Rating: PG (slash if you want to)
Pairing: Vecchio/Fraser
Category: Challenge (drabble)
Disclaimer: The characters used in the following story are not mine. I do not make any money out of this. It's written for fun and for the fans of the show.
Feedback: birgitt.schuknecht@uni-essen.de
Spoilers: none
Challenge: drabble Length: 100 words exactly Topic: crossover as many shows as possible
Author's note: I know, I know, I'm kind of cheating. But I couldn't resist, and I promise I'll try to do another challenge playing fair.

Fraser: "8.00 - Remember WENN, 9.00 - Seaquest, 10.00 - Highlander, 11.00 - Star Trek, 12.00 - Lois and Clark, 13.00 - Bonanza, 14.00 - Starsky & Hutch, 15.00 - Charlie's Angel's, 16.00 - Sentinel, 17.00 - X-Files, 18.00 - Pretender, 19.00 - Forever Knight, 20.00 - Chicago Hope, 21.00 - ER, 22.00 - Law and Order, 23.00 - Due...

Sleepless In Chicago
by Birgitt Schuknecht

Vecchio: "Benny?" Fraser: "Yes, Ray?" Vecchio: "Benny, reading out the TV programme to me is not exactly what I had in mind, when I told you that I cannot sleep..." Fraser: "Maybe counting sheep would have been a better idea..."

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