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The perfect Iron Man nemesis: Firepower!
As cool as Iron Man is, he just doesn’t have a cool Rogues Gallery.  Seriously, who has he got?  Crimson Dynamo.  Ah, the Russian Iron Man.  Oooohhhhhhhh, scary, and ALWAYS got pasted by Iron Man.  Titanium Man?  Oh please, can we rip-off Iron Man’s name even MORE?  Obadiah Stane!  Bald, brilliant... rich... guy... At least he doesn’t have a ring with a glowing, green stone in it.  The Mandarin!  Finally, kinda cool, kept coming back to take on Iron Man AND gave as good as he got.  But no armor!  Doh! 

Then there was Firepower.  Ok, so he was a one-shot villain for the ‘eh’ ‘Armor Wars’ story arc.  Still, there was a LOT to like about this guy: HUGE armor, lots of weapons.  Oh, the possibilities!  Hey, if Marvel Legends could bring the Toad to life, why not Firepower!  Time to drool!

First he’s gotta be BIG, as in Hulk Buster IM (link) big.  In the comic he was literally that huge, so we’re looking at something twice as large as the Silver Centurion armor.  Cool.   As his name implied, Firepower is COVERED with weapons: cannons on the arms, heat beams on the chest, missile launchers all over the freaking place, you get the idea!   The figure’s surface should be sculpted showing each weapon. 

What else do we throw on?  Unfortunately sound and light effects aren’t practical for a Marvel Legends size figure.  How about removable/firing weapons?  There are mini missile and grenade launders on his feet and sides.  We could have those be removable.  Firepower came with a MASSIVE nuclear missile on his back, how about spring-loaded launcher on the back?

There ya go!  Ok shell-head time to rumble!