Survivor 5: Thailand





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Robert Zbacnik Chat Transcript

SURVIVOR Host: There are lots of great questions, so lets get to as many as we can! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Survivor Robb Zbacnik. To ask Robb a question, type it in the space below and click "Ask the SURVIVOR." Hi, Robb! Thanks for spending some time to chat with us today. Are you ready for some questions?

Survivor Robb: Word!

Visitor: After the outpour of emotion and the bonding with your tribemates, why did they ALL vote for you?

Survivor Robb: They voted for me out of strategy. I think I would have posed an immediate threat in the event of a merge, because I think I could have been a very strong and independent challenger...very strong myself as an independent challenger.

Visitor: Robb you rawk (bro!) Were you surprised at all that Ken voted for you after the big talk the two of you had and all?

Survivor Robb: No, originally Ken and I were watching each other's backs, but it was pretty evident after our argument where his head was and whose back he was really watching, so there was no doubt in my mind that he would vote for me.

Visitor: Robb, dude, to me...let me ask you, dude, how come you stuck with Jed and Steph when it was so obvious they weren't participating with the rest of the group? Do you feel your friendship with either of them was your downfall?

Survivor Robb: Friendships with amazing people can never be a downfall. Jed, Stephanie and myself all had the same outlook in the game. We wanted to have as much fun as possible and not worry about everyone else. I think that even though I somewhat split myself away from the tribe with Jed and Stephanie, I had more fun than the others and they still liked me (with the exception of Shii Ann). [laughs]

Visitor: Hi Robb, you rock! Sook Jai made a Huge mistake voting you out! They are sure to get picked off now. But anyway, what did you do after you left Tribal Council, and was it fun?

Survivor Robb: Thank you for being so supportive. YOU rock! After being voted off at Tribal Council I ate peanut butter and drank beer, and it was awesome! [laughs]

Visitor: Robb, a few times it was apparent that you were peeving Jeff. What is your reaction now that you can see his expressions on the show?

Survivor Robb: I have a very good time being sarcastic and messing with people. It's just who I am. Jeff was no exception! I think he and I both enjoyed taking shots at one another.

Visitor: Robb, ya flipped Jeff off! Were you ever approached for that?

Survivor Robb: [laughs] I expressed my discontent for Ken being ejected and acted a little immaturely, but hey, I am who I am and no one ever approached me for it.

Visitor: Robb, Steph's one word description of you was "intense." Do you feel that is correct?

Survivor Robb: Yes, I am a very intense person, and I find that by being intense it helps me stay focused and push myself even harder, which makes me very happy.

Visitor: Are you sleeping with Shii Ann now?

Survivor Robb: [laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh] Sorry, she isn't that lucky!

Visitor: Were you guys really starving out there? Because from what I saw, you guys seemed to eat more than I do.

Survivor Robb: [laughs] In every episode there's 72 hours, three days worth of film footage. They showed us eating and arguing more than anything, but we actually argued a lot more than we ate, and we didn't eat that much. There were hungry days that went by where I had nothing more than coconut that Jed and I cooked to eat and it tasted like poo.

Visitor: Robb , after last night's show I had a much better opinion of you. Did you reconnect with your dad?

Survivor Robb: YES! My father and I have learned the importance of love and now cherish the moments we spend with one another. My Dad's the bomb! I love him even more now than I ever have.

Visitor: What do the tattoos on the back of your arms mean?

Survivor Robb: The one on my left tricep means "love" and the one on my right tricep means "hope." Believe it or not, I'm actually a very spiritual and loving person. My young life was a constant struggle. These tattoos symbolize my mother's (and now father's) undying love for me and the hope I always had in my heart that I would succeed if I believed in myself.

Visitor: How bad did it hurt to get stung by that ray?

Survivor Robb: The initial pain was excruciating, but after a short time my leg was numb and I could walk on it. The stingray's barb on the end of its tail went so deep into my heel that it almost touched the bone. The only thing that really sucked about that was the feverish symptoms that immediately ensued.

Visitor: Robb, do you think it's normal that everyone was rooting for the stingray?

Survivor Robb: Well, if everyone means you, then yes, because you're probably a dork. [laughs]

Visitor: I gotta ask, knowing you were going to be on SURVIVOR, knowing it would probably be an island of some sort, why the heck did you even suggest a skateboard as your luxury item?

Survivor Robb: Like I haven't heard this question before...I was never under the impression that I would be able to actually ride my board on the beach (duh!). Skateboarding has been very influential in my life and in my style. It reflected me and the happiness that my life brings me each day and reminded that I wasn't that far from home.

Visitor: Hey, Robb! You rock! Okay, which is it, Twinkies, or Ding Dongs? Fruity or Cocoa Pebbles?

Survivor Robb: Ding-Dongs 'cuz I'm a ding-dong! [laughs] And Fruity Pebbles 'cuz they're the shizznat!

Visitor: How badly did Ted piss you off during the basketball Challenge?

Survivor Robb: Ted hit me more than once directly in my face with his basket. Of course I was very upset. Do you blame me?

Visitor: Robb, why did you play dirty during the Pilfering Pirates Challenge? Choking Clay was a very mean thing to do.

Survivor Robb: [laughs] It was never my intent to intentionally grab Clay around the throat. My hands kind of flipped off of his collar and ended up around his throat. I didn't hold them there long before I threw him in the water, and I didn't squeeze his throat. I'm sorry that you feel that it was a mean thing to do, but in the heat of battle you do what you have to. I'm actually about a foot taller than Clay. I'm 6'5" and he's a tiny little dude! It's hard to size somebody up when you can't look 'em in the eye.

Visitor: Has anyone ever told you that you look like Tommy Lee?

Survivor Robb: Yes, it's flattering, but I'm unique in my own way. It would be more flattering, though, if they were comparing anatomy! [laughs, laughs, laughs]

Visitor: Robb, if you are Tommy Lee, then is Erin your Pamela Anderson?

Survivor Robb: [laughs] Erin's definitely a hottie, but I think she belongs to someone else, and she isn't really my type.

Visitor: Robb, did you give any consideration to switching teams when Jeff asked?

Survivor Robb: The thought never crossed my mind. I was very, very happy where I was, especially with Stephanie still around. I wish Shii Ann would have given it some more thought though! [laughs] I'm just jokin'.

Visitor: Robb , after last night's show I had a much better opinion of you. Did you reconnect with your dad?

Survivor Robb: YES! My father and I have learned the importance of love and now cherish the moments we spend with one another. My Dad's the bomb! I love him even more now than I ever have.

Visitor: What do the tattoos on the back of your arms mean?

Survivor Robb: The one on my left tricep means "love" and the one on my right tricep means "hope." Believe it or not, I'm actually a very spiritual and loving person. My young life was a constant struggle. These tattoos symbolize my mother's (and now father's) undying love for me and the hope I always had in my heart that I would succeed if I believed in myself.

Visitor: How bad did it hurt to get stung by that ray?

Survivor Robb: The initial pain was excruciating, but after a short time my leg was numb and I could walk on it. The stingray's barb on the end of its tail went so deep into my heel that it almost touched the bone. The only thing that really sucked about that was the feverish symptoms that immediately ensued.

Visitor: Robb, do you think it's normal that everyone was rooting for the stingray?

Survivor Robb: Well, if everyone means you, then yes, because you're probably a dork. [laughs]

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