Survivor 5: Thailand





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Brian Heidik Chat Transcript

SURVIVOR Host: There are lots of great questions, so let's get to as many as we can! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with the Sole Survivor Brian Heidik. Hi Brian! Thanks for spending some time to chat with us today. Are you ready for some questions?

Survivor Brian: Bring it on!

Visitor: Brian, you played an amazing game. At any point did you feel like you had the game all sewn up?

Survivor Brian: I'd say after the final Immunity Challenge, yes.

Visitor: Just how painful was that Immunity Challenge?

Survivor Brian: My whole body was aching, and it took hours to recoup, not only mentally, but physically.

Visitor: Brian, Congrats! Do you use the same skills to sell cars as you used to win?

Survivor Brian: Of course! [laughs]

Visitor: Did your tactics EVER hurt your conscience?

Survivor Brian: No, I really had no emotions. My emotions were put aside. I couldn't get emotionally involved. Everything was strategic, and I used other's emotions to my advantage.

Visitor: What was your most embarrassing moment on the show?

Survivor Brian: When I got beat by Robb and Ken in the Challenge with the baskets and wicker balls on the beach. I was exhausted, and I got beat! Robb and Ken kicked my ass! [laughs]

Visitor: I watched you on THE EARLY SHOW today, you said you were going to double, triple and/or quadruple the money you won. How ya gonna do that?

Survivor Brian: Buy low and sell right, [laughs] leverage and hedging.

Visitor: Brian, I think you were the best player out there. I'm glad you won. What's going on with your wife?

Survivor Brian: She looks beautiful! We're doing great. She was at the party, and she looked wonderful, and you should be able to see her in all the clips. She should be doing a Steven Segal movie in February. We're doing great, thanks for asking.

Visitor: You made some comments about a woman's role in society. I want to offer you a chance to redeem yourself here. How much of that was tongue-in-cheek and how much of it was serious?

Survivor Brian: I'd say 50/50. Women were really taking to their roles though: while the men were taking to their roles of hunting and fishing, the women were doing the cooking and cleaning. But it was what I observed so it is true. We were living the stereotypes.

Visitor: Did you feel the show accurately portrayed you, and the other castaways?

Survivor Brian: I think that we were 75% accurately portrayed.

Visitor: People are comparing you to Richard Hatch. Are you honored or appalled by that?

Survivor Brian: I think it's great, but there is a new sheriff in town, and his name is Brian. [laughs]

Visitor: What did you think about Penny's questions at the end?

Survivor Brian: Absolutely ridiculous! Her reason for who should win and who shouldn't win was immature, but I expected that from Penny. Excuse me for not knowing her cat's name was Scruffy.

Visitor: What did you really say to Ken about voting off Ted?

Survivor Brian: Ken is lazy, and I expected a lot more out of him.

Visitor: Brian, did you fear for your life when you were on the elephant?

Survivor Brian: Yes! I just wanted to have lunch. [laughs]

Visitor: Brian, were you surprised when your wife wouldn't even attempt eating bugs? How did that feel?

Survivor Brian: I encouraged her not to eat them. I wanted her to go back to the hotel and not interfere with my strategy. I did not want her coming back with me. I didn't want to become more vulnerable.

Visitor: What did you think about Helen's final speech to you? She seemed like a sore loser to me.

Survivor Brian: Helen was very emotional. At that point, I understood her emotions, and I had to let her vent, and I just listened to her. Of course, my response was she should have been writing in the sand with me.

Visitor: Were you disappointed at first when Jan picked you for her tribe?

Survivor Brian: No, I had no emotions, I just wanted to start the game. Way too early to pass judgment. Never judge a book by its cover.

Visitor: How hard is it to keep quiet about what happens on the show?

Survivor Brian: It's more of an anxiety within yourself. Not knowing, but yet knowing. It's a very anxious feeling, and it's difficult holding information and difficult being patient. Secrecy is a virtue and it's a challenge and a talent in its own right.

Visitor: If you could choose one Survivor to never see, or hear from again, who would you choose and why?

Survivor Brian: You guys are bad! That's so mean. I can't answer that! [laughs]

Visitor: Suppose Jan had pulled off a win in the last Immunity Challenge. Do you think she would have picked you to go into the Final Two with her?

Survivor Brian: Yes, I just know Jan. She would have thought I deserved it more than Clay.

Visitor: Did you really feel that Ted owed you a "thank you" after you blew the raod trip reward? Wouldn't you have done the same thing if the tables were turned?

Survivor Brian: He owed me a thank you, but he thanked me with his vote, so he made it up to me.

Visitor: If you could relive one day on that island, which day would you relive?

Survivor Brian: The day in the jail where we won the jailbreak Challenge: that was a wonderful turning point in the game for us. I knew that Chuay Gahn was going all the way.

Visitor: Jan was such a sweetheart. How tough was it to vote her off?

Survivor Brian: Not hard. She accepted third place beforehand and respected me for my decision.

Visitor: Did you apply for any of the other SURVIVOR shows?

Survivor Brian: No, this was the first time I applied for SURVIVOR.

Visitor: You played the game to a tee, but a lot of people thought you were just arrogant. How would you respond to that?

Survivor Brian: There's a fine line between arrogance and confidence. I was extremely confident, and I enjoyed every day out there.

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