Bio of Josh Costa
Age: 16
Year: Junior
5' 10.5'' tall
running since: 8th Grade
sports: XC, Indoor soccer, Indoor track and outdoor track

5K: 17:24  Mile: 5:14    400m: 60sec

1998 NH XC M/S All-State Honorable Mention
1998 HDHS Coach's MVP Award for XC
1999 NH XC M/S All-State Honorable Mention
1999 XC Monadnock League All-Stars 1st team
1999 HDHS Coach's MVP Award for XC
2000 NH XC M/S All-State Honorable Mention
2000 XC Monadnock League All-Stars 1st team
Results of Josh's Races
XC Team Member Bios
Josh Costa wears these shoes:
size: 10.5
Click on the shoes above to visit the company's website!