Approximate wavelength (in vacuum) and frequency ranges for the various colors

Color Wavelength (nm) Frequency (THz)
Red 780 - 622 384 - 482
Orange 622 - 597 482 - 503
Yellow 597 - 577 503 - 520
Green 577 - 492 520 - 610
Blue 492 - 455 610 - 659
Violet 455 - 390 659 - 769

1 terahertz (THz) = 103 GHz = 106 MHz = 1012 Hz, 

1 nm = 10-3 um = 10-6 mm = 10-9 m.

The  white  light is a mixture of the colors of the visible spectra.

 The electromagnetic and sound specta and their use for communication

Wavelengths is a common way of describing light waves. 

Wavelength = Speed of light in vacuum / Frequency.

The speed of light is the velocity of electromagnetic wave in vacuum, which is 300,000 km/sec.
Light travels slower in other media, and different wavelengths travel at different speeds in the same media. When light passes from one media to another, it changes speed, which causes a deflection of light called refraction. The index of refraction, n, is defined as the following ratio:

n = Speed of light in vacuum / Speed of light in a specific medium.