Title: Merry Christmas at Quark's
Author: Paula Stiles (thesnowleopard@hotmail.com)
Series: DS9
Part: NEW 1/1 
Rating: [PG] Some talk about booze. Hey, he's a bartender.
Codes: Qu

Summary: "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," as, ah, modified by Quark. The
image I got while I wrote this, of Quark trolling around the bar warbling the song, was
pretty appalling.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns all the fun Trek stuff in this poem, and God only knows
who wrote the carol. I beg your forgiveness, whoever you are, for mangling your carol
for my own purposes, and for making fun of Paramount (ooh, but it feels so *good*). I
grovel at your feet. There, are your lawyers happy, now?

Archive: Sure--if you ask first.

Originally posted on  alt.startrek.creative on December 11, 1998.


Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Welcome to my bar.
Toast the New Year with my second-best kanar.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Did that glass just move?
Constable, there's nothing you could ever prove.
So, have yourself a slimy little Christmas, phbbbt!

Come right in. I've got synthehol,
Dabo tables, and Earth beer.
Credit is always easily got,
If you pay your tab by next year.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Sit right down by Morn. 
Try his latest recipe for Trill popcorn.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas, now.


    Source: geocities.com/rpcv.geo