Relevant P.O.S.

[ Relevant P.O.S. Home | Sounds | Band History | Music Gear | Pictures | Links ]

Dave-John The Band John-Dave

This is the home page of the band Relevant P.O.S.
Relevant P.O.S. consists of 2 people - Dave Sherriff and John McGregor.
Dave plays keyboards. John plays guitar/bass & does the odd vocal. We both program the Machines.
We've been playing music together in one form or another for some years.

Other people have also been involved over the years.

Read the band history.

The Sounds

We sound like Relevant P.O.S.
Ambient, psychedelic, industrial....

On our Sounds page there are MP3 and MIDI files for your listening pleasure.

On the music gear page there are samples of some of our synths & other devices

Useful info for synth players - What is analogue synthesis?

The links page has links to useful music resources and UK music shops.
The albums page describes albums we particularly like.


John 'N Dave

On the pictures page there are shots of the band in action - live & in the studio!

On the music gear page there are pictures of our synths & other devices

[ Relevant P.O.S. Home Page | Sounds | Band History | Music Gear | Pictures | Links ]
Contact - Dave: John:

This site is located at:
NB We lost our original page on Warwick University.

Recent updates:
3rd November 2004 - added and IntaAudio to links page.

16th March 2002 - added GearOnline and Gerald Duncan to links page.
17th February 2002 - added GAK to links page.
3rd February 2002 - added Andertons Music,, Roland UK and Steinberg UK to links page.
7th October 2001 - added Bonners Music to links page..
9th September 2001 - slight tidy up of pages and added Mixing It and Yahoo Auctions links to links page..

There is a Relevant POS page on