Game: Chip N’ Dale Rescue Rangers

Console: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Created by: Capcom

Released: 1990

Rank: 70%

Added to the archive: October 30, 2003

Last Update: January 13, 2005

Author: Ian of RIP Games


It's not a bad game...but I think there was definitely room for improvement in the game. What I didn't like was the fact that you can only use CHIP or DALE. I think that took away from the game. The game was a decent length; it should take you only and hour to go right through it. I wouldn't want to own the game, but I wouldn't mind playing it again.



Easy Extra Life: In the bonus stage there is a good chance to get a free life under the top center box.



A: Jump

B: Throw an object

Hold ® or ¬ + B: Pick up an object

Start: Pause

Select: Status screen

®: Move right

¬: Move left

­: N/A

¯: Duck (if you have a box it acts as protection)

Hold ¯ + A: Drop down through floors 



Robotic Dogs: These dogs come towards you to attack you.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids



Caterpillar: These caterpillars move back and forward consistently.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x1 grids



Kangaroos: The kangaroos hit sets of three balls at you with their tennis rackets. They can only hit you in one direction, the one that they are facing.

HP: 2

SIZE: 2x3 grids



Bird: These birds drop bombs on you from the sky when you get close to them. If you stay a distance from them they don’t bother you. Once the bird is scared it flies away from you. 

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids



Mice: These mice run back and forward and try to make contact with you.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 Grids

LOCATION: Zone B, Zone I, Zone 0


Bears: The bears come close to you and then fire green liquid at you. Once they have fired their liquid at you they run away.

HP: 1

SIZE: 1x2 grids

LOCATION: Zone B, Zone H


Chameleons: These animals run back and forward. If they spot you they transform into you. They run back and forward consistently.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids

LOCATION: Zone B, Zone H


Bees: These bees appear out of nowhere. They fly across the screen and try and attack you. They fly consistent in the direction towards you.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x1 grids

LOCATION: Zone B, Zone E, Zone G, Zone J


Box: This enemy appears as an ordinary box (slightly darker). Once you get near it, it begins to pogo jump on the spot. They can go up floors though, if they are within the pogo jump radius.

HP: 1

SIZE: 1x2 grids

LOCATION: Zone D, Zone E

Rabbits: This enemy lifts the carpet up and cause sets of three waves that will damage you.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids



Jack-in-the-box: This enemy sits completely still until you are close and then it sways back and forward to attack you. The jack-in-the-box will disappear if it is not destroyed and reappear when you get close to it.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids



Chickens: These enemies come towards you hitting blocks out of their way.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids

LOCATION: Zone D, Zone F


Caterpillars (Cocooned): These enemies only begin to move when you become close to them. They hang from strings, and when you get close they begin to move ­ and ¯.

HP: 1

SIZE: 1x2 Grids



Lady Bugs: These enemies hide in bushes. They jump out at you when you get too close to the bush.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 Grids

LOCATION: Zone E, Zone I


Pit Monster: These green monsters wait at the bottom of sand pits. They do not move.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids

LOCATION: Zone E, Zone G


Lizards: These guys come at you. They can jump up floors.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 Grids

LOCATION: Zone G, Zone J


Rhinos: These opponents run at you knocking everything out of their way. They run back and forward.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids

LOCATION: Zone G, Zone J


Lobsters: These opponents moves back and forward and squirts three harmful water droplets in a sprouting sequence.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2 grids



Flying Squirrels: These opponents float through the sky and try and injure you.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x3 grids

LOCATION: Zone A, Zone H


Storks: These opponents stand exactly where they do and throw anything you throw at them back to you, unless it is at their legs.

HP: 1

SIZE: 2x2



Wasp: Attacks you similar to the way the bee does.

HP: 1

SIZE: 1x2



Weasel: These guys are dressed in mob suits. They fire a plunger at you.

HP: 2

SIZE: 2x3



***Boss Strategies***

Zone 0: Simply pick up the red bouncy ball. Throw it at the green light bulb 5 times. Avoid the lightning bolts this interesting stage boss throws at you.

Zone A: Simply pick up the red bouncy ball and throw it at the bird 5 times. The bird has two attacks, 1: A drop attack where the bird drops out of the sky and lands on you 2: Simply drops feathers on you, kind of like Woodman in Mega Man 2.

Zone B: Simply pick up the red bouncy ball and throw it up at the spacecraft 5 times. The spacecraft has two forms of attacks:

  1. It will drop 1-2 aliens that will run either ® or ¬ across the screen.
  2. It will cross the screen at your level and try and damage you.

Zone D: Simply throw the red ball at the center lights in the tank robot 3 times to destroy it.

Zone E: Simply throw the red ball at the fish. Avoid the fish’s lightning bolts (many of them).

Zone G: Simply throw the red balls up at the cat. The cat throws a consistent row of pennies at you. Watch out for them and the spikes.

Zone I: Throw the red ball up at the caterpillar. He attacks you by exploding into several small pieces and reforming himself.

Zone J: Throw the red ball up at Fat Cat. He attacks you with his cigar dust. Simply stand between two dust balls when he attacks and get the red ball when the coast is clear.


***Stage Obstacles***

Water beams (ZONE B): Simply jump on top of the faucet control three times to turn the water off.

Weighted Tops (ZONE D): They are slow moving so they lose their balance. Throw something at them to speed up, so they don’t lose their balance and hit you.

Iron Balls (ZONE D): Simply throw a box at the “on/off” switch that is near by them. Careful though, you can turn them back on by standing on top of the switch lever.

Dominos (ZONE D): Just run through them as quick as you can to avoid getting hit by them.

Pipes (ZONE F): These pipes extend from the walls to 3x1 grids at their maximum.

Axe Machine (ZONE J): The axe machine moves a large axe ­ ¬ ­ ® in those general directions. To get by it, jump on it when the axe is facing ¬.

Axe Machine #2 (ZONE J): This one works exactly the same as the iron ball one. Simply throw a box at the lever to turn it off.



Hammer: is used to destroy bricks (lift it up and press “b” to use). It can also be used to injure opponents.

Flashing acorn: Revives all health.

Flashing star: 1 free life

Acorn: +1 Health

Bee: Makes you invincible and the bee attacks opponents.

Flowers: Collect 100 of these to make a flashing star appear at the left side of the screen.

Stars: Collect 10 of these to make a flashing star appear at the left side of the screen.

Bottle: Increase your strength. Heavy things don’t cause you problems anymore.


***My Lingo***

*HP=Hit Points, or how many hits they require to be destroyed

*Grids=Original Nintendo game screens are composed of grids. 1 wooden box is equivalent to one grid.  First number is ¬® second number is ­¯.