Survivor 5: Thailand





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Erin Collins' Chat Transcript

SURVIVOR Host: There are lots of great questions, so lets get to as many as we can! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Survivor Erin Collins. To ask erin a question, type it in the space below and click "Ask the Survivor." Hi, Erin! Thanks for spending some time to chat with us today. Are you ready for some questions?

Survivor Erin: Yes!

Visitor: Why do you think you were voted out instead of Penny? I was shocked!

Survivor Erin: I believe it all had to do with strategy and a possible alliance that Penny had, either with Jake or with Ken.

Visitor: Erin, what was your reaction when you saw Ken & Jake strategizing about getting other members on their team without you and Penny involved?

Survivor Erin: I don't think they were strategizing with us. I think all along we discussed it being the four of us, and while we were out there we let each other know what was going on. So, I don't necessarily feel that they went behind my back. If anything, I think they were doing it to help the four members of Sook Jai.

Visitor: Why did you vote for Ken over Penny?

Survivor Erin: I chose Ken because our theme was to stay true to Texas, and Jake, Penny and myself were all from Texas. In addition, I felt that our time out there was beginning to wear on Ken and it was time for him to be able to take a shower and eat some food.

Visitor: Hi Erin. Were you disappointed with the lack of airtime you received on the show? We saw so very little of you.

Survivor Erin: The way I played the game, I laid low, so it wasn't really surprising to me. I didn't cause any drama, so it wasn't surprising to me that they didn't show me a lot. I didn't do the SURVIVOR experience to be seen on TV; I did it for the experience, and part of my strategy was laying low.

Visitor: You looked angry when you were voted out. Do you think Penny betrayed you?

Survivor Erin: Yes, I did feel Penny betrayed me. I wasn't angry; it had been an extremely emotional day and I was sad that the experience of living out there was over for me. But in no way was I angry.

Visitor: Erin, did it hurt when you slipped off on that flower?

Survivor Erin: It looked a lot worse than it really was. I had a lot of adrenaline flowing, so I scraped my leg, but it was nothing to worry about.

Visitor: What was going through your mind when Jake made the "erotic" comment?

Survivor Erin: My mind was in another place. I was thinking about losing the Challenge and who we were going to vote for and that being a tough decision. In no way did I think twice about what Jake was saying.

Visitor: Hey, Erin! You certainly showed some nerves by eating those grubs in the Food Reward Challenge. How good was the food while in Thailand?

Survivor Erin: [laughs] The food was slim to none: lots of coconut, lots of leaves. But we were fortunate enough to win the Thai feast, which was unforgettable!

Visitor: Do you think Brian was too much on his comments about women?

Survivor Erin: While I was there I never heard any of the comments, but now, watching the show I do think his comments about women were a little too much.

Visitor: Was SURVIVOR eaiser or harder than you thought?

Survivor Erin: It was extremely harder than I ever expected it to be. The hardest part was definitely the lack of food--not eating. The food, the rain was difficult, just all the different elements.

Visitor: Hello Erin: two things. The show portrayed you as a follower and not a leader. Is this true in your life? Second, do you think if you would have put yourself closer to Ken and Jake instead of Penny, you would still be on the island?

Survivor Erin: In everyday life I'm more of a leader than a follower but it seems that in the past when you become a leader in Survivor you end up getting voted off earlier so I was using that as part of my strategy. Yes, I do believe that I would still be on the island if I had put myself closer to Ken and Jake.

Visitor: Erin, what did you think of Clay when you saw him checking you out on last night's episode?

Survivor Erin: I know Clay's happily married, and I never felt like Clay was looking at me in any kind of a disrespectful way.

Visitor: Erin, do you wish you had switched tribes when Jeff asked?

Survivor Erin: No, I definitely would not have wanted to switch tribes, even with the way things went. I loved the people from Sook Jai, and they'd been loyal to me. I never would have wanted to trade.

Visitor: What was your honest opnion of Shii Ann?

Survivor Erin: My honest opinion of Shii Ann is that our personalities clashed first of all. I was never very fond of Shii Ann from the beginning: just the way she was as a person, and once she decided to stab us in the back it really sealed the feelings of disrespect that I had for her. And it was the happiest moment of SURVIVOR when I was able to vote her off.

Visitor: Erin, I heard you went to Penny's wedding. Were there any other Survivors there? Do you keep in touch with any of your fellow SURVIVOR contestants?

Survivor Erin: Yes, I did go to Penny's wedding, and Jake, Jed and Clay all attended. I keep in touch with the majority of the Survivors.

Visitor: Sook Jai started off strong, winning most of the Challenges. What happened?

Survivor Erin: We made the wrong decision on some of the people that we voted off. I think Sook Jai got a little cocky due to the fact that we'd won so many Challenges and just started voting off people due to personal reasons rather than what would really be best for the tribe.

Visitor: Ken complained of the cave smelling. Was it really that gross?

Survivor Erin: Yes, it really was THAT gross. I tried to stay away from that end of the cave as much as possible.

Visitor: Erin, we are all dying to know, who peed in the cave? LOL

Survivor Erin: I don't know exactly who was peeing in the cave, but it was just the male members of Chuay Gahn, I assume.

Visitor: Is Penny as manipulative in real life as they depicted her on TV?

Survivor Erin: No, not at all. Penny is a very sweet girl, and she and I have remained extremely close friends.

Visitor: Erin, what was up with Jan? Is she really wacko or is it all an act?

Survivor Erin: No, Jan really is kind of a crazy lady, but in her own special way. She's a neat and sweet woman. Her son also lives in Austin, and I see him at my work occasionally.

Visitor: What do the tribes really think about Jan's Pet Cemetery?

Survivor Erin: Honestly, we really didn't think twice about the pet cemetery, even though that's how it looks like it was depicted on TV. It wasn't a big deal at all for any of us.

Visitor: Erin, did you feel about the sexism we saw, you know the women working, the men doing nothing?

Survivor Erin: I don't feel that that's necessarily what went on. Don't get me wrong, there were times when the men could have washed the dishes, but everyone seemed to be doing their part, whether it be washing dishes, gathering food, gathering wood, getting water or doing other chores. It all worked out pretty fair.

Visitor: What are your opinions on the non-merge?

Survivor Erin: I was ecstatic at the moment that Jeff told us it was a non-merge because that meant Shii Ann's dirty work hadn't really paid off.

Visitor: Besides Shii Ann, who got on your nerves the most?

Survivor Erin: I was a little frustrated with Stephanie's attitude in the beginning, but I feel that a lot of that had to do with the fact that she was sick. There are no hard feelings toward Stephanie.

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