OLP Series

Author: Love’s Bitch, a.k.a. Kristin L.M.
Feedback: Better than drugs! Will you help feed my addiction?
Summary: This is a Series Songfic, based on the songs of the Canadian band, Our Lady Peace. The idea is that throughout S.5, all of the Scoobies hear an OLP song at one point or another and really connect with it. Some parts are pretty short. What can I say? I got inspired at a recent concert…this is the result. Spoilers: All of Season 5. Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: Credit where credit is due, Joss is God, Grr Argh, etc. I only **wish** Spike were mine. All songs and lyrics belong to Raine Maida and the rest of Our Lady Peace.
Distribution: If you like it that much, you are my new best friend! Just let me know where it’s going.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to Richess, SpikeLover, and Maladetto Lupo for beta’ing. You guys rock.

All Long
Out Of The Light
Never Knew


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