Javelin & Spear Rules & Regulation

The javelin and spear range will typically cover an area of 15 yards by 50 yards. A large open field with clear visibility is preferred. The entire range should be marked or roped off in such a way that a person cannot accidentally wander onto the range. There should be no activities at the other end of the range.

Equipment Specifications

For javelin: Minimum length 42”, Maximum length 54”
For spear: Minimum length 72”, Maximum length 96”

Standard Competition Rules

    1. Standard field archery targets will be used with hay bales as backstops.

    2. Five throws at 12 yards for the javelin, and 8 yards for the spear.

    3. The highest accumulated score wins.
Moving Target Competition There are two simple methods of achieving a moving target. The first is to suspend a bale of hay from a large tree branch and to swing it back and forth by a second rope 50’ long, that is pulled by someone off to the side out of range.
The second method is to attach a three-bale stack of hay onto the wagon and have someone pull it across the range using a 100’ rope. (The target pullers must be at least 20 yards away from the target.)

Competition is very simple. As the target moves, all contestants must stick their weapons into the bale of hay within the prescribed strike zone. Anyone not sticking their missile is eliminated. Last contestant not eliminated wins.


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