S C A M M E R    P S Y C H I A T R I S T    E X P O S E D !!!
E X P O S E D R o m a l e e  Ann  D a v i s - Sociopathic Psychiatrist Exposed
                        scamming sociopathic psychiatrist and felonious criminal

                           a definitive psychopath within our midst - Robert Hare






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O v e r v i e w - Psychiatrist Faces Possible Loss of License

Welcome to the web site devoted to the exposure of the sociopathic criminal also known as Romalee Davis.

Visit often to keep up with the latest information and developments about the apparently illegal, unlawful, unethical, fraudulent and criminal acts of Romalee A. Davis, MD. As the legal system brings justice to Romalee Davis, this web site will include all the latest details and exclusive information about the lawsuits and trials and tribunals against her.

According to available sources, she has commited numerous criminal acts.

Romalee Davis, MD is under investigation for:

felonious theft,
grand larceny,
criminal harassment,
accounting fraud,
false imprisonment,
unprofessional conduct

and other illegal, unlawful, unethical and sociopathic activities by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) Medical Quality Assurance Commission (MQAC).

In addition to the MQAC complaint against her, Romalee Davis faces at least one civil lawsuit, and possible felony criminal prosecution in King County Washington.

romalee_doc_service_tearing_off_first_piece_2001_04_07_528x354.jpg (37569 bytes)
Sociopath Romalee Davis takes service of papers delivered to her.

This Site Also Includes:

Information about the apparently fraudulent business called FINANCIAL FREEDOM, who phone number is 206-720-1500 or (206) 720-1500 that Davis has begun running out of the same office where she practices psychiatry in Seattle's Northwest Psychoanalytic Building.

It appears that her primary goal in practicing psychiatry is to milk as much money as she can from would be patients, while actual treatment is a secondary, nearly accidental and incidental benefit that some patients may derive from her fraudulent, manipulative and coercive schemes.

Here are additional photographs of the legal papers being served on Romalee Davis.

Information about the office and location of Romalee Davis, MD
and the business called
true FINANCIAL FREEDOM she operates from the same location.

To the best of this author's knowledge, Romalee Davis has no professional or university training in finance or financial advise. To how many people is she likely to say whatever they want to hear, so that she can scam from them, and connive from them, as much money as she can possibly scheme and manipulate from them?

The only person who is likely to achieve financial freedom from that financial freedom business is Romalee Davis.

Coming Soon:

Streaming audio recording of Romalee Davis discussing a scheme to commit accounting fraud against the IRS.

Streaming audio recordings of Romalee Davis admitting to various additional illegal, unlawful, unethical and unprofessional activities.

Streaming audio versions of the constantly changing outgoing voice mail messages on the telephones from the office where Romalee Davis perpetrates her illegal activities.

Updates about the latest developments and events, as the authorities uncover the truth about the criminal allegations against Romalee Davis, and they pursue justice against the now revealed sociopathic fraud, thief, embezzler and generalized criminal that the evidence against her supports beyond a reasonable doubt.