*Salvete Omnes* Welcome to my Roman Mythology Website

Hey Everybody!

Thank you for visiting this site, it was originally made for as a project for my Latin Class, but I decided to keep it up, so I hope that this site is helpful to you! This website is all about Roman gods, myths, creatures and heroes. Under Gods and Goddesses are a list of all the Roman gods we could find, many of whom we are not too sure about because the information is so hard to find. Many characters on this website may have been borrowed from the Greeks because there is little to distinguish the two apart. Please, feel free to browse and look around.

There is a very fine line between Roman and Greek mythology.  The early Romans did not think of their gods in animal or human form, but rather as powers, or spirits associated with specific places.  Little Roman mythology is purely Roman.  They worshipped their gods without images for 170 years after Rome was formed.  Only after the 6th century BC, when the  Romans came in contact with the Greek culture did they begin to portray their gods as humans with well defined personalities. 

     Knowledge of the early Roman gods and religion is very limited.  Most of what we have learned about Roman mythology comes from works of art, archaeological findings and Roman writers.  Writers such as Virgil and Ovid inter-twined the functions and names of Roman gods into Greek literature forming a mix of Greco-Roman mythology. 
     The gods' personalities were of no importance to the Romans, but rather their function.  Gods were a very important aspect of Roman life.  They presided over every aspect of everyday life, and death.  Each part of the Roman household had a god connected to it. 

     A later development in Roman religion was worshipping emperors as gods, but we won't get indepth about that.