You Always Hurt The One You Love
There is an old saying and how true it is you never know until it happens.
You always hurt the one you love no matter who they are,
You try to reach for that star above in the sky.
And you never get it its to hard to try,
with this song I think it tells all,
So remember don't hurt the ones you love,
Because they are the most important ones of all.
When its family remember friends and lovers can be replaced but family can't blood is thicker than friendship, becareful with the words you choose don't be hasty in your words they do alot of harm.
Those who think before they speak will go far and are wise.
So the Secret word here is "Think" before you speak out ,
Harsh words embed in the heart and can build
on heartships take heed don't hurt the ones or one that you love.
Written By LadyLovesLace711 ..12-10-2001
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~Brenda Lee~You Always Hurt The One You Love~