NEW DS9 Turnabout Is Fair Play 4/6 [G] (B, Hilliard Drabble Series)

Title: Turnabout Is Fair Play
Author: Paula Stiles (
Series: DS9
Part: NEW 4/6
Rating: [PG]
Codes: B, Hilliard [Drabble Series]

Summary: Three years after the end of the Dominion War, Bashir encounters one of the
conspirators at Starfleet Medical who infected Odo with the Founders'  disease. Coda to
"When It Rains".

Disclaimer: If I owned any of it, would I be writing fanfic?

Archive: Yep. If you ask, first.

Note: Part four of "Six Battles in Search of a War"


     "Please welcome Dr. Julian Bashir, expert in Dominion biogenics and discoverer of
the cure for the Founders' disease."

     Bashir stood for the applause, then talked about Dominion atrocities--the Federation
having committed none. He never denied discovering the cure, anymore. That dirty little
secret belonged in the past, with the War.

     The talk ended, Bashir left the podium. Commander Hilliard, who had denied him
Odo's files, calling him "traitor", greeted him first. Bashir regarded his outstretched hand.
Should he spit at Hilliard? Call him pawn, bigot, fool?

     No. Better to turn his back on Hilliard's bland surprise, and leave the room.


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