Nude Studio

russian photo&video

Presents !!!

Nude Studio's photo/video production offers you a widest selection of materials produced in Moscow, S. Petersburg and all across CIS countries.
We got a considerable exotic beauties' celection and these girls are ready to do all you want and be at any place worldwide. You can get the materials, made in any formats and order anything you would ever want to see.
We invite photographers for cooperation.
Contact us
and all kinds of work
you wish doing with our models may come true:
- You can get prepared materials
- You may bring the models at yours
- Finally, you can come to Eastern Europe and be sure:
that is still more secure than New York or LA.
Contact us, we are looking forward for hearing from you!
INVITE OUR MODELS for your shooting
You may invite our models to work at your site, or you may come to us. We will organize your casting and select models by price, which is relatively low. A model’s working day costs between $250 and $350, depending on the model and what you require of her. We charge you an additional 15% as our agent’s commission.
You can invite her to your country, after paying for round-trip tickets and covering visa expenses. If you wish to get in touch with a model directly, you can get her phone number and personal E-mail address.

If you want to work in your country you need:
1. To pay of the tickets (round trip)for the girls
2. To buy the tourist tour (trip) or organise the invitation
from the legitimate business or person to the girls
and send it to your embassy in Moscow (another copy to us).
It seems that the tourist visa is the simplest and definite way.

For the first work with new client we have to send
our representative with the girls
(especially not all know English good enough),
therefore you will have to pay for the menager's trip tickets
and accomidations.

If the conditions are satisfying you may
contact us.
