Rating: G
Pairing: none
Category: poem
Disclaimer: The characters used in the following story are not mine. I
do not make any money out of this. It's written for fun and for the fans
of the show.
Feedback: birgitt.schuknecht@uni-essen.de
Teaser: Stanley Ray Kowalski turns into Ray Vecchio.

A Different Kind of Death
or The Cross That I Bear
by Birgitt Schuknecht

Author's note: On various mailing lists there are discussions of the
character of Stanley Ray Kowalski. I haven't seen any ep with him in it,
but I currently collecting bits and pieces about him from character
sketches, fan fiction and from the aforementioned discussion. I want to
get to know this character. The following poem I wrote for two reasons.
I want to make a first attempt to write about a character that is still
developing in my mind. You may call it a first impression. Second, I
want to preserve some ideas I have for a future full-length story.

They are giving me some time on my own
To realise what a fool I am
And I can see by the look in their faces
They know what a fool I am

Taking in the smells of this room makes me dizzy
This room that still belongs to ANOTHER man
Taking in the view of this room makes me sad
This room that still belongs to ANOTHER man

Sitting down on HIS bed I try to regret my decision
It's just a different kind of death
Remembering the last months I lived my own life
It was just a different kind of death

There's no great difference after all
Between being Stanley Ray Kowalski and pretending to be Ray Vecchio
There's no great difference after all
Between living with no meaning and living as someone else

It's just a different kind of death
And I was a fool to believe I could make a change

On an impulse I open the top drawer of the bedside table
I find an envelope
On an impulse I open it
I find a chain with a cross attached to it

I know it's HIS left behind deliberately
And I understand HIS fears of discovery
Maybe my task isn't just another kind of death
Maybe it's my chance to begin anew

I have to protect HIM
That's the cross I have to bear
And I will bear it
And I put on the chain around my neck

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