
Karbala - Lessons from Karbala


A ccept all physical pressures and pain 
always on our true faith we steadfastly remain
B attle begun unjustly by oppressors
brave Husain till the end tried to guide aggressors
C ombine with words, when necessary, more swords
consolidate speech, if it fails, with spears against stubborn warlords
D ifferentiate, by trial, true faithful from false claimants
devilish lovers of worldly pleasures rejected as remnants
E xpose true identity of governing tyrant
evil Umayyad family who ruled as if invincible giant
F ace bravely and fight fiercely transgressors
fondly taught Islam's Prophet to Husain, the True Successor
G andhi and other freedom fighters won independence
greatly inspired by Husain's unforgettable resistance
H onor, self-respect, self-determination
husain's call to humanity till world's termination
I nvite, instruct, instill in all mankind godly values
indeed such were Islam, Prophet's and his family's views
J ob in life is to perform God-given task
judge results by Godly standards, questions don't ask
K eep your debt-book clean, owe nothing from anyone
king of martyrs refused to meet His Lord having hurt someone
L adies in captivity bravely spread Kerbala's message
lightning and thunderous words hastened tyrants downward passage
M artyrdom preferable to life of humiliation under evil-doers
military might never frightens brave good-doers
N ever despair in struggle against falsehood by small quantity
numbers matter less with sterling quality
O bjectives of uprising declared publicly at all stages
opportunities utilized maximally for sacred rage
P erseverance on truth till the last brother and last breath
persistent refusal to surrender to evil till death
Q uest for forgiveness granted to misguided enemy repentant
quran says God's mercy available for the penitent
R evive Prophet of Islam's Godly way of life
reject leader of evil's unholy sway and strife
S acrifice all dear and near to uphold God's law
surrender animal-self to divine Wisdom and God's Awe
T olerance of all hardships easy with God's remembrance
trials and tribulations readily accepted with God's Munificence
U nending support to Godly Leader's advice
untiring struggle against ungodly army's stance
V ictory of holy blood over blade of sword
vanquishing might with right, brawn with brain, sword with word
W arriors of truth participated from all ages, race, class & sanctuaries
winners in war, those whose message alive over centuries
X tra power & position corrupt ungodly human 
xtravagance, lifestyle of immature Man
Y ield total person & possessions to God's Pleasure
youth engage in holy war, not in temporary leisure
Z ealous to die for truth, virtue, Laws of God
zest of life is to love God & live for God