The Luciferian Rebellion

Why did Lucifer Sin?  What made a perfect Archangel rebel against GOD?  We all know that Lucifer wanted to be GOD, but he was with GOD for thousands of years before he fell.  So the real question is: what
triggered Lucifer's rebellion?  

If we read the Book of Job, we see that at certain times ALL of the Angelic Hosts came together to praise and worship GOD in unison. 
One day the Angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them.  Job 1:6.  Of course this verse is speaking after the event of Lucifer's fall, so Satan is not here to worship GOD.

Let us go back to the very FIRST gathering of the Angelic Hosts to worship GOD.  Remember we are now in Heaven and the Physical Dimension has not been created yet, so there is no earth and no man.  ALL of the Angelic Hosts are assembled around the Throne of GOD in the order they were created, and grouped according to their Angelic types.  By types I mean the different kinds of Angels.  For example, the Archangels are the highest level and are therefore closest to the Throne of GOD, then the Seraphim, Cherubim, Zophim, Angels, etc.

Since ALL the Angelic Hosts contain the essence of GOD within themselves, they are all part of each another, and they must all worship in unison at these gatherings.  Remember that word
unison.  The unison of the Angelic Hosts could NOT be broken.  So now imagine billions of perfect Angels, gathered in perfect order, to give perfect worship, in perfect unison, to their Creator.  What an awesome sight that must have been!

Who did the Angelic Hosts see on the Throne?  They saw
GOD the Father in all His Glory.  Michael and Lucifer, the two greatest Angels ever created, who were continuously in GOD's presence, also BOWED and worshipped before the Throne in perfect unison with all the other Angelic Hosts.  This was the FIRST and ONLY perfect worship Lucifer gave to GOD.  So the FIRST gathering of the Angelic Hosts was PERFECT.

So what happened if everything was perfect?  Why did Lucifer sin?  To answer this we must go to the SECOND gathering of the Angelic Hosts.  Remember Lucifer did NOT sin immediately after he was created.  Lucifer served GOD faithfully for thousands of years before his rebellion.  Note: there is no concept of time in Heaven as there is on earth, I am only using the terms thousands of years as an expression to help you understand the progression of events.  Of course there are no earth years in Heaven.  Even when the Book of Job speaks of one day it is referring to earth time.

As time passed, the SECOND gathering of the Angels was called.  Once again ALL of the Angelic Hosts were assembled around the Throne of GOD in the order they were created, and grouped according to their particular types.  But who did the Angelic Hosts see on the Throne this time?  It was not GOD the Father, it was
GOD the Son, the 2nd Person of the Trinity.  GOD revealed to the Angelic Hosts, a deeper part of Himself, His Beloved Son Jesus Christ, and this is what triggered Lucifer's rebellion and fall.

Note the order of revelation here.  GOD the Father is greater than GOD the Son.  Jesus said: My Father is greater than I. John 14:28.  GOD the Father revealed Himself FIRST to the Angelic Hosts, then He revealed His Beloved Son, BUT to man on earth, the SON is revealed FIRST before the Father is revealed.  It is a reverse order of revelation.

Jesus said: I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.  John 14:10.  At the Second gathering of the Angelic Hosts, as the Angels were assembled before the Throne of GOD, the Angels saw GOD the Son emerge from GOD the Father, and they fell down to worship Him.  When Lucifer saw this he was astounded.  He saw One being emerge out of the other, true GOD from true GOD.  Lucifer saw but he did not understand.  He could not comprehend how Jesus, a separate person, was exactly the same GOD.  When all the Angelic Hosts bowed down to worship GOD the Son, Lucifer did NOT.  Thus Lucifer broke the perfect unison of the Angelic Hosts.

What do you think happened next?  Imagine yourself standing next to the most glorious King.  All the subjects around him bow but you do not.  Because you are so close to him, when his subjects bow down to him, it seems as if they are bowing to you also.  And this is exactly what happened.  Remember what I said about perfect unison?  The worship of the Angelic Hosts had to be given in
perfect unison.  There was good reason for this: so that no Angel would become conscious of being the object of worship.  When Lucifer refused to bow to the Son of GOD, he was the only Angel left standing amongst the billions of Angels created, and the perfect unison of Angelic worship was broken.  Now for the first time in his existence, Lucifer realised what it was like to have billions of Angels bow down before you.  UH OH!  Now we have the beginning of Lucifer's transformation.

