Some Inspiration ...
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Great things can be achieved if we set our mind to them.
Self-belief is the thing that helps us to go forward and attempt
something that may seem impossible. If we believe we can do
it, with hard work and sometimes a lot of luck, we can!!

Every single person has something unique and special about
them, we should appreciate these qualities in others. You may
not like something about yourself.....say you have hazel eyes
and wish they were can bet that others love your
eyes because they are different. And you will come to love
them, because they make you special!

When you wake up each day, be thankful that you are here....for
whatever situation you are facing, there are others who are much
worse off than you.

You know what is right......dont get fooled into doing something because it is 'cool'... think about how it will affect others. Being 'cool' is having morals and knowing when something is wrong and avoiding it. Status in 'cliques' changes all the long as you know how special you are that is all that matters.....the world will come to see it in time.

Have faith in never know what you can accomplish unless you try.

Never doubt that you are worth are a child of the less than the trees and stars.

Keep dreaming! -AL


Love your life. Believe in your own power, your own potential, and your own innate goodness.
Every morning, wake with the awe of just being alive. Each day, discover the magnificent, awesome beauty in the world. Explore and embrace life in yourself and in everyone you see each day.

Reach within to find your own specialness. Amaze yourself, and rouse those around you to the potential of each new day.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect; this is the essence of your humanity.

Let those who love you help you. Trust enough to be able to take. Look with hope to the horizon of today, for today is all we truly have.

Live this day well. Let a little sunshine out as well as in. Create your own rainbows.

Be open to all your possibilities; possibilities can be miracles.
Always believe in miracles!

- Vickie M. Worsham