In Memory Of Lives...
© by Rogue Poet

When I awaken late at night
and feel your sweet breath upon my neck,
my mind begins to wander
through lives lived before now.

Of nights spent hiding
in dim dark caves, hoping
the beast of red glowing eyes
would not see us clinging there.

And the frosty God’s breath
should not freeze our quaking souls,
furless wonders, we…
but intelligent… we discover fire!

And fire is what has chased us
together over the millennia.
A Primal scream of unrelenting
passion that brings us beyond death!

Fleeting memories, life of dreams;
recognition… family photos in history!
High parties in the Roman Court,
rum, blood, and gold… a pirate’s haven…

cold winter battles at Valley Forge,
all hands lost; nurse and patient
off the coast of Guadalcanal.
Yet, Death’s defeat is never permanent!

Always we return, passion unrequited,
Final Rest impossible
till we find the way to join…
each a half; one and one still are one!

And when at last, our souls are one…
eternal rest by way of joy.