memories of a first love

Love, what is the deal? I used to be this huge unsentimental skeptic with no heart until "love" decided to walk up on me and soften my hard and crusty heart forever.

It started when I was on my way to practice one afternoon. There was this loud bang from behind me. I looked back to see two of my karate acquaintances, whom I hardly even talk to, in a somewhat funny scene. Nicolo was looking down at Vincent (he's a sir Vincent now because he was promoted to black last November 10, 2001.hehe.) who was picking up his cellphone which apparently found its way on floor somehow, thus, the loud bang. I smirked at them for being so clumsy and they ran off. I kept on walking but I checked out Vincent's phone before he ran off too far-it was alive. I also happened to notice that Vincent was kind of cute.

I thought that was the end of it. Then there's this rumor that spread that he had a thing for me. I just brushed it off since a) I didn't care and b) he seemed harmless and well, torpe. Though, I have to admit I was secretly thrilled since I did find him cute. He even played a prank on me once and that got us to know each other more. He sent me a "wrong send" message pretending to be someone else. I didn't know his number so obviously I fell for it. I found out later about the prank so I barked up to him, he apologized and we eventually became friends. That was around Christmas time, I still remember texting him by our Christmas tree getting all red and giggly. It was a major change for me since a) I don't get red and b) especially not because of a guy.

He even helped me out during our Christmas party when I lost my cellphone. He kept calling and calling and I loved him for that. He looked cute in his orange get up, by the way. =) We never did find my phone. But it didn't matter. My phone was a small prize to pay for the realization I had that I had a friend I could count on.

So we got to know each other and started spending together. And during that time there were other incidents wherein he had "rescued" this little damsel in distress a.k.a. me. 9 months after the whole cellphone thing, we got together. I have to say that there haven't been better days than when we were happy and in love. But we're young and certain circumstances called for our separation.

At times, I do miss him. But after all we've been through, the tears and the pain that was in me for awhile, I never regret ever loving him. I am forever grateful for him for not being a jerk (most of the time anyway.) and for the memories of a first love that I'll want to remember for as long as i live. First love, after all, never dies..=)