
I dedicated this page to all the words well said in RK.
This page contains quotes and some lines I especially like.
Some can even be adapted and used in real life!
These quotes aren't put in order of appearance or even speaker
because I just type down everything I can think of at the moment.
And please bear with my lousy translations.


"A sword is a killing weapon, and sword techniques are killing techniques. No matter how you look at it, the truth is still the truth. Kaoru-dono's words are words from someone who's never seen the filthy world before. But I like those words better than the truth de gozaru." -Himura Kenshin

"It's all right for people to have a secret or two they don't want to share." -Kamiya Kaoru

"Forget? If I could, I wouldn't be searching like this! What happiness is that in forgetting someone you love!" -Makimachi Misao

"I'm sorry. I don't ask you to understand, but the Sekihou Tai is something very special to me. Kenshin, the next time we see each other, I might have already become a criminal. And if you would then strike me with your sword, I wouldn't mind at all." -Sagara Sanosuke

"Don't let anyone kill you... before I do." -Shinomori Aoshi

"Food tames dogs, money tames people, but nothing can tame the Wolf of Mibu." -Saitoh Hajime

"Would you use only a momentary thought to come this far to search for someone?" -Kamiya Kaoru

"I don't know why, but the Kenshin-gumi is protecting this woman. I'm one of the Kenshin-gumi. Even if I can't fend off the attack, I certainly can protect!" -Myojin Yahiko

"What the dead want isn't revenge, but the happiness of the ones who remain. No one will rejoice if your little hands get stained with blood. Let these little hands grow, and when the time comes, don't use violence like Shishio, don't yield to evil like the people in your village, but be a peacekeeper like your brother... and live a happy life." -Himura Kenshin 

"A wolf is still a wolf, Shinsen is still Shinsen, An assassin is still an assassin, right? Battousai?" -Saitoh Hajime

"Only people can save this world from people." -Yukyosan Anji

"The strong shall live and the weak shall die." -Shishio Makoto

"What would build a new era are not swords, but people." -Arai Shaku

"Forgiving and seeing the value of life, are a man's greatest strength." -Hiko Seijuro

"I will not work for anyone, especially someone heartless enough to let these worthless men die only to test my skills." -Shinomori Aoshi

"But... knowing they were sent to die and still did not let them off... you're not so different."  -Seta Soujiro

"Hey, I risked my life for it. So take back your word 'genius'." -Sagara Sanosuke

"I'm sorry, ojiisan. We are still Oniwabanshu. To me, who grew up from the Oniwabanshu, it is more than family. My happiness lies here. We will help Himura deal with Shishio. And no matter who the enemy is, even Aoshi-sama... no, Shinomori Aoshi, I'll get rid of him. I will protect the Oniwabanshu myself!" -Makimachi Misao

"Shishio-sama and I share the same opinion that the Meji government is hopeless. But if Shishio's new era is also corrupted, I'll destroy it again." -Yukyosan Anji

"Will you spend all your life destroying? I hate the Meji government, and sometimes I want to destroy it too. But there are still people working hard, fighting for the future. Anji, be as desperate as you like. But as long as there are people who still want a good future, I will not let you judge who to live or die." -Sagara Sanosuke

"True, that night I was smiling... but the truth is... I was crying." -Seta Soujiro



There will be a lot more coming soon..... ^_^;

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