Survivor 5: Thailand





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Ken Stafford Chat Transcript

SURVIVOR Host: There are lots of great questions, so lets get to as many as we can! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with SURVIVOR Ken Stafford. To ask Ken a question, type it in the space below and click "Ask the SURVIVOR." Hi Ken! Thanks for spending some time to chat with us today. Are you ready for some questions?

Survivor Ken: Ready and willing!

Visitor: Ken, about how far in the game did you feel safe ?
Did you think you were getting voted out last night?

Survivor Ken: I felt safe up until last night, when I knew I was going to be voted off. I could just tell I was going to be voted off.

Visitor: Ken, was it difficult for you to lay low and not present yourself as a threat because of your profession?

Survivor Ken: It was difficult to lay low, and I did my best to stay under the radar, but Robb dragged me into the spotlight after that confrontation. I think that being a police officer probably provided me some skills to stay under the radar but still have a proactive role in the game.

Visitor: How do you think your training as a policeman helped you?

Survivor Ken: In that I was able to read people, I knew when people were lying or telling the truth. I was able to get things done the way I wanted them done without letting people know that they were doing what I wanted them to do. I was practicing verbal Judo. For instance, when I'd get an objection, I'd overcome the objection by using some certain phrases. Like if someone said, "No, I don't want to do that" I would say "I know you don't want to do that, but it would be better for them team..." I'd use deflective phrases showing that I understood but also what needed to be done.

Visitor: Ken, your tribe got an ass-whooping from the "little ole ladys team." How on earth did you guys let that happen?

Survivor Ken: [laughs] Well, you know, Chuay Gahn wasn't defenseless or helpless. We did lose some Immunity Challenges on purpose, but that was to ensure tranquility in our tribe. It just happened to get to where it got, and there was no way for us to know that.

Visitor: Who did you feel was the possible "weak link" on the Chuay Gahn alliance?

Survivor Ken: I think all of them could have been a weak link if we would have had even numbers.

Visitor: When you moved to the Chuay Ghan camp you complained about the smell of the cave. Was it really that bad, and did you ever confront the others about it?

Survivor Ken: It really was that bad: it stunk, one; and two, it's a hygiene problem. That's disgusting. I did confront the tribe, and I let them know that I didn't care what they'd been doing or why they'd been doing it, but it needed to stop. To add to that, I never thought I would have to explain to adults that you can't piss where you eat.

Visitor: What were your most and least favorite Challenges?

Survivor Ken: Least favorite challenge was probably when we had to sort all the fish; that was definitely it. Most favorite was the wicker basket game, where Penny was launching the balls from the slingshot and we had to catch them.

Visitor: What happened at the Immunity Challenge last night? I totally thought you would dominate!

Survivor Ken: The problem with that was that I probably would have dominated (I know I would have, actually) but I didn't understand exactly what we were supposed to do. During the middle of the Challenge I had to go to Jeff and ask what exactly I was supposed to be doing, and once I'd figured it out, it was too late.

Visitor: Ken, in one word each, describe Clay, Brian, Helen and Penny.

Survivor Ken: Clay: funny; Helen: determined; Brian: immature; Penny: sweet.

Visitor: Ken, why do you think everyone disliked Shii Ann so much?
Is she really that bad of a person?

Survivor Ken: Shii Ann's not a bad person. It's just that her personality happened to be in direct conflict with a lot of the people there.

Visitor: What was it like to see the video after so long away from your family?

Survivor Ken: It was great to see the video because it was a distraction from what was going on around camp. It was good timing for that video.

Visitor: What's more annoying, Helen's rattling on about her recipes or Penny's smirk?

Survivor Ken: [laughs] Neither, because I didn't have a real problem with the recipes. Once in a while it got annoying, but I didn't mind hearing about it. What you call Penny's smirk, I call a pretty smile.

Visitor: Ken, did you like the way you were portrayed on the show?

Survivor Ken: I have no choice but to like it, because that's me.

Visitor: Ken, seeing as how you live in NYC, one of the biggest cities in the world, what was it like having to live in basically the middle of nowhere for all that time?

Survivor Ken: It was a really tough experience, the toughest of my life. Going without food is without a doubt one of the most painful things I've ever done.

Visitor: Hi Ken! Singapore loves you! You are the nicest guy on SURVIVOR. How is your friends' reaction in NYC after you returned from the show?

Survivor Ken: All of my friends and family were really supportive of me. They felt if circumstances had been different there was no question that I would have won. The circumstances being Shii Ann.

Visitor: Ken, what do you think about Clay checking out Brian's wife and Erin?

Survivor Ken: [laughs] I think he's a man, that's what he's supposed to do! I mean, he's a man, no matter what, and Brian's wife is a beautiful girl and Erin's a beautiful girl. That's what men do!

Visitor: How does it feel to be the hottest guy on SURVIVOR?
And would you pose for Playgirl if they asked?

Survivor Ken: Oh, geez! Um...thank you, I appreciate you saying that I was the hottest guy on SURVIVOR; that's very sweet. As far as for future plans, it's uncertain.

Visitor: Jan looks like a wonderful sweet lady. Were you guys annoyed by her pet cemetery concept?

Survivor Ken: To be 100% honest with you, I didn't even know about the pet cemetery, and I had no idea. I saw that as you guys saw it.

Visitor: Do you think Jan is a nutcase and is losing it there, or is she just a sweet old lady who cares about every living thing out there?

Survivor Ken: I think she's just a sweet lady who cares about every living thing.

Visitor: Ken, how come you weren't at Penny's wedding?
She DID invite you, right?

Survivor Ken: I would have loved to go to Penny's wedding; however, I was unable to get the days off that coincided with the wedding day. I would have loved nothing more than to attend. I would have loved to see them get married.

Visitor: Hi Ken! Who did you have the hardest time voting out? Was there anyone you wish you kept around longer who you think could have helped you out in the long run? By the way, you were great, and we all hated to see you go! Peace and Love from Boston.

Survivor Ken: The hardest to vote out was Erin. We were down to the final four, we were very close, and it was just extremely emotional when we had to vote her out. I was the only one that was honest with her about it. I felt she deserved the honesty; she deserved to know that she was getting voted out. As far as not getting rid of anybody, no, I played it the way I would have played. I would have liked to keep Robb around longer, but he was bringing me out from underneath the radar, so I voted him out, but I felt very bad about voting him out as well. I would have liked to have him stay around a little longer.

Visitor: Ken, you seemed pretty bitter about Brian on THE EARLY SHOW, but as far as we are shown, you and Brian seem to get along fine. So what's wrong with him?

Survivor Ken: There's nothing wrong with Brian. I'm not bitter toward Brian. It's just that I thought that he made some immature comments on last night's episode. We did get along.

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