Note the progression of events: Lucifer refuses to bow down to Jesus, and as a direct result, he realises what it would feel like to receive worship from the Angelic Hosts.  (Sin is never an isolated event.  Whenever we omit to give GOD what is rightfully His, this
inevitably leads to error and sin, and sin leads to more and more sin.  Had Lucifer bowed down to Jesus, he would have never sinned).  So Lucifer refused to bow down to the Son of GOD, and never worshipped Him, not even once.  The only time Lucifer/Satan will ever bow down to Jesus will be at the End of Time when every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.  Philippians 2:9-11.  Satan will be the LAST being in all of Creation to bow down before the Son of GOD.  So he will worship the Son of GOD, ONCE, before he is destroyed.

Back to the events in Heaven: Lucifer wants to know how GOD the Son can be completely One with GOD the Father, and yet be a completely separate person.  Lucifer wants to know BECAUSE he wants this position.  At this point we realise one very important thing: Lucifer no longer has any Love in himself.  Remember what I told you about the nature of Angels?  When Lucifer stopped loving, he stopped loving COMPLETELY, so there was absolutely NO Love in him whatsoever.

This is what has to happen first, before Angels can hate, their Love has to Die  (Remember Angels cannot contain opposing qualities within themselves as we can).  So Lucifer's Love had to die before he was able to Hate.  As only GOD can see inside the hearts of His Creation, we do not know exactly when Lucifer's Love died, but we do know that by the time he wanted the Son of GOD's position in Heaven, there was no Love in him any longer.

So Lucifer's nature had made a dramatic change.  He was now devoid of all Love, but that in itself did not make him evil.  Lucifer still had a further step to go.  Lucifer did not became evil until he began to HATE.  But what would make Lucifer's nature be filled with absolute hate?

Lucifer wanted to be in the exact same position of GOD the Son.  When this position was refused to him, he was filled rage and hatred consumed him completely.  This is the point where Lucifer becomes EVIL.  Keep in mind what a tremendous Archangel Lucifer was.  He was the 2nd greatest Angel ever created.  When Lucifer hated, he hated with every fibre of his being.  His hatred was 100% ABSOLUTE.  It is difficult for us to comprehend hatred in such an absolute state, because no human is capable of absolute pure hatred, the kind of hatred that Lucifer had (and still has).  Note that Lucifer was the first being in all of Creation to hate.  If it wasn't for Lucifer, the fallen Angels would have never known what hate was.

Lucifer coveted EVERYTHING the Son of GOD was and had.  Not only did he covert Jesus' position in Heaven, but he also coveted His Mediatorship in Creation, and the worship He received.  Through your widespread trade/merchandise you were filled with violence, and you sinned.  Therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mount of GOD, and I expelled you, O covering Cherub, from among the fiery stones.  Ezekiel 28:16 The word trade or merchandise refers to the worship given by the Angelic Hosts.  The Hebrew word used here for
trade is cachar meaning to travel around as a pedlar.  It can be better understood by the Hebrew root word cachaphmeaning to profit by scraping off.  As always the Hebrew meaning is more profound than the English.  It means that whatever Lucifer was trading, he was profiting from it by scraping some off for himself.

So what was Lucifer's trading?  What thing of great value passed through Lucifer's hands?  The answer is Worship.  Lucifer was filtering off the worship from the Angelic Hosts that rightly belonged to GOD for himself.  Thus Lucifer began to violate the purpose to which he was created.  Lucifer was  treating the worship of the Angels as merchandise, as something to be bargained with, as a bartering tool between them and GOD.  We read of this in Job 1:9-11, where Satan tells GOD that Job only worships Him because of the things He gives him.  See how Satan reduces worship into common merchandise.  In other words, Lucifer reduces worship into a business transaction.  ie. I will give you this (worship) if you will give me that (goods).

This verse in Ezekiel also tells us that Lucifer wanted to control the worship of the Angelic Hosts.  He wanted to place himself as the mediator between GOD and the Angels, thus coveting the Mediatorship role that ONLY the Son of GOD was privileged to possess.

Lucifer wanted to be in the exact position of GOD the Son.  Refer back to John 14:10.  What Lucifer really wanted was the Son's position in the Father.  Now that was impossible because to have that position meant you had to be GOD, and Lucifer was just a created being.  When this position was refused to Lucifer, he was filled with hate and rage.  After corrupting billions of the other Angels (Lucifer's accusations against GOD have not been discussed here) Lucifer tries to take this position by force, and that is when War breaks out in Heaven.