Ohiopyle Drownings in 2000

Ohiopyle State Park: The danger zone -- 9/24/00
Sunday Magazine article synopsis with '78-'99 rafting stats

Andrea L. Yealy  --  9/16/00  (1700/1800 cfs @ USGS Confluence)

Adams County girl drowns at Dimple Rock [P-G]
Kayak (ducky!) victim dunked earlier [P-G]
DEAD LINK - Kayaker drowns in rough Ohiopyle rapids [T-R]
River claims third victim in less than four months [DC]

Stewart W. Hill  --  9/7/00

Rafter drowns at Dimple Rock [P-G]
DEAD LINK - Coroner's ruling surprises river experts [T-R]

Willie I. Pate  --  6/27/00

Cleveland Ducky paddler drowns at Dimple Rock [P-G]
DEAD LINK - First-time Yough kayaker dies [T-R]
DEAD LINK - Autopsy shows first-time kayaker die from drowning [T-R]

P-G Article on Coroner's Inquest
Fayette jury lists measures to limit Dimple Rock peril

Previous Deaths [from Tribune-Review]

Before June, the last person to die in the rapids was Kathy
Lewis, 17, of Warren County, who was rafting with a Methodist
church group on July 9, 1996, when their six-person raft overturned. 

AWA Report on Kathy Lewis - 7/9/96

John A. Hepting IV, 27, of Louisiana, drowned on May 8, 1992,
when the raft in which he was riding struck Dimple Rock and
flipped. Hepting became entangled with webbing at the bottom of
the raft and was pinned underwater.


Stuart P. Kleeman, 41, of Baltimore, drowned on Sept. 2, 1992,
when a raft carrying a group of people overturned. His body was
found four days later more than a mile downstream. 

Kayaking death - 3/15/03 -- Matthew E. Painley - Hopwood PA

Obituary and Accident summary in Post-Gazette
Obituary and Accident summary in Tribune-Review

High water was a definite factor in this accident! SEE GAGE GRAPH ABOVE!!! Water Level ~6.5