Yes, it has really come to this.  A friend & I came up with the brilliant idea of making a Top (insert number here) list that you can use to figure out if you really & truly are addicted to Harry Potter!  We started with the Top 10, then it got to 20, then.... well, you get the idea!  (Current ones are designated by an 'R' for Rin, & an 'M' for Munchkin; we gotta give credit where credit is due!)

1. You sit down with a friend to come up with a Top (insert number here) list for Harry Potter addictions. *R*
2.  The first thing you do in the a.m. is mark off another day on your "Countdown to 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' calendar." *R*
3. You  watched the official trailer for "Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban" on so many times that you can quote, perfect accent & all, with complete accuracy, what Hermione says to Draco Malfoy before she hits him. *R*
4. You know for a fact which House you'd be in, & of course all your friends will join you. *R*
5. You start dressing according to House colors. *M*
6. When someone ticks you off you mutter a jinx under your breathe & hope it works. *R*
7.  Everytime you see a shadow pass you freak out, whip out your wand, & yell "EXPECTO PATRONUM." *M*
8. You've tried sending mail by owl post but for some reason the letters never get delivered. *M*
9. You sit at the dining room table expecting food to come up through the floor. *R*
10. You've nicknamed your friends Ron & Hermione because they fight so much. *M*
11. The house is a mess; you REALLY must speak to those house-elves about keeping up with their chores, otherwise they'll receive clothes. *M*
12. You SWEAR that tattoo on your math teacher's arm is the mark of a Death Eater. *M*
13. You check J.K. Rowling's site religiously, hoping & praying she'll tell you she's about to release Book 7, b/c you can't take it anymore!!!! *R*
14. Ever since the 2nd novel you've been too scared to get a journal, especially one that writes back to you. *M*
15. You have a crush on Oliver Wood.  Nuff said. *M*
16. You're disappointed with every day that passes & there's still no sign of that damn acceptance letter from Hogwarts! *R*
17. You stare at your dad's wine goblet expecting fire & a piece of paper to come out. *R*
18. You've given up on "Muggle" careers after college b/c you know you'll be an Auror.... or go into Arithmancy.... or maybe a pro-Quidditch player.... *M*
19. You're ideal mode of transportation is a Firebolt.... if only you had the Galleons to get one. *M*
20. You know the flying car in 'Men in Black' was really a Ford Anglia. *R*
21. You walk past a wall in your house 3 times hoping a Room of Requirement will pop up so you can get away from your annoying family, b/c they just don't understand. *R*
22. Orange Juice has become SO passe; it's all about the Pumpkin Juice. *M*
23. You really want to fly but all you've done is piss your mom off for using her good broom. *R*
24. You're no longer afraid of things that go bump in the night; instead, you chat them up as if they were old friends. *R*
25. You complain about needing a Portkey just to get to classes. *M*
26. You size up people around you by sorting them into one of the Hogwarts' houses. *R*
27. You've started talking to the pictures on the wall; you know they'll answer someday. *M*
28. You hear things in the walls & pipes & are terrified that it's a basilisk coming to harm your "Muggle" friends & family. *R*
29. You're afraid to build a tree-house for fear that the tree will get mad at you. *R*
30. You will never, & I mean NEVER go following spiders again! *M*
31. You have officially set up a "Harry Potter Support Group" to read the last 2 books, b/c you KNOW that you will need massive therapy when it's all over! *R*
32.  You & your friends are the only ones who laughed when the bluebird flew into the Whomping Willow.... cuz you're the only ones who understood how TRULY funny that shiz-nit was! *R*
33. You have a friend who's sitting around & waiting for the day that Tom Felton turns 18 so she can smuggle him into her suitcase. (& you'll probably be on that flight w/her!) *R*
34. You live for the days when the "Do Not Disturb" sign comes off the door on J.K. Rowling's site! *R*
35. You were at the mall at EXACTLY 10 a.m. on March 7th to purchase "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" on DVD. *R*
36. You went tearing through your apartment screaming for joy when you saw that J.K. Rowling had changed "book six" to "book seven" on her website, & when the release date for "Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince" was announced. *R*
Ok, definitely freaking out now, I wanna go home!