Check out
The original page is here (updated version here). See here or here to determine coordinates.
Check out satellite pictures here.
Versions that use town name for location are here , here , and here. See here as well.
This page lets you enter the latitude/longitude of a location and in turn gives you the sunrise/sunset data for that particular location. Any location can be entered this way. Any place on the whole globe. Good luck.

You can calculate the sunrise, sunset, twilight, moonrise, moonset and twilight times for any location if you know the longitude and latitude.

Longitude is in degrees, plus (+) for East of Greenwich (Europe), minus (-) for West (as in USA).
Latitude is in degrees, plus (+) for North of the equator, minus (-) for South.

Enter longitude in degrees East (Home = -95.1428)

Enter latitude in degrees North (Home = 29.5924)

Enter the year (4 digits) Month (1-12) Day (1-31)

Select either Universal Times or Local Times: UTC Local

4004 Reynosa = 30.173 -97.865
Ellington Field = 29.62 -95.17
600 Gemini = 29.549 -95.126
Capitol in Austin = 30.274 -97.74
Angela = 32.4688 -100.0126
Grandmother = 32.438 -99.75
Pirate's Beach = 29.2048 -94.9356
Ted's in LA = 34.108932 -118.309115
Lake Arrowhead = 34.265219 -117.191063
Chisos Basin = 29.2675 -103.3