Creative Ink A writers group run by my
very good friend, Jo, every
3rd Wednesday of the month
in Borders, York.
York University Science Fiction and Fantasy - and the other website I manage. A good source for info about the society itself, and for information about the genre, and various popular role-playing games. York University SF&F Society
Caro Partridge's kitten site Are these not the cutest kittens in the world?
Their names are Kiri and Dante, and they are
just two of Caroline Patridge's beautiful cats.
Both kittens are now neuter, but Caro does
plan to breed cats in the future. So, for anyone
who wants to be owned by a beautiful cat like
these two, or if you're just interested to know
more about breeding and pedigree cats, click
on the picture, and check out Caro's site.

You can also discover here the sacred rules
of 'Cat fu', which, of course, any self-respecting
cat must know.


What is all this arty-farty stuff? Take me back to the front page, that at least looked vaguely sensible.

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