Work in progress...

I do all of my 3D artwork with the awesome freeware raytracing program POV-Ray

These are images from a new chess related scene I have been working on. I had originally planned on recreating the classic chess board and table, just with more detailed pieces, but abandoned that idea in favor of something slightly more ambitious. I now plan to create a detailed table with matching wooden chairs, sitting under an open window to the outside. Using POV-Ray's HALO function, it should be possible to create a slightly dusty volumetric fog to accentuate the light streaming in and over the table, giving the scene a nice feeling, and making it look slightly less sterile in the process. Think this only not even close to as cool. ^_^ (image courtesy of LABAN Sebastien ) I will post more images and code as they're created!

Initial idea for the shape of the knight piece.
Finished model for the knight piece. ( pretty close, eh? ^_^ )
Isometric view of all of the finished pieces.
Detailed profile view of some of the pieces.

All images ©2001 Michael Koopman