Team "ROWSG" consists of two key persons: Dr. Paul Cull and his former Ph.D. student Dr. Tai Hsu, who are enthusiasts of Cybernetics which attempts to solve problems by using ideas based on biological systems. Dr. Cull is a well known scientist in mathematical biology and neural nets. Dr. Hsu has been working on machine vision using algorithms of computational biology, and been a hobbyist in robotics. Their methods have won several academic awards. Three graduate students (Northwestern Polytechnic University) joined the team as part of their graduate projects/thesises. ROWSG stands for five key technologies: Route planning, Optical inertial measurement system, Walking Tree Method, Stereo vision, and GPS. Our vehicle is named "Beaveroid" for the mascot of Oregon State University.
The team lead (left) and technical lead (right)
Our Technology: Walking Tree Methods
Improved Walking Tree Methods for Biological Sequence Alignments
Walking Tree Methods for Gene Discovery and Verification
Walking Tree Methods for Stereo Vision
Walking Tree Methods for 3D Vision
Name: ROWSG Beaveroid
Email: rowsg_beaveroid@yahoo.com