strumenti mużikali ġusti

English Version

Proġett ispirat mill-wirt mużikali u

 kulturali ta' l-Afrika, il-Mediterran u l-Amerika Latina u maħsub biex jiġbor fondi għall-proġetti tal-Grupp għat-Tielet Dinja. Dan il-proġett issa magħluq.


Ritmi - The Concert (March, 2002)

Bil-għajnuna tal-Maltacom u s-Sedqa

New Fair-Traded Djembes Now in Malta


Many of you have asked us about the possibility of buying fair-traded, quality djembes. Over the past few months we found a reliable partner who can provide us with quality, well-priced, fair-traded djembes. 


The good news is that the djembes made in Ghana that we ordered some weeks ago have now arrived. They are:

  • rather large (13" x 24", or 32c, x 60cm);

  • they have an extra curve, and their extra long black rope makes tuning very comfortable.

  • The wood ("Funtumia Elastica") is strong and the rings and skin fit smoothly.

  • The producers say that these djembes have a "clear sound"; perhaps it would be fairer to say that they have an excellent sound.

These new djembes cost Lm65. All proceeds are in aid of the established local NGO Third World Group.


These djembes are being imported by the Third World Group's fund-raising project called Ritmi through the fair trade cooperative Koperattiva Kummerc Gust that runs the world shop L-Arka at 306, St. Paul's Street, Valletta. (2124 4865)


For more information about fair trade in Malta please visit the website of Koperattiva Kummerċ Ġust at


Ara wkoll:

Djembe-producing communities in Ghana

The role of Fair Trade in djembe-production in Ghana



Fund-Raising Drum Circle Workshops with Renzo Spiteri


On Saturday, 18 January, 2003, percussionist Renzo Spiteri (picture by Gaby Giacchino) will be leading a new set of ten one-hour drum circle workshops for adults at St. James Cavalier. The participants will be playing the “djembe”, a traditional West African drum. Participants can choose between two groups, one starting at 10.00am and the other at 11.15am. [Full Article]


Adrian Grima

It-18 ta’ Frar, 2003






Circle of Life,

by Marika Azzopardi

The Sunday Circle, May 9, 2002

"Our feelings and behaviours towards life develop as a result of what happens constantly to us and around us. It is said that our dreams, visions and feelings are what makes us human. Unfortunately in our Western civilised culture, since our childhood, we are continuously trained to hide them."

Eric Edmond Van Monckhoven

"Rhythm is everywhere around me, in the way people move and speak; in the swaying of a baby in his mother’s arms; in the sound of an idle engine; in the clapping of an audience chanting an encore; in the farmer tilling the field on an early morning." Renzo Spiteri


Moussé Ndiaye f'Malta (Frar-Marzu 2002)

Renzo Spiteri

Kunċerti ma' Renzo Spiteri Rosetta dwar Moussé

Moussé Ndiaye

Biljetti għall-Kunċerti  Workshops Pubbliċi għall-Kbar

Rosetta De Battista

Moussé dwar iż-Żjara f’Malta Applika għall-Workshops

Jesmond Psaila 

Moussé Ndiaye f'Malta, 1999 Workshops fl-Iskejjel 

André Micallef

Rosetta De Battista Interviewed  


Il-Proġett "Ritmi"

Il-Proġett Ritmi fil-Qosor Drum  Workshops ma' Renzo
L-Għanijiet tal-Proġett Kummenti dwar il-Workshops
Rhythms for Life - Approvat!  The Times dwar il-Workshops

Preżentazzjoni Strumenti Etnici

Djembe Production in Ghana

Sħab fil-Proġett

Marguerite Agius f' Verona What is Rhythm to Me (Renzo)
Grupp ghat-Tielet Dinja


 Koperattiva Kummerc Gust

Strumenti mill-Arka Renzo's 2000 Rhythms

Parliamentary Secretariat

  in the Ministry of Education

Renzo's Percussion Extravaganza
Venerable Profession
helpline 151 Griots of Africa & Beyond
The Griot & Literature

Léopold Senghor on "Rhythm": It is the thing that is most perceptible and least material. It is the archetype of the vital element. It is the first condition and the hallmark of Art, as breath is of life: breath, which accelerates or slows, which becomes even or agitated according to the tension in the individual, the degree and the nature of his emotion. This is rhythm in its primordial purity, this is rhythm in the masterpieces of Negro art, especially sculpture. It is composed of a theme - sculptural form – which is set in opposition to a sister theme, as inhalation is to exhalation, and that is repeated. It is not the kind of symmetry that gives rise to monotony; rhythm is alive, it is free.... This is how rhythm affects what is least intellectual in us, tyrannically, to make us penetrate to the spirituality of the object, and that character of abandon which is ours is itself rhythmic. (from Black Skin, White Masks, by Frantz Fanon [1952])

ritmu - aċċent meqjus tat-taħbit u t-taħrik tal-kliem f'versi, tal-battuti f'muzika; tabtib, tektik, bil-kadenzi skond l-aċċenti tal-metrika; temp, ftit jew wisq skond xi ordni, fit-taqsim intern ta' fenomeni diversi; eż. Ir-ritmu tal-ħajja, ta' l-iżvilupp industrijali eċċ.

Erin Serracino Inglott

L-Arka, 306, Triq San Pawl, Il-Belt Valletta. Tel. 2124 4865 -

© Adrian Grima - aġġornat l-aħħar: 13.3.03

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