Rating: PG (slash)
Pairing: Vecchio/female, Vecchio/male, Vecchio/Fraser
Category: poem
Disclaimer: The characters used in the following story are not mine. I do not make any money out of this. It's written for fun and for the fans of the show.
Feedback: birgitt.schuknecht@uni-essen.de

Ray's Butt (rhyme/humour)

No matter if you need the love or just want the sex
No matter if you're a Mountie or if you're an ex

If you see him as a main dish or as a dessert
If you see him as an angel or as a pervert

Whatever you do to him in the middle of the night
Whatever you plan for him, be it wrong or right

No matter if it's in your fantasy or the real thing
No matter if it looks like loving or like fighting

Whether you are gay or whether you are straight
There exists a sight rewarding for the wait:
Ray's Butt

Ray's Butt (no rhyme/drama)

Men and women alike have complimented me on it
And I was flattered and proud of it in my younger days.

Men and women alike have touched it with joy
And I was surprised at the variety of touches

Men and women alike have kissed it with fervour
And I was stunned by the strength behind those kisses

I cannot remember when those emotions changed
I cannot remember why I feel insulted by praise

Peaches sounded sweet in my ears once
Peaches sounds snidely now

Oh, Benny, this is all your fault
Since I know you I feel no joy being with others
Oh, Benny, this is all your fault
All I wish for now is that only you touch... Ray's butt

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