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Ringtone Converter

Note names and MIDI note numbers

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an industry-standard electronic communications protocol that enables electronic musical instruments, computers and other equipment to communicate, control and synchronize with each other in real time. MIDI does not transmit audio—it simply transmits digital data such as the pitch and intensity of musical notes to play, control signals for parameters such as volume, vibrato and panning, and clock signals to set the tempo. As an electronic protocol, it is notable for its success, both in its ubiquitous widespread adoption throughout the industry, and in remaining essentially unchanged in the face of technological developments since its introduction in 1983.

[edit] Overview

[edit] History

By the end of the 1970s, electronic musical devices were becoming increasingly common and affordable. However, devices from different manufacturers were generally not compatible with each other and could not be interconnected. Different interfacing models included:

analogue control voltages at various standards (such as 1 volt per octave, or the logarithm "hertz per volt")analogue clock, trigger and "gate" signals (both positive "V-trig" and negative "S-trig" varieties, between -15V to +15V)proprietary digital interfaces such as Roland Corporation's DCB (digital control bus) and Yamaha's "keycode" system.

In an attempt to find a way forward from this situation, Dave Smith proposed the MIDI standard in 1981 in a paper to the Audio Engineering Society. of RingTone Converter,RingTone Composer,MIDI To RTTTL Converter,RingTones Converter,Coding Workshop Ringtone Converter,MIDI Converter,Audiovox,.