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Roy's Toys Shelf
Super Posable Strider;  LOTR, FOTR; ToyBiz
Meat and Potatoes; 5.0
Perks; 4.8
Homer Facor; 4.8
Description;  ANOTHER Strider figure, but probably the best one.

Super Posable Strider is 6" tall and is attired in his gear from 'FOTR'.  He also has a TON o' articulation for lots and lots of display possibilities.

The figure also comes with a REMOVABLE duster, cloak, sword, and pack. 
'AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH, ANOTHER ARAGORN FIGURE!'  Yeah, yeah, yeah, settle down, ok?  Sure this is the... wow, how many have there been?  Counting... wow, there have been a LOT of Aragorn/Strider figures, haven't there?  So is ToyBiz pulling the old 'Let's repackage it with some silly gimmick and make even MORE MONEY!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'  Yes and no.  Yes, in that there are a TON of Aragorn figures out and even more recently 'Weathertop Aragorn' was just released.  Oooohhhh, just what I wanted, Aragorn with an arm that will launch a torch.  Sigh.  BUT, there are also times when it's a very good opportunity to improve upon a figure.  Case in point is Strider.  He's already been reviewed with a special arrow-launching ability, and just plain Strider.  Both very cool figures, but not quiiiiiite the amazing pieces you would expect considering the rest of the line.  We finally have a winner for the definitive version of Strider!  Well, mostly.  Doh!

Meat and potatoes were the problem with the first two versions.  Either there was a funky little gimmick that complicated the articulation, or it wasn't articulated enough.  Well, no fear on this piece.  Last count, 32 points of articulation.  Yep, 32.  FINALLY, you can pose the guy!  Ok, so he can't hold his Ranger sword in both hands, just the same he can do everything else.  The sculpting on the figure is gorgeous, as always.  Details as small as his ring to the laces on his surcoat are all reproduced beautifully.  One minor gripe is the face, though.  It looks more like Liam Neeson then Viggo Mortenson.  Oops.

Perks... well, this is where things get a bit complicated.  The previous two versions of Strider were packed with lots of stuff; backpacks, bows, rolled blankets, the works.  In this case, it's a mixed bag.  The good news is the cloak Strider comes with is constructed of a new plastic that drapes almost like cloth, giving the cloak a very natural appearance.  Woohoo!  And then there's the duster.  Remember he's wearing a duster through most of 'Fellowship of the Ring' beneath the cloak.  Well, he's got it here, and IT'S REMOVABLE!  It's made of the same material as the cloak so it is flexible enough to slip on and off the figure's shoulders.  Is it necessary?  Nope, but it's this kinda detail that just rocks!

BAD news is that while the other Strider pieces are loaded with extra stuff to carry, this piece comes with only a puny bundle.  Granted, the cloak and duster do sort of make up for this, but considering the ton o' other stuff the previous version of Strider had, it's a bit disappointing.

Homer factor?  Ah, this really depends.  Yes, this is the umpteenth version of Strider.  If you're happy with the others or are rather sick of buying one more freaking figure you may want to pass.  BUT, if you're looking for a much more complete figure, this is worth getting.

In the end, this is a gorgeous piece of work and is a great example of the work ToyBiz has done to make the 'LOTR' line one of the great toy-lines, period.  So how do we make-up for the equipment deficiencies?  Easy, as I did, just cannibalize the stuff from the other figures.  Done.  Ah, NOW we've got a fully equipped Strider!  Woohoo!