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Roy's Toy Shelf
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Ah, the Good Stuff
Rolls Royce.  The Four Seasons.  The GOOD stuff.... you know, the stuff you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally gotta save to get it?  Same with toys.    Like any other collector, there are some things that you look at and just drool over it because you KNOW this is the really, really, really good stuff.  Not all of these are over $100, actually most are about $20+.  However, keep in mind that's for a 3 1/2" figure that normally retails for $8.00.  No, this isn't for the frugal. 

Kaiyodo figures.  The place where fun and art collide.  It's hard enough to give something a killer sculpt and a bagillion joints.  However, when you give something articulation that let's the figure actually hold a rifle like a person?  Let's the figure duplicate a multitude of life-like fighting poses?  And on top of that, you give the figure a ton o' extra weapons and other goodies?  Now THAT is a piece of work.   

Transformers Re-issues, Takara. Let the re-issue bug begin.  Will these hurt the collectors market?  Sure they will since people can get COMPLETE AND MIB versions of classic characters like Prime and Prowl.  However, these aren't exactly cheap, either.  It's a huge improvement from, oh $400 MIB for something you HOPE is complete, but paying $100 for the dang thing is still $100. 

MSIA, Bandai Japan. Why would you spend $20 on a figure so you could get more PAINT ON IT.  Well, depends on the paint-job.  We're not talking slapping on extra coats here.  We're talking about detailing; getting the panel-lines juuuuuuust right, getting the rivets on the figure just so.  Not a huge deal to some, but for others, DETAIL is the difference from a figure that's ok to one that kicks butt. 

Godaikin.  Ah yes, the winner.  Why?  DIE-CAST.  These re-packaged chogokins from Bandai hit American shores about 20 years ago.  At the time, who knew?  Hey, I saw them on SALE AT THE KAY-BEE BACK HOME FOR $30 ONCE!!!!   DOH.  Die-cast metal, loads... and loads... and LOADS of accessories, and characters ranging from well-knows ones like Combattra to obscure ones like Daltanius make this a stand-out series.  No, they're no longer produced, but you can find then through Internet shops.  Um, you think $100 is rough on the pocket?  Try $300 MIB.  Ouch.