team Editor

Version History

Version 1.4.0
Build Date: 07/22/2001


To run this file, you will need to have perl installed on your system, Jeff Carrie's file (included), the Baseball Archive Database (Generic Version 4.0), as well as the runtime package. Once again, the operating system requirements fall in line with Run SBS.

The sbsTeams.ini file for this program will be created on first run.


To install this program, unzip the runtime files in your Windows\System directory (if you don't already have them there), move the two zip dll's(unzdll.dll and zipdll.dll) to your Windows\System directory, and then unzip the in any directory you wish, (Example: [sbs dir]\teams\)
From here, you will need to put the files from the Baseball Archive Database in the same directory as tsbs. The dosteam8 file will need bo be in your perl\bin directory. Install help with perl is included in Jeff's tool zip.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove tsbs.exe and sbsTeams.ini from your tsbs folder. Also, delete the four dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll, cc3250mt.dll, unzdll.dll, and zipdll.dll).

Using Team Editor:

On the top of the main form, there will be two directories listed. The top one is your home directory. This is where tsbs.exe is located. You don't have to worry about changing this, it is updated every time tsbs.exe loads. The second directory is where perl\bin directory is located. After setting the bin directory, you can build teams. All teams created will go into the tsbs home directory.

--Building Teams:

First off, you may select for tsbs to set up the file name for you. By checking this box, whenever the team information is changed, the file name gets updated. To set up the team information, first select the year. This is a 4-digit requirement and goes from 1871-2000. Next, select the team to retrieve. Use the 2 or 3 letter abbreviation, it does not need to be all caps, that will be done for you. Select the league, give it a name, decide between a new style(1) or old-style(0) file, choose which version of dosteam you are using and then click Create Team. The console window will appear and the team will begin building. You may have to answer some questions in about players. If you make any mistakes, or change your mind completely about the team, click on Clear to start over.

--Editing Teams:

This is a duplicate version of the Team Editor found in Run SBS. So, if you just want to edit teams, click Edit Team. If you would like to edit the team you just created, as long as the filename is still in the edit box, click Edit Team and it will load the team. If by chance tsbs does not find the file, the default editor with a blank team will load. Also, you can filter out players by a couple of stat options to reduce the player number to under the SBS limit.

-- Archive:

New to the editor (both in Run SBS and tsbs) is the option to archive stats. You can select to archive the entire .dat file or just certain players. The teams go into archive.dat, while the players go into player.dat. For the players, just open a .dat, click on the player archive button, check the players you would like to archive and click on Write Checked. If you want to write all the players, just click on Write all. You do not have to check anything. To archive a team, open a .dat file and click on the team archive button.

-- Editing Names:

Once you click on this button, you will see exactly what you see with the SBS Names Utility. First, the single file mode works by clicking the Open button and selecting any SBS .DAT file. This will load it in the memo editor below the buttons. Once you have done this you have the options to select the type of work to be done on the file. If you select the Prompt on Duplicate check, every time a duplicate letter is found, a box will pop up allowing you to select a letter to replace it. Otherwise you may select either of the auto options. This will take care of duplicates without any action by the user.
The other way to work the program is with the box on the right. It will show all the .DAT files in the current directory. You may select any directory you wish by clicking on the Change button. Please note that no saving of this directory takes place. It will be reset to the names.exe home directory every time the program loads. After you have your directory selected, check all the .DAT files you would like worked, select the check boxes like you did for the first option(Prompt, Auto1 or Auto2) and click the Fix Selected button. Everything then works as it did before, only with multiple files.

-- Zip Files:

To use this portion of the program, please make sure that you have first installed the two zip dll's into the Windows\System directory. The first thing you should do once opening this form is to create a zip file. Do this by clicking on Set Filename. An open dialog will appear and will ask for a filename. Name your zip file and click Open. The complete filename will appear near the top of this dialog. Now you are ready to select the files that you wish to package. The .dat file directory can be changed at any time. To compress files, simply check the files on the left and click on <-- Add -->. This will add the files to the right list box. To remove a file or files from the right list box, check the files and click on Remove -->. This will clear any checked files. Clear All --> will clear all files from the right list box. Once you are ready to compress the files, just click on Zip File. All the buttons on the form will disable through the compression. Once everything is completed, a message box will appear reporting the completion of the file as well as how many files were compressed.

-- Zip File Support Credit:

The Team Editor incorporates compression code by Chris Vleghert and Eric W. Engler for ZIP support. This is done through their freeware component, DelZip. The sources and Dll's can be found at their website.

Team Editor

Version History

Version 2.0.0
Build Date: 09/01/2001


To run this file, you will need to have perl installed on your system, Jeff Carrie's file (included), the Baseball Archive Database (Generic Version 4.0), as well as the runtime package. The Custom Team option requires the latest MS Access 97 version of the free database. Also, if you receive and error on program run when querying the database, you will need to run the DAO 3.5 setup in the file. Once again, the operating system requirements fall in line with Run SBS.

To Run this program (Installation):

To install this program, unzip the runtime files in your Windows\System directory (if you don't already have them there), move the two zip dll's(unzdll.dll and zipdll.dll) to your Windows\System directory, and then unzip the in any directory you wish, (Example: [sbs dir]\teams\) From here, you will need to put the files from the Baseball Archive Database in the same directory as tsbs. The dosteam8 file will need bo be in your perl\bin directory. Install help with perl is included in Jeff's tool zip.

Try to run Team Editor's Custom Team Option query BEFORE installing the DAO/JET package. If no message relating to the query comes up (other than No Player Found, Index out of bounds, or division by zero), it is not necessary to install the DAO/JET package. Installing the DAO/JET package over an old install could cause problems! Team Editor uses DAO v3.5 to connect to the database. I'm not sure as to whether if v3.6 is installed if this will work without 3.5 installed. Best bet is not to install if there is any doubt and v3.6 or higher is installed. If problems do arise, any other program that requires DAO may need to be reinstalled to fix. Also, try to go under Edit->DAO Version to change the version used from 3.5 to 3.6 and see if that works. If this does not work, then DAO 3.5 will most likely need to be installed.

If you need to run the DAO installation, unzip the file to a temporary folder. Next, run the install.bat file included with the package. DO NOT overwrite any files. The install batch will ask to do so, but is not needed - just select no. If you get two message boxes stating that the register was successful, everything went OK. If not, give a full description of the problem (including where you unzipped to) and send a message to placing DAO Install Problems in the subject line.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove tsbs.exe, sbsTeams.ini, Team Editor.hlp, .cnt, .gid, and any .uct file from your tsbs folder. Also, delete the four dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll, cc3250mt.dll, unzdll.dll, and zipdll.dll).

SBS Auto Schedule

Version History

Version 2.2.0
Build Date: 09/14/2005


To run this file, you will need to have SBS v3.5 or higher, as well as the runtime package. All operating system requirements are the same as that for Run SBS. Also, you'll need to have some data from the Retrosheet page, as well as the BGAME.EXE file, also at the Retrosheet page.

The autodata.bat file for this program will be created on run.


To install the auto schedule, unzip the file to any directory, also unzip bgame into your auto schedule directory. Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove the auto schedule folder. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).

Using SBS Auto Schedule:

To create a schedule, first off, you will need to have some data from the Retrosheet page. What you need to do with this data is unzip it into your auto schedules data folder. You may put both leagues data in at the same time. Don't worry about overwriting the Teams file. Now that the data is in the data folder, select the year of the data you have in the spin edit control. Once you have done that, go ahead and name your .SCH file (8 chars max-no ext), and then the data file(8 chars max-no ext). Then you may put in a start and end date (or use the default) for the schedule (MM/DD format). You can have the schedule be any length this way. Great for month-by-month sims. Also you need to select the league to schedule (A, N, or both). Once you have done this, select the type of data to use. If you have the Retrosheet Game Data, select that check box. If you have the Retrosheet Schedule Data, select this check. With the schedule data, you need not compile. The long log format is treated as the schedule data. Select the long log check and then the process will be set to Open Season. Next, click on Compile Data to get a text file that contains the season data. Caution! This deletes all the Retrosheet files from the data directory. New copies need to be placed in there before each compile run. Now by clicking on Open Season, the file that was just created will be crunched down to near SBS format. If you are satisfied by how it looks, click on Create .SCH to generate the SBS schedule. In the case that Auto Schedule finds blanks, the ini will be loaded in the list that will appear at the right of the form. Here any blaks can be fixed up to reflect the names of the teams. Click on set to apply the change to the ini file, and then when all blanks are filled, click on OK to write the ini to disk. This will run another run through the open season function. This time no blanks will be found and the schedule can be written to disk. Clicking on Cancel will not write the ini or do the second run of Open Season. The ini file that is included will include all the teams that it finds in the "compiled" file. If you are getting blank areas where teams should appear when you Open Season or the filenames don't appear correct, edit the auto.ini file to reflect the names of your .DAT files for the teams.
Questions? Send a message to Please put "Auto Schedule" in the subject line.

The information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet. Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711

Also, Total Sports, Inc. at 234 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, NC 27601


SBS Names Utility

Version History

Version 1.0.0
Build Date: 01/09/2001


To run this file, you will need to have SBS v3.5 or higher, as well as the runtime package. All operating system requirements are the same as that for Run SBS. Also, you'll need some .dat files to work with.


To install the names utility, unzip the file to any directory, and you're ready to go! Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove the names.exe file. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).

Using SBS Names Utility:

The information in this section represents the readme file!

This utility lets you use it's function in two ways. First, the single file mode works by clicking the Open button and selecting any SBS .DAT file. This will load it in the memo editor below the buttons. Once you have done this you have the options to select the type of work to be done on the file. If you select the Prompt on Duplicate check, every time a duplicate letter is found, a box will pop up allowing you to select a letter to replace it. Otherwise you may select either of the auto options. This will take care of duplicates without any action by the user.
The other way to work the program is with the box on the right. It will show all the .DAT files in the current directory. You may select any directory you wish by clicking on the Change button. Please note that no saving of this directory takes place. It will be reset to the names.exe home directory every time the program loads. After you have your directory selected, check all the .DAT files you would like worked, select the check boxes like you did for the first option(Prompt, Auto1 or Auto2) and click the Fix Selected button. Everything then works as it did before, only with multiple files.
Questions? Send a message to Please put "SBS Names" in the subject line.



Version History

Version 1.1.0
Build Date: 03/03/2002


To run this file, you will need to have some or all of the utilities on this site, as well as the runtime package. All operating system requirements are the same as that for Run SBS.


To install the names utility, unzip the file to any directory, and you're ready to go! Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove the runbar.exe and the runbar.ini files. Note that the runbar.ini file will be created and needs to be in the Windows directory. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).

Using Runbar:

The information in this section represents the readme file!

This utility is quite simply a main launch point for SBS, Run SBS and all the other utilities that go with Run SBS. Once you load this program, it will show on the top of the desktop with the Runbar menu on one side and the time/date showing on the other. To configure this launch bar, go under the Runbar menu to directories, and select the program that you want Runbar to see. Note that after setting up a directory, you will need to restart Runbar before anything will show. You may set as many directories as you wish before you restart. Also, there are options to minimize to the system tray and an option to have Runbar always on top. If you decide to have Runbar in the tray, all options are still available by right clicking on the baseball icon. Once you have everything set up and are ready to go, just select the button of the program you wish to load, and it will begin to run.
Questions? Send a message to Please put "Runbar" in the subject line.


SBS Playoff Mode

Version History

Version 1.8.0
Build Date: 05/16/2005


If you can run Windows 95 or higher things should work right. As for Windows NT/2000, I'm not sure. It has not been tested on those configurations. If any problems come up, e-mail me. Also, you'll need to have D.B. Schmidt's Strategic Baseball Simulator Version 3.6 or higher.

The .ini file for this program will be created on first run.


To install SBS Playoff Mode, unzip the file to your SBS directory. sbsp.exe MUST be in this directory for the program to work correctly. Also, make sure that the has been downloaded and it's files moved into your Windows\system directory.

To Uninstall:

All you need to do to uninstall this program is to remove sbsp.exe, readmesp.txt, and sbsp.ini from your sbs folder. Also, delete the two dll's that were put in the windows/system directory (borlndmm.dll and cc3250mt.dll).

Using SBS Playoff Mode:

The main description is in the help file. This utility will allow a handler for running a playoff series with SBS.

Download Section

Please read this before downloading!

TitleDescriptionVersionDateSize - Zip/Unzip
Run SBSRun SBS - Front end for SBS 3.6 to / 1387k
Run SBSRun SBS - Front end for SBS 4.5 and higher3.0.004/24/2005453k / 1006k
Schedule EditorSchedule Editor - Lets you create/edit SBS schedule and series files1.1.101/23/2001424k / 958k
StatsStat file conversion program. Lets you convert stat files to html1.2.003/25/2001403k / 977k
Team EditorTeam Editor - A front-end for dosteam - the perl SBS team builder.1.4.007/22/2001562k / 1220k (w/dll's)
Team Editor v2.0.0Team Editor - Multiple options for creating/editing teams for SBS2.0.009/01/20013599k / ----k
Auto ScheduleSBS Auto Schedule - Create SBS schedules from Retrosheet data.2.1.007/01/2002390k / 835k
Auto ScheduleSBS Auto Schedule - Create SBS schedules from Retrosheet data. (patch from 2.1)2.2.009/14/2005392k / 829k
NamesSBS Names Utility1.0.001/09/2001217k / 431k
RunbarRunbar - Launch utility for Run SBS1.1.003/03/2002312k / 642k
SBS Playoff ModeSBS Playoff Mode - Playoff handler for SBS1.6.003/01/2003517k / 1159k
SBS Playoff ModeSBS Playoff Mode - Update to / 1144k
SBS Playoff ModeSBS Playoff Mode - Update to / 1147k
SBS Playoff ModeSBS Playoff Mode - Update to / 1088k
SBS Player EditorSBS Player Editor - Edit SBS .dat files.1.0.004/21/2002239k / 491k
RuntimeThe 2 runtime dll's you'll need. You only need to download these once. They go into your Windows\System directory.380k / 1487k


Please use the guidelines in the readme/help files found in the contact info, thanks.

Run SBS Copyright ©2000-2006, B. Bollman
SBS Copyright ©1988-2006, D.B. Schmidt