
Visiting the Media Center:
Students in kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade visit the Media Center once a week during their scheduled specials times for a library-related lesson,
and they are given time to select and check out library books.
Students in grades 3-5 may visit the library to exchange a finished book throughout the school day, in accordance with the classroom teachers' guidelines.
Older students may may visit to check out books during their scheduled media center/computer lab special.

Book Selection:
It is this media specialist's philosophy that a children's library must encourage students' reading skills
and support students' interest in a variety of books. 
We ask students to select at least one book that is on their grade or AR level . 
Classroom teachers and I offer several lessons on choosing books that are "just right" for them to read.
The second book they choose may be on any topic that interests them.


Specials Schedule:  CLICK (coming soon!)

Book Limits: 
Kindergarten students may check out one book at a time.  This book must be returned before another book will be checked out. 
First through fifth grade students may check out two books at a time. 
Chapter books do
not need to be returned on a weekly basis, as we understand that it often takes longer than one week to read an entire book. 
A third book will only be checked out to a student if it is required for a project per the classroom teacher.

Flexible Access Schedule:
Our library is open from 8:00 until 2:30 p.m. for students to check out books. 
Our open circulation is closed during the reading block (8:30 - 9:30 a.m.) and during lunch (11:45 - 12:25 p.m.)
Grades K, 1, and 2 visit each morning, and
Grades 3, 4, and 5 may visit the  media center for individual, small group, or class research assignments in the afternoons.

Parents' Circulation:
Parents are invited to check out additional books after school, 2:45 - 3:15 p.m., Monday - Thursday. 
We will create an account for a parent, which will not interfere with his/her child's checkout limit. 
Parents may check out up to 5 books or listening sets at a time.
We also have a
Parents' Resource Center with materials that parents might find helpful. 
This collection includes homework-help books and games (such as Hooked on Phonics, board games, flash cards, etc.),
parenting books (topics such as cook books, pregnancy, developmental stages, behavior issues, learning disabilities, finances, etc.),
and special sensitive topic books and videos (drug/alcohol use, death, cancer, divorce, etc.)

Overdue and Lost Books: 
Students in grades K-2 may receive an overdue notice if books have been checked out for more than 2 weeks. 
If a student is still reading that book, it is fine for him/her to renew it.  Overdue notices are generally sent as an alert that we haven't seen the book for awhile.
If you feel a book has been lost, please do not panic!  Let
Mrs. Valentine or Mrs. Young know. 
We will check to see if an honest student may have found it and returned it to us. 
(Sometimes 'lost' books are found on a school bus, in the lunchroom, on a classroom shelf, or even on the library book shelf!)
If your book is
not found, you will be asked to pay to replace it. 
Late notices will be sent home with report cards, or if we notice a student has checked a book out for an extremely long time. 
If you question a late notice, please contact
Mrs. Valentine(919.496.7377, ext. 272)

Our media center welcomes and sincerely appreciates volunteers. 
We almost always can use help returning books to shelves or assisting students with selecting books, checking out books, or completing a research project.  Book Fair time is also a very busy time of year in which volunteers are essential. 
Volunteers must have been approved through the clearance process.

Visiting the Media Center:
Students in kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade visit the Media Center once a week during their scheduled specials times for a library-related lesson,
and they are given time to select and check out library books.
Students in grades 3-5 may visit the library to exchange a finished book throughout the school day, in accordance with the classroom teachers' guidelines.
Older students may may visit to check out books during their scheduled media center/computer lab special.

Book Selection:
It is this media specialist's philosophy that a children's library must encourage students' reading skills
and support students' interest in a variety of books. 
We ask students to select at least one book that is on their grade or AR level . 
Classroom teachers and I offer several lessons on choosing books that are "just right" for them to read.
The second book they choose may be on any topic that interests them.


Specials Schedule:  CLICK (coming soon!)

Book Limits: 
Kindergarten students may check out one book at a time.  This book must be returned before another book will be checked out. 
First through fifth grade students may check out two books at a time. 
Chapter books do
not need to be returned on a weekly basis, as we understand that it often takes longer than one week to read an entire book. 
A third book will only be checked out to a student if it is required for a project per the classroom teacher.

Flexible Access Schedule:
Our library is open from 8:00 until 2:30 p.m. for students to check out books. 
Our open circulation is closed during the reading block (8:30 - 9:30 a.m.) and during lunch (11:45 - 12:25 p.m.)
Grades K, 1, and 2 visit each morning, and
Grades 3, 4, and 5 may visit the  media center for individual, small group, or class research assignments in the afternoons.

Parents' Circulation:
Parents are invited to check out additional books after school, 2:45 - 3:15 p.m., Monday - Thursday. 
We will create an account for a parent, which will not interfere with his/her child's checkout limit. 
Parents may check out up to 5 books or listening sets at a time.
We also have a
Parents' Resource Center with materials that parents might find helpful. 
This collection includes homework-help books and games (such as Hooked on Phonics, board games, flash cards, etc.),
parenting books (topics such as cook books, pregnancy, developmental stages, behavior issues, learning disabilities, finances, etc.),
and special sensitive topic books and videos (drug/alcohol use, death, cancer, divorce, etc.)

Overdue and Lost Books: 
Students in grades K-2 may receive an overdue notice if books have been checked out for more than 2 weeks. 
If a student is still reading that book, it is fine for him/her to renew it.  Overdue notices are generally sent as an alert that we haven't seen the book for awhile.
If you feel a book has been lost, please do not panic!  Let
Mrs. Valentine or Mrs. Young know. 
We will check to see if an honest student may have found it and returned it to us. 
(Sometimes 'lost' books are found on a school bus, in the lunchroom, on a classroom shelf, or even on the library book shelf!)
If your book is
not found, you will be asked to pay to replace it. 
Late notices will be sent home with report cards, or if we notice a student has checked a book out for an extremely long time. 
If you question a late notice, please contact
Mrs. Valentine(919.496.7377, ext. 272)

Our media center welcomes and sincerely appreciates volunteers. 
We almost always can use help returning books to shelves or assisting students with selecting books, checking out books, or completing a research project.  Book Fair time is also a very busy time of year in which volunteers are essential. 
Volunteers must have been approved through the clearance process.
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