

The Snappiest Dressing Band in the Tri-State Area

The History of Rockslyde

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"Rockslyde" was conceived by Ralph James after a nightmare following a bad burrito incident (don't ask).
Seeing the need for a group of musicians to follow him around to tell him how much they admired him, Ralph found some old guys who were looking for an outlet that was mostly legal.  Through hundreds of auditions and months of rehearsal, the band was born.  A breach birth, some mental problems, but they were here.


  Facts: (Yeah, Right)

Ralph- Likes to drink champagne from his own shoe.
Bob- Believes in Santa Claus
Rich- Meatball King
Phil- Won't shut up
Carlo- Still thinks the Beatles are together
Tim- Says he can name all 45 states and their 90 capitals
Pam- Just shakes her head in amazement

Where we're playing next (Our Calendar)
Click Here, Yeah, Right Here. It'll take you to
Our Calendar

Band Pictures

